Apache Nifi 简明教程
Apache NiFi - Remote Process Group
Apache NiFi 远程进程组或 RPG 允许流程使用站点到站点协议将流程中的 FlowFile 直接到不同的 NiFi 实例。在 1.7.1 版本中,NiFi 不提供平衡关系,因此 RPG 用于在 NiFi 数据流中实现负载均衡。
Apache NiFi Remote Process Group or RPG enables flow to direct the FlowFiles in a flow to different NiFi instances using Site-to-Site protocol. As of version 1.7.1, NiFi does not offer balanced relationships, so RPG is used for load balancing in a NiFi data flow.
开发者可以从 NiFi UI 的顶部工具栏添加 RPG,方法是将如图所示的图标拖到画布上。要配置 RPG,开发者必须添加以下字段:
A developer can add the RPG from the top toolbar of NiFi UI by dragging the icon as shown in the above picture to canvas. To configure an RPG, a Developer has to add the following fields −
S.No. |
Field Name |
Description |
1 |
URLs |
To specify comma separated remote target NiFi URLs. |
2 |
Transport Protocol |
To specify the transport protocol for remote NiFi instances. It’s either RAW or HTTP. |
3 |
Local Network Interface |
To specify the local network interface to send/receive data. |
4 |
HTTP Proxy Server Hostname |
To specify the proxy server’s hostname for the purpose of transport in RPG. |
5 |
HTTP Proxy Server Port |
To specify the proxy server’s port for the purpose of transport in RPG. |
6 |
HTTP Proxy User |
It is an optional field to specify the username for HTTP proxy. |
7 |
HTTP Proxy Password |
It is an optional field to specify the password for above username. |
A developer needs to enable it, before using it like we start processors before using them.