Cprogramming 简明教程

Arithmetic Operators in C

C 中的算术运算符是某些特殊符号,预定义为执行算术运算。我们熟悉基本算术运算 − 加法、减法、乘法和除法。C 是一种计算语言,因此这些运算符对于执行计算机化进程至关重要。

Arithmetic operators in C are certain special symbols, predefined to perform arithmetic operations. We are familiar with the basic arithmetic operations − addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. C is a computational language, so these operators are essential in performing a computerised process.

除了分别分配给四个符号 @s26@s27@s28@s29 的上述运算之外,C 中还有另一个算术运算符,称为 @s30,我们针对它使用 %* 符号。

In addition to the above operations assigned to the four symbols +, , *, and / respectively, C has another arithmetic operator called the modulo operator for which we use the *%*symbol.

下表列出了 C 中的算术运算符 −

The following table lists the arithmetic operators in C −




Adds two operands.

Subtracts second operand from the first.


Multiplies both operands.


Divides numerator by denominator.


Modulus Operator and remainder of after an integer division.


Increment operator increases the integer value by one.


Decrement operator decreases the integer value by one.

@s31@s32 运算符也列在上面表中。将我们在单独的章节中学习增量和减量运算符。

The ++ and -- operators are also listed in the above table. We shall learn about increment and decrement operators in a separate chapter.

Example: Arithmetic Operators in C

以下示例演示了如何在 C 程序中使用这些算术运算符- -

The following example demonstrates how to use these arithmetic operators in a C program −

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int op1 = 10;
   int op2 = 3;

   printf("Operand1: %d Operand2: %d \n\n", op1, op2);
   printf("Addition of op1 and op2: %d\n", op1 + op2);
   printf("Subtraction of op2 from op1: %d\n", op1 - op2);
   printf("Multiplication of op1 and op2: %d\n", op1 * op2);
   printf("Division of op1 by op2: %d\n", op1/op2);

   return 0;



When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

Operand1: 10 Operand2: 3

Addition of op1 and op2: 13
Subtraction of op2 from op1: 7
Multiplication of op1 and op2: 30
Division of op1 by op2: 3

Type Casting in C

前三个结果和预期一样,但除法的结果却不是。预期 10/3 是一个分数(3.333333)。是否是因为我们使用 %d 格式说明符来打印除法结果?如果我们更改代码的最后一行如下- -

The first three results are as expected, but the result of division is not. You expect 10/3 to be a fractional number (3.333333). Is it because we used the %d format specifier to print the outcome of the division? If we change the last line of the code as follows −

printf("Division of op1 by op2: %f\n", op1/op2);

现在除法运算的结果将是 "0.000000",这更加令人惊讶。C 之所以这样表现是因为整数与另一个整数的除法总是返回一个整数。

Now the outcome of the division operation will be "0.000000", which is even more surprising. The reason why C behaves like this is because the division of an integer with another integer always returns an integer.


To obtain floating-point division, at least one operand must be a float, or you need to use the typecast operator to change one of the integer operands to float.

现在,将给定程序的最后一个 printf 语句更改为如下所示- -

Now, change the last printf statement of the given program as follows −

printf("Division of op1 by op2: %f\n", (float)op1/op2);

在进行此更改后再次运行代码时,它将显示正确的除法运算结果- -

When you run run the code again after making this change, it will show the correct division −

Division of op1 by op2: 3.333333

Note: 如果对浮点表达式使用 %d 格式说明符,它将始终导致 "0"。

Note: If you use %d format specifier for a floating-point expression, it will always result in "0".


使用至少一个浮点数(或双精度数)操作数的算术运算结果始终为浮点数。请参阅以下示例- -

The result of arithmetic operations with at least one float (or double) operand is always float. Take a look at the following example −

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int op1 = 10;
   float op2 = 2.5;

   printf("Operand1: %d Operand2: %f\n", op1, op2);
   printf("Addition of op1 and op2: %f\n", op1 + op2);
   printf("Subtraction of op2 from op1: %f\n", op1 - op2);
   printf("Multiplication of op1 and op2: %f\n", op1 * op2);
   printf("Division of op1 by op2: %f\n", op1/op2);

   return 0;


Run the code and check its output −

Operand1: 10 Operand2: 2.500000
Addition of op1 and op2: 12.500000
Subtraction of op2 from op1: 7.500000
Multiplication of op1 and op2: 25.000000
Division of op1 by op2: 4.000000

Arithmetic Operations with char Data Type

在 C 中, char 数据类型是 int 类型的一个子集。因此,我们可以对 char 操作数执行算术运算。

In C, char data type is a subset of int type. Hence, we can perform arithmetic operations with char operands.


以下示例演示了如何对两个操作数(其中一个为 "char" 类型)执行算术运算- -

The following example shows how you can perform arithmetic operations with two operands out of which one is a "char" type −

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   char op1 = 'F';
   int op2 = 3;

   printf("operand1: %c operand2: %d\n", op1, op2);
   printf("Addition of op1 and op2: %d\n", op1 + op2);
   printf("Subtraction of op2 from op1: %d\n", op1 - op2);
   printf("Multiplication of op1 and op2: %d\n", op1 * op2);
   printf("Division of op1 by op2: %d\n", op1/op2);

   return 0;


Run the code and check its output −

operand1: F operand2: 3

Addition of op1 and op2: 73
Subtraction of op2 from op1: 67
Multiplication of op1 and op2: 210
Division of op1 by op2: 23

由于 char 数据类型是 int 的子集,所以 %c 格式说明符返回与 %d 说明符返回的整数相关联的 ASCII 字符。

Since a char data type is a subset of int, the %c format specifier returns the ASCII character associated with an integer returned by the %d specifier.

如果两个 char 操作数之间的任何算术运算导致整数超出 char 的范围,那么 %c 说明符将显示为空。

If any arithmetic operation between two char operands results in an integer beyond the range of char, the %c specifier displays blank.

Modulo Operator in C

模数运算符 ( % ) 返回除法运算的余数。

The modulo operator (%) returns the remainder of a division operation.



Take a look at the following example −

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int op1 = 10;
   int op2 = 3;

   printf("Operand1: %d Operand2: %d\n", op1, op2);
   printf("Modulo of op1 and op2: %d\n", op1%op2);

   return 0;


Run the code and check its output −

Operand1: 10 Operand2: 3
Modulo of op1 and op2: 1

模数运算符需要两个操作数均为 int 类型。如果不是,编译器将给出 type mismatch error 。例如,在上面的代码中将 "op1" 的数据类型更改为 float 并再次运行该程序- -

The modulo operator needs both the operands of int type. If not, the compiler gives a type mismatch error. For example, change the data type of "op1" to float in the above code and run the program again −

float op1 = 10;
int op2 = 3;
printf("Modulo of op1 and op2: %d\n", op1%op2);

现在,你将收到以下消息的类型不匹配错误- -

Now, you will get a type mismatch error with the following message −

error: invalid operands to binary % (have 'float' and 'int')

不过,它确实允许对模数运算使用 char 操作数。

It does allow char operands for modulo operations though.

Negation Operator in C

由符号 ++-- 表示的增量和递减运算符是一元运算符。它们已在单独的一章中介绍。表示减法运算符的 " " 符号也充当一元否定运算符。

The increment and decrement operators represented by the symbols ++ and -- are unary operators. They have been covered in a separate chapter. The "" symbol, representing subtraction operator, also acts a unary negation operator.


以下示例突出显示了如何在 C 中使用否定运算符- -

The following example highlights how you can use the negation operator in C −

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int op1 = 5;
   int op2 = -op1;

   printf("Operand1: %d Operand2: %d\n", op1, op2);

   return 0;


When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

Operand1: 5 Operand2: -5

在上面的示例中,"–" 符号返回 op1 的负值并将该值分配给 op2。

In the above example, the "–" symbol returns the negative value of op1 and assigns the same to op2.