Apache Nifi 简明教程
Apache NiFi - User Interface
Apache 是用户可以通过 Web UI 访问的基于 Web 的平台。NiFi UI 非常具有交互性,并提供有关 NiFi 的广泛信息。如下面的图像所示,用户可以访问以下属性的信息——
Apache is a web-based platform that can be accessed by a user using web UI. The NiFi UI is very interactive and provides a wide variety of information about NiFi. As shown in the image below, a user can access information about the following attributes −
Active Threads
Total queued data
Transmitting Remote Process Groups
Not Transmitting Remote Process Groups
Running Components
Stopped Components
Invalid Components
Disabled Components
Up to date Versioned Process Groups
Locally modified Versioned Process Groups
Stale Versioned Process Groups
Locally modified and Stale Versioned Process Groups
Sync failure Versioned Process Groups
Components of Apache NiFi
Apache NiFi UI 包含以下组件——
Apache NiFi UI has the following components −
用户可以在画布上拖动进程图标,然后为 NiFi 中的数据流选择所需的处理器。
User can drag the process icon on the canvas and select the desired processor for the data flow in NiFi.
Input port
Below icon is dragged to canvas to add the input port into any data flow.
Input port is used to get data from the processor, which is not present in that process group.
在拖动该图标后,NiFi 会要求输入输入端口的名称,然后将该名称添加到 NiFi 画布中。
After dragging this icon, NiFi asks to enter the name of the Input port and then it is added to the NiFi canvas.
Output port
The below icon is dragged to canvas to add the output port into any data flow.
The output port is used to transfer data to the processor, which is not present in that process group.
在拖动该图标后,NiFi 会要求输入输出端口的名称,然后将该名称添加到 NiFi 画布中。
After dragging this icon, NiFi asks to enter the name of the Output port and then it is added to the NiFi canvas.
Process Group
用户使用下面的图标在 NiFi 画布中添加进程组。
A user uses below icon to add process group in the NiFi canvas.
在拖动此图标后,NiFi 会要求输入进程组的名称,然后将其添加到 NiFi 画布中。
After dragging this icon, NiFi asks to enter the name of the Process Group and then it is added to the NiFi canvas.
漏斗用于将某个处理程序的输出发送到多个处理程序。用户可以使用以下图标在 NiFi 数据流中添加漏斗。
Funnel is used to transfer the output of a processor to multiple processors. User can use the below icon to add the funnel in a NiFi data flow.