Cpp Standard Library 简明教程
C++ STL - Cheat Sheet
此 C++ STL 备忘表涵盖了从基本 STL(如 vectors 、 hashmaps 、集合等)到高级概念(如 functors 、 iterators 等)的广泛主题。它专为希望快速通读关键概念及其语法和相关示例的程序员而设计。
This C++ STL cheatsheet covers a wide range of topics from basic STL like vectors, hashmaps, sets, etc., to advanced concepts like functors, iterators, and so on. It is designed for programmers who want to quickly read through key concepts along with the syntax and related examples.
Components of STL
Standard Template Library contains of several containers and functions, and can be categorized in the following manner −
STL Containers
STL 容器模板类包含数据结构,如 Dynamic Arrays (或向量、链表)、散列表、哈希集、 Trees 、 Linked Lists 等。这些用于存储和执行数据操作。
The STL container template class contains data structures like Dynamic Arrays (or Vectors, Lists), Hashmaps, Hashsets, Trees, Linked Lists, etc. These are used for storing and performing operations on the data.
The container template has the following components −
Sequential Containers
Container Adapters
Associative Containers
Unordered Containers
每个容器都有各自的头文件,可以在程序开始时包含该文件。例如,std::vector 包含在 #include<vector> 库中。
Each container has its respective header file, which can be included at the start of the program. For example, the std::vector is included in the #include<vector> library.
Sequential Containers
The sequential containers implement the data structures with sequential access. These include −
Container Adapters
The container adapters implement data structures like queues, stacks, etc by providing different interfaces for sequential containers. These include −
Associative Containers
The associative containers are used to store ordered data that can be quickly searched using their key value. These include −
Unordered Containers
The unordered containers are similar to associative containers but the only difference is that they don’t store sorted data. Still, these containers provide quick search time using key-value pairs. They are −
Unordered Multiset
现在我们已经建立了所有容器的学习图,我们将用一个示例代码简单解释 STL 中的每个容器 −
Now that we have established a learning graph of all containers, we will briefly explain each container in the STL with an exemplar code −
Vector in STL
vector 在运行时初始化为一个动态数组,并且它的容量是可变的。可在 C++ <vector> 头文件找到它。
The vector is initialized as a dynamic array at runtime, and its size is variable. It can be found in the C++ <vector> header file.
vector<data_type> vec1; //1D vector
vector<vector<data_type>> vec2; //2D vector
vector<container_type<data_type>> vec3; //2D vector of other container
vector<data_type> vec1(n); //vector of size n
vector<data_type> vec1(n,k); // vector of size n, with each element=k
vector template 中有不同的函数。这些函数在下面的表中得到简要解释 −
There are different functions in the vector template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S.No. |
Function |
Function Explanation |
TC |
1. |
Returns an iterator to the first element. |
O(1) |
2. |
Returns an iterator to the theoretical element after the last element. |
O(1) |
3. |
Returns the number of elements present. |
O(1) |
4. |
Returns true if the vector is empty, false otherwise. |
O(1) |
5. |
Return the element at a particular position. |
O(1) |
6. |
Assign a new value to the vector elements. |
O(n) |
7. |
Adds an element to the back of the vector. |
O(1) |
8. |
Removes an element from the end. |
O(1) |
9. |
Insert an element at the specified position. |
O(n) |
10. |
Delete the elements at a specified position or range. |
O(n) |
11. |
Removes all elements. |
O(n) |
此处,TC 表示 vector 模板的不同成员函数的时间复杂性。有关时间复杂性的更多信息,请访问此文章 − Time complexity 。
Here, TC indicates time complexity of different member functions of the vector template. For more information on time complexity, visit this article − Time complexity.
// C++ program to illustrate the vector container
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
int n=2;
vector<int> vec1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
vector<int> vec2(n,0);
vector<vector<int>> vec3(n,vector<int>(2*n,1));
cout << "vec1: ";
for (int i = 0; i < vec1.size(); i++) {
cout << vec1[i] << " ";
cout << endl<<"vec2: ";
for (int i = 0; i < vec2.size(); i++) {
cout << vec2[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
vec1.erase(vec1.begin() + 4);
cout << "vec1 after erasing: ";
for (auto i = vec1.begin(); i != vec1.end(); i++) {
cout << *i << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "vec3:-" << endl;
for (auto i : vec3) {
for (auto j : i) {
cout << j << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
vector<pair<int,int>> vec4;
cout<<"vector of pairs, vec4 : "<<endl;
for(auto i: vec4){
cout<<i.first<<" "<<i.second<<endl;
return 0;
vec1: 1 2 3 4 5 6
vec2: 0 0
vec1 after erasing: 1 2 3 4 6
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
vector of pairs, vec4 :
2 3
4 3
List in STL
list 容器初始化为 doubly linked list ,而对于实现 singly linked list ,我们使用 forward_list 。可在 C++ <list> 头文件找到它。
The list container is initialized as a doubly linked list, whereas for implementing a singly linked list, we use a forward_list. It can be found in the C++ <list> header file.
list<data_type> list1;
list template 中有不同的函数。这些函数在下面的表中得到简要解释 −
There are different functions in the list template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S.No. |
Function |
Function Explanation |
TC |
1. |
Return the iterator to the first element. |
O(1) |
2. |
Returns an iterator to the theoretical element after the last element. |
O(1) |
3. |
Returns the number of elements in the list. |
O(1) |
4. |
Adds one element at the end of the list. |
O(1) |
5. |
Removes a single element from the end. |
O(1) |
6. |
Adds a single element to the front of the list. |
O(1) |
7. |
Removes a single element from the front. |
O(1) |
8. |
Inserts an element at the specified position. |
O(n) |
9. |
Deletes the element at the given position. |
O(n) |
10. |
Removes all the copies of the given elements from the list. |
O(n) |
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
list<int> list1 = { 1, 5, 9, 1, 4, 6 };
cout << "List1 first and last element: " << list1.front() <<" "<<list1.back()<<endl;
// adding element
list1.insert(list1.begin(), 5);
// deleting element
// traversing list1
cout << "list1: ";
for (auto i = list1.begin(); i != list1.end(); i++) {
cout << *i << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
List1 first and last element: 1 6
list1: 1 5 9 1 4 6
Deque in STL
deque 容器被初始化为 doubly ended queue ,元素可以从队列的两端进行压入和弹出。它可以在 C++ <deque> 头文件中找到。
The deque container is initialized as a doubly ended queue, where elements can be pushed and popped from both ends of the queue. It can be found in the C++ <deque> header file.
deque<data_type> dq1;
deque template 中有不同的函数。这些函数在下面的表格中进行了简要说明 −
There are different functions in the deque template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S.No. |
Function |
Function Explanation |
TC |
1. |
Returns iterator to the first element. |
O(1) |
2. |
Returns an iterator to the theoretical element after the last element. |
O(1) |
3. |
Access specified element. |
O(1) |
4. |
Access element at the given index. |
O(1) |
5. |
Returns the first element. |
O(1) |
6. |
Returns the last element. |
O(1) |
7. |
Returns the number of elements. |
O(1) |
8. |
Add the elements at the end. |
O(1) |
9. |
Removes the elements from the end. |
O(1) |
10. |
Add the elements at the front. |
O(1) |
11. |
Removes the element from the front. |
O(1) |
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
deque<int> dq = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6, 8 };
cout<<"Initial Deque: "<<endl;
for (auto i : dq) {
cout << i << " ";
for (auto i : dq) {
cout << i << " ";
for (auto i : dq) {
cout << i << " ";
for (auto i : dq) {
cout << i << " ";
for (auto i : dq) {
cout << i << " ";
return 0;
Initial Deque:
1 2 3 4 5 6 8
8 1 2 3 4 5 6
6 8 1 2 3 4 5
8 1 2 3 4
11 8 1 2 3 4 99
Stack in STL
栈容器被初始化为 LIFO container ,元素可以压入顶部,并从顶部弹出。因此,最后一个进入栈的元素是第一个从容器中退出的元素。它可以在 C++ <stack> 头文件中找到。
The stack container is initialized as a LIFO container, where elements can be pushed to the top, and popped from the top. Hence, the last element to enter is the first one to exit from the container. It can be found in the C++ <stack> header file.
stack<data_type> s1;
stack template 中有不同的函数。这些函数在下面的表格中进行了简要说明 −
There are different functions in the stack template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S.No. |
Function |
Function Explanation |
TC |
1. |
Returns true if the stack is empty, false otherwise. |
O(1) |
2. |
Returns the number of elements in the stack. |
O(1) |
3. |
Returns the top element. |
O(1) |
4. |
Push one element in the stack. |
O(1) |
5. |
Removes one element from the stack. |
O(1) |
// C++ Program to illustrate the stack
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
stack<int> s;
cout << "Top is: " << s.top() << endl;
while (!s.empty()) {
cout<<"size is: "<<s.size()<<" ";
cout << "element is: "<<s.top() << endl;
return 0;
Top is: 6
size is: 5 element is: 6
size is: 4 element is: 1
size is: 3 element is: 3
size is: 2 element is: 9
size is: 1 element is: 2
Queue in STL
队列容器初始化为 FIFO container ,其中可以将元素推送到前面,并从前面弹出。因此,第一个进入的元素是第一个从容器中退出的元素。它可以在 C++ <queue> 头文件中找到。
The queue container is initialized as a FIFO container, where elements can be pushed to the front, and popped from the front. Hence, the first element to enter is the first one to exit from the container. It can be found in the C++ <queue> header file.
queue<data_type> q1;
queue template 中有不同的函数。它们在下面的表中进行简要解释 −
There are different functions in the queue template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S.No. |
Function |
Function Explanation |
TC |
1. |
Returns true if the queue is empty, otherwise false. |
O(1) |
2. |
Returns the number of items in the queue. |
O(1) |
3. |
Returns the front element. |
O(1) |
4. |
Returns the element at the end. |
O(1) |
5. |
Add an item to the queue. |
O(1) |
6. |
Removes an item from the queue. |
O(1) |
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
int main(){
queue<int> q;
cout << "Front element: " << q.front() << endl;
cout << "Back element: " << q.back() << endl;
cout << "q: ";
int size = q.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
cout << q.front() << " ";
return 0;
Front element: 1
Back element: 1
q: 1 1 6 1
Hash-Set/Set in STL
集合容器被初始化为唯一元素存储数据结构,它还实现了排序顺序,既可以升序也可以降序。它通常实现 red-black tree 作为底层数据结构。它可以在 C++ <set> 头文件中找到。
The set container is initialized as unique element storage data structure, which also implements a sorted order, both ascending and descending. It generally implements a red-black tree as an underlying data structure. It can be found in the C++ <set> header file.
set<data_type> set;
set<data_type, greater<data_type>> set2; //this is a set in descending order
set<data_type, comparator/lambda_function> set3; //this is a set in custom order
set template 中有不同的函数。它们在下面的表中进行简要解释 −
There are different functions in the set template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S.No. |
Function |
Function Explanation |
TC |
1. |
Returns an iterator to the first element. |
O(1) |
2. |
Return an iterator to the last element. |
O(1) |
3. |
Returns the number of elements. |
O(1) |
4. |
Checks if the container is empty. |
O(1) |
5. |
Inserts a single element. |
O(logn) |
6. |
Removes the given element. |
O(logn) |
7. |
Removes all elements. |
O(n) |
8. |
Returns the pointer to the given element if present, otherwise, a pointer to the end. |
O(logn) |
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
set<int> set;
bool flag=set.find(9)!=set.end();
cout<<"Is there a 9 in the set? "<<flag<<endl;
for (auto i : set) {
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
Is there a 9 in the set? 1
9 11 21
Hash-Map/Map in STL
映射是一个容器,它以密钥的排序顺序以键值对的形式存储数据,其中每个密钥都是唯一的。它使用红黑树数据结构实现。它包含在 <map> 头文件中。
The map is a container which stores data in form of key-value pairs in a sorted order of keys, where each key is unique. It is implemented using the red-black tree data structure. It is included in the <map> header file.
map<key_type,value_type> map;
map template 中有不同的函数。它们在下面的表中进行简要解释 −
There are different functions in the map template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S.No. |
Function |
Function Explanation |
TC |
1. |
Returns an iterator to the first element. |
O(1) |
2. |
Returns an iterator to the theoretical element that follows the last element |
O(1) |
3. |
Returns the number of elements in the map |
O(1) |
4. |
Adds a new element to the map. |
O(logn) |
5. |
Removes the element at the position pointed by the iterator. |
O(logn) |
6. |
Removes the key and its value from the map. |
O(logn) |
7. |
Removes all the elements from the map. |
O(n) |
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
map<char,int> map;
string s="abbacdbbac";
for(char c: s){
for(auto it:map){
cout<<it.first<<" : "<<it.second<<endl;
cout<<"after erasing element 'c' : "<<endl;
for(auto it:map){
cout<<it.first<<" : "<<it.second<<endl;
return 0;
a : 3
b : 4
c : 2
d : 1
after erasing element 'c' :
a : 3
b : 4
d : 1
Unordered Set in STL
无序集容器存储唯一的数值,但与 set 的唯一区别是数据不会以任何顺序存储。它使用 <unordered_set> 头文件实现。
The unordered_set container stores unique data values in it, but the only difference from set is that the data is not stored in any order. It is implemented using the <unordered_set> header file.
unordered_set<data_type> set;
unordered_set template 中有不同的函数。下表对其作了简要说明:
There are different functions in the unordered_set template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S. No. |
Functions |
Description |
Time Complexity |
1. |
Returns an iterator to the first element. |
O(1) |
2. |
Returns an iterator to the theoretical element that follows the last element |
O(1) |
3. |
Returns the number of elements. |
O(1) |
4. |
Returns true if the unordered_set is empty, otherwise false. |
O(1) |
5. |
Insert an item in the container. |
O(1) |
6. |
Removes an element from the container. |
O(1) |
7. |
Returns the pointer to the given element if present, otherwise, a pointer to the end. |
O(1) |
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
unordered_set<int> set;
bool flag=set.find(9)!=set.end();
cout<<"Is there a 9 in the set? "<<flag<<endl;
for (auto i : set) {
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
Is there a 9 in the set? 0
21 13 10 19
Unordered Map in STL
在无序映射容器中,数据的存储类似于映射容器,但存储数据的顺序是随机的,因此不遵循升序或降序。它包含在 <unordered_map> 标头文件中。
In the unordered_map container, the data is stored similar to the map container, but the order of the data stored is random, hence, ascending or descending order is not followed. It is included in the <unordered_map> header file.
unordered_map<key_type, value_type> map;
unordered_map template 中有不同的函数。下表对其作了简要说明:
There are different functions in the unordered_map template. These are explained briefly in the table below −
S. No. |
Function |
Description |
Time Complexity |
1. |
Returns an iterator to the first element. |
O(1) |
2. |
Returns an iterator to the theoretical element that follows the last element |
O(1) |
3. |
Returns the number of elements. |
O(1) |
4. |
Returns true if the unordered_map is empty, otherwise false. |
O(1) |
5. |
Returns the pointer to the given element if present, otherwise, a pointer to the end. |
O(1) |
6. |
Returns the bucket number where the data is stored. |
O(1) |
7. |
Insert an item in the container. |
O(1) |
8. |
Removes an element from the container. |
O(1) |
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
unordered_map<char,int> map;
string s="abbacdbbac";
for(char c: s){
for(auto it:map){
cout<<it.first<<" : "<<it.second<<endl;
cout<<"after erasing element 'c' : "<<endl;
for(auto it:map){
cout<<it.first<<" : "<<it.second<<endl;
return 0;
d : 1
c : 2
b : 4
a : 3
after erasing element 'c' :
d : 1
b : 4
a : 3
Functors in C++ STL
函数对象或函数对象,是 C++ STL 中的行为类似于方法/函数的对象。这些包括在 <functional> 头文件中。这些需要 () parenthesis operator. 的重载。
Function objects or Functors, are objects in C++ STL that behave like methods/functions. These are included in the <functional> header file. These require the overloading of the () parenthesis operator.
C++ STL 中的主要函数对象如下:
The main functors in C++ STL are as follows −
Member functions
Sr.No. |
Member functions |
Definition |
1 |
It is used to construct a new std::function instance |
2 |
It is used to destroy a std::function instance |
3 |
It is used to assign a new target |
4 |
It is used to swap the contents |
5 |
It is used to assign a new target |
6 |
It is used to check if a valid target is contained |
7 |
It is used to invoke the target |
Non-member functions
Sr.No. |
Non-member functions |
Definition |
1 |
It specializes the std::swap algorithm |
2 |
It compares an std::function with nullptr |
Operator classes
Sr.No. |
Operator classes |
Definition |
1 |
It is a bitwise AND function object class |
2 |
It is a bitwise OR function object class |
3 |
It is a bitwise XOR function object class |
3 |
It is a division function object class |
4 |
It is a function object class for equality comparison |
5 |
It is a function object class for greater-than inequality comparison |
6 |
It is a function object class for greater-than-or-equal-to comparison |
7 |
It is a function object class for less-than inequality comparison |
8 |
It is a function object class for less-than-or-equal-to comparison |
9 |
It is a logical AND function object class |
10 |
It is a logical NOT function object class |
11 |
It is a logical OR function object class |
12 |
It is a subtraction function object class |
13 |
It is a modulus function object class |
14 |
It is a multiplication function object class |
15 |
It is a negative function object class |
16 |
It is a function object class for non-equality comparison |
17 |
It is an addition function object class |
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
equal_to<int> obj1;
not_equal_to<int> obj2;
greater<int> obj3;
less<int> obj4;
plus<int> obj5;
minus<int> obj6;
cout << "Functors and their usage: \n";
cout << "Are these equal? " << obj1(11, 22) << endl;
cout << "Are these different? " << obj2(11, 22) << endl;
cout << "Is first index greater than second? " << obj3(10, 20) << endl;
cout << "Is first index smaller than second? " << obj4(10, 2) << endl;
cout << "After adding: " << obj5(10, 20) << endl;
cout << "After subtracting: " << obj6(10, 8) << endl;
return 0;
Functors and their usage:
Are these equal? 0
Are these different? 1
Is first index greater than second? 0
Is first index smaller than second? 0
After adding: 30
After subtracting: 2
Algorithms in C++ STL
在 C++ STL 中,算法模板为用户提供多种操作,这些操作对于实现关键算法至关重要,例如 searching 、 sorting 、从容器返回 maximum/minimum value 等。可以使用 <algorithm> 头部访问这些算法。
In C++ STL, algorithms template provides a variety of operations for the user, which are crucial for implementation of key algorithms like searching, sorting, returning maximum/minimum value from a container, and so on. These algorithms can be accessed using the <algorithm> header.
C++ 中的 <algorithm> 库提供多种有用的函数。下面给出一些最常用的函数:
The <algorithm> library in C++ offers many useful functions. Some of the most commonly used functions are given below −
sort() in C++
sort() 算法用于按升序、降序或自定义顺序对给定数据进行排序(使用 comparator 或 lambda function )。
sort() algorithm is used to sort the given data in ascending, descending or custom order (using comparator or lambda function).
sort(start,end, comparator_function) //for custom sorting
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> v = {999, 1252, 3117, 122222 , 10, 88, 2, 9, 45, 82, 546, 42, 221 , -1};
cout<<"Ascending order: ";
for(int i:v) cout<<i<<" ";
cout<<"Descending order: ";
for(int i:v) cout<<i<<" ";
return 0;
Ascending order: -1 2 9 10 42 45 82 88 221 546 999 1252 3117 122222
Descending order: 122222 3117 1252 999 546 221 88 82 45 42 10 9 2 -1
copy() in C++
Copy() 算法用于将元素从一个容器复制到另一个容器。
copy() algorithm is used to copy the elements from one container to another.
copy(start_iterator,end_iterator, destination_operator)
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 , 4 ,3 , 2, 1};
vector<int> newvec(9);
copy(v.begin(), v.end(), newvec.begin());
for(int &i:newvec) cout<<i<<" ";
return 0;
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
find() in C++
find() 算法用于在给定元素范围内查找关键元素。
find() algorithm is used to find a key element in a given range of elements.
find (firstIterator, lastIterator, value);
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> v= { 1,3,5,2,3,1,55,41};
// finding 5
auto itr = find(v.begin(), v.end(), 55);
if (itr != v.end()) {
cout << *itr << " Element found !!!" << endl;
}else {
cout << "Element not present !!!" << endl;
return 0;
55 Element found !!!
max_element() and min_element() in C++
max_element() 和 min_element() 用于在给定元素范围内查找最大值和最小值。
max_element() and min_element() are used to find the maximum and minimum value in a given range of elements.
max_element (firstIterator, lastIterator);
min_element (firstIterator, lastIterator);
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> v = {999, 1252, 3117, 122222 , 10, 88, 2, 9, 45, 82, 546, 42, 221 , -1};
cout << "Maximum Element: " << *max_element(v.begin(),v.end())<<endl;
cout<<"Minimum Element: "<<*min_element(v.begin(),v.end()) <<"\n";
return 0;
Maximum Element: 122222
Minimum Element: -1
for_each in C++
for_each() 算法用于对容器中元素的范围应用给定的操作或指令。
for_each() algorithm is used to apply a given operation or instruction to a range of elements in a container.
for_each (firstIterator, lastIterator, unaryFunction);
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
vector<int> vec1 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
for_each(vec1.begin(), vec1.end(), [](int& i){
for(int i:vec1) cout<<i<<" ";
return 0;
2 3 4 5 6
swap() in C++
swap() 算法用于就地用一个元素替换另一个元素,因此元素会交换位置。
swap() algorithm is used to replace one element with another in place, hence the elements swap places.
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
vector<int> vec1 = {1, 2, 3};
vector<int> vec2 = {4, 5, 6};
cout<<"vec 1: "<<endl;
for(int i:vec1) cout<<i<<" ";
cout<<"vec 2: "<<endl;
for(int i:vec2) cout<<i<<" ";
return 0;
vec 1:
4 5 6
vec 2: 1 2 3
Iterators in C++ STL
迭代器可以看作用于按顺序遍历容器的指针。这些迭代器在 C++ 中使用 <iterator> 头文件包含。
Iterators can be considered as pointers that are used to iterate over containers sequentially. These iterators are included using the <iterator> header file in C++.
每个容器都有自己的迭代器。为避免混乱,我们在遍历容器时可以使用 ‘auto’ 关键字定义迭代器。
Each container has its own iterator. For avoiding confusion, we can use ‘auto’ keyword to define an iterator while traversing a container.
Iterators are of five types −
Input Iterator
Output Iterator
Bi-Directional Iterator