Arangodb 简明教程

ArangoDB - Advantages

以下是使用 ArangoDB 的优点:

Following are the advantages of using ArangoDB −


作为一种原生多模型数据库,ArangoDB 消除了部署多个数据库的需要,从而减少了组件及其维护的数量。因此,它降低了应用程序的技术栈复杂度。除了满足你的总体技术需求之外,这种简化方式还降低了总体拥有成本并增加了灵活性。

As a native multi-model database, ArangoDB eliminates the need to deploy multiple databases, and thus decreases the number of components and their maintenance. Consequently, it reduces the technology-stack complexity for the application. In addition to consolidating your overall technical needs, this simplification leads to lower total cost of ownership and increasing flexibility.

Simplified Performance Scaling

随着应用程序在不断发展,ArangoDB 可使用不同的数据模型来独立地扩展,满足不断增长的性能和存储需求。由于 ArangoDB 可同时横向和纵向扩展,因此当你的性能需求下降(故意、期望变慢)时,可以轻松缩小后端系统的规模,既能节省硬件成本,又能节省运营成本。

With applications growing over time, ArangoDB can tackle growing performance and storage needs, by independently scaling with different data models. As ArangoDB can scale both vertically and horizontally, so in case when your performance demands a decrease (a deliberate, desired slow-down), your back-end system can be easily scaled down to save on hardware as well as operational costs.

Reduced Operational Complexity


The decree of Polyglot Persistence is to employ the best tools for every job you undertake. Certain tasks need a document database, while others may need a graph database. As a result of working with single-model databases, it can lead to multiple operational challenges. Integrating single-model databases is a difficult job in itself. But the biggest challenge is building a large cohesive structure with data consistency and fault tolerance between separate, unrelated database systems. It may prove nearly impossible.

多语言持久性可以使用原生多模型数据库来处理,因为它允许轻松拥有多语言数据,但同时又保证了容错系统上的数据一致性。使用 ArangoDB,我们可以针对复杂的工作使用正确的数据模型。

Polyglot Persistence can be handled with a native multi-model database, as it allows to have polyglot data easily, but at the same time with data consistency on a fault tolerant system. With ArangoDB, we can use the correct data model for the complex job.

Strong Data Consistency


If one uses multiple single-model databases, data consistency can become an issue. These databases aren’t designed to communicate with each other, therefore some form of transaction functionality needs to be implemented to keep your data consistent between different models.

支持 ACID 事务的 ArangoDB 使用单个后端管理不同的数据模型,在单个实例上提供强大的一致性,以及在群集模式下操作时的原子操作。

Supporting ACID transactions, ArangoDB manages your different data models with a single back-end, providing strong consistency on a single instance, and atomic operations when operating in cluster mode.

Fault Tolerance


It is a challenge to build fault tolerant systems with many unrelated components. This challenge becomes more complex when working with clusters. Expertise is required to deploy and maintain such systems, using different technologies and/or technology stacks. Moreover, integrating multiple subsystems, designed to run independently, inflict large engineering and operational costs.

作为一种整合的技术栈,多模型数据库提供了一个优雅的解决方案。ArangoDB 旨在通过不同的数据模型实现现代化模块化架构,也适用于群集使用。

As a consolidated technology stack, multi-model database presents an elegant solution. Designed to enable modern, modular architectures with different data models, ArangoDB works for cluster usage as well.

Lower Total Cost of Ownership


Each database technology requires ongoing maintenance, bug fixing patches, and other code changes which are provided by the vendor. Embracing a multi-model database significantly reduces the related maintenance costs simply by eliminating the number of database technologies in designing an application.


在多台机器上提供事务性保障是一项真正的挑战,几乎没有 NoSQL 数据库能提供这些保障。由于是原生多模型,ArangoDB 强制执行事务以保证数据一致性。

Providing transactional guarantees throughout multiple machines is a real challenge, and few NoSQL databases give these guarantees. Being native multi-model, ArangoDB imposes transactions to guarantee data consistency.