Apache Nifi 简明教程
Apache NiFi - Processors Categorization
在本章中,我们将讨论 Apache NiFi 中的流程分类。
In this chapter, we will discuss process categorization in Apache NiFi.
Data Ingestion Processors
数据收集类别下的处理器用于将数据导入到 NiFi 数据流中。这些通常是 Apache NiFi 中任何数据流的起点。该类别下的某些处理器有 GetFile、GetHTTP、GetFTP、GetKAFKA 等。
The processors under Data Ingestion category are used to ingest data into the NiFi data flow. These are mainly the starting point of any data flow in apache NiFi. Some of the processors that belong to these categories are GetFile, GetHTTP, GetFTP, GetKAFKA, etc.
Routing and Mediation Processors
路由和中介处理器用于根据那些流文件的属性或内容中的信息将流文件路由到不同的处理器或数据流。这些处理器还负责控制 NiFi 数据流。该类别下的某些处理器有 RouteOnAttribute、RouteOnContent、ControlRate、RouteText 等。
Routing and Mediation processors are used to route the flowfiles to different processors or data flows according to the information in attributes or content of those flowfiles. These processors are also responsible to control the NiFi data flows. Some of the processors that belong to this category are RouteOnAttribute, RouteOnContent, ControlRate, RouteText, etc.
Database Access Processors
该数据库访问类别下的处理器能够从数据库中选择或插入数据,或者执行并准备其他 SQL 语句。这些处理器主要使用 Apache NiFi 的数据连接池控制器设置。该类别下的某些处理器有 ExecuteSQL、PutSQL、PutDatabaseRecord、ListDatabaseTables 等。
The processors of this Database Access category are capable of selecting or inserting data or executing and preparing other SQL statements from database. These processors mainly use data connection pool controller setting of Apache NiFi. Some of the processors that belong to this category are ExecuteSQL, PutSQL, PutDatabaseRecord, ListDatabaseTables, etc.
Attribute Extraction Processors
属性提取处理器负责在 NiFi 数据流中提取、分析、更改流文件属性的处理。该类别下的某些处理器有 UpdateAttribute、EvaluateJSONPath、ExtractText、AttributesToJSON 等。
Attribute Extraction Processors are responsible to extract, analyze, change flowfile attributes processing in the NiFi data flow. Some of the processors that belong to this category are UpdateAttribute, EvaluateJSONPath, ExtractText, AttributesToJSON, etc.
System Interaction Processors
系统交互处理器用于在任何操作系统中运行进程或命令。这些处理器还以多种语言运行脚本,以便与各种系统进行交互。该类别下的某些处理器有 ExecuteScript、ExecuteProcess、ExecuteGroovyScript、ExecuteStreamCommand 等。
System Interaction processors are used to run processes or commands in any operating system. These processors also run scripts in many languages to interact with a variety of systems. Some of the processors that belong to this category are ExecuteScript, ExecuteProcess, ExecuteGroovyScript, ExecuteStreamCommand, etc.
Data Transformation Processors
属于数据转换的处理器能够更改流文件的内容。当用户必须将流文件作为 HTTP 正文发送到 invokeHTTP 处理器调用时,这些处理器通常可以用于完全替换流文件的数据。该类别下的某些处理器有 ReplaceText、JoltTransformJSON 等。
Processors that belong to Data Transformation are capable of altering content of the flowfiles. These can be used to fully replace the data of a flowfile normally used when a user has to send flowfile as an HTTP body to invokeHTTP processor. Some of the processors that belong to this category are ReplaceText, JoltTransformJSON, etc.
Sending Data Processors
发送数据处理器通常是数据流中的最终处理器。这些处理器负责将数据存储或发送到目标服务器。在成功存储或发送数据后,这些处理器将中断与流文件的关系。该类别下的某些处理器有 PutEmail、PutKafka、PutSFTP、PutFile、PutFTP 等。
Sending Data Processors are generally the end processor in a data flow. These processors are responsible to store or send data to the destination server. After successful storing or sending the data, these processors DROP the flowfile with success relationship. Some of the processors that belong to this category are PutEmail, PutKafka, PutSFTP, PutFile, PutFTP, etc.
Splitting and Aggregation Processors
这些处理器用于分割和合并流文件中存在的内容。该类别下的某些处理器有 SplitText、SplitJson、SplitXml、MergeContent、SplitContent 等。
These processors are used to split and merge the content present in a flowfile. Some of the processors that belong to this category are SplitText, SplitJson, SplitXml, MergeContent, SplitContent, etc.