Cprogramming 简明教程

Preprocessor Operators in C

Preprocessor operators 是在 #define 指令上下文中使用的特殊符号。这些运算符也称为预处理器特定运算符。

Preprocessor operators are special symbol(s) that are used in the context of the #define directive. These operators are also called preprocessor-specific operators.

在 C 中,已定义了一组预处理器运算符,每个运算符都附带了一个重要的操作。在本章中,我们将解释 C 中使用的不同类型的预处理器运算符。

In C, a set of preprocessor operators have been defined, each with an important operation attached with it. In this chapter, we will explain the different types of preprocessor operators used in C.

以下预处理器运算符已由大多数现代 C 编译器实现:

The following preprocessor operators are implemented by most of the modern C compilers −



Continuation operator (/)

Used to continue a macro that is too long for a single line.

Stringizing operator (#)

Causes the corresponding actual argument to be enclosed in double quotation marks

Token-pasting operator (##)

Allows tokens used as actual arguments to be concatenated to form other tokens

defined operator

Simplifies the writing of compound expressions in certain macro directives


Let us now discuss in detail about each of these preprocessor operators.

Continuation Operator (/)


This operator is used where the macro is quite complex, and spreads over multiple lines. In case of a complex logic inside macro expansion, you’ll need to break the line and write code that spreads over more than one lines. In such cases macro continuation operator is very helpful.

Example 1: Preprocessor Continuation Operator (/)

在下面的示例中,我们在下一行中编写宏的一部分,因此我们正在利用宏继续预处理器运算符 (\)。

In the example below, we are writing a part of the macro in the next line, so we are making use of macro continuation preprocessor operator (\).

#include <stdio.h>

#define  message() { \
   printf("TutorialsPoint Library contains\n"); \
   printf("High quality Programming Tutorials"); \

int main() {

   return 0;


When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

TutorialsPoint Library contains
High quality Programming Tutorials

Example 2: Preprocessor Continuation Operator (/)

在以下示例中,宏定义包括对 switch case 语句的求值,因此跨越多行,需要宏继续字符。

In the following example, the macro definition involves evaluation of a switch case statement, hence it spreads over multiple lines, requiring the macro continuation character.

#include <stdio.h>

#define SHAPE(x) switch(x) { \
   case 1: printf("1. CIRCLE\n"); break; \
   case 2: printf("2. RECTANGLE\n"); break; \
   case 3: printf("3. SQUARE\n"); break; \
   default: printf("default. LINE\n"); \

int main() {

   return 0;


When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

default. LINE

Stringizing Operator (

有时可能需要将宏参数转换为字符串常量。数字符号或“字符串化”运算符 (#) 将宏参数转换为字符串文字,而不展开参数定义。此运算符只能在具有指定参数列表的宏中使用。

Sometimes you may want to convert a macro argument into a string constant. The number-sign or "stringizing" operator (#) converts macro parameters to string literals without expanding the parameter definition. This operator may be used only in a macro having a specified argument or parameter list.

Example 1: Stringizing Operator


Take a look at the following example −

#include <stdio.h>
#define stringize(x) printf(#x "\n")

int main() {

   stringize(Welcome To TutorialsPoint);
   stringize("The Largest Tutorials Library");
   stringize("Having video and Text Tutorials on Programming Languages");


When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

Welcome To TutorialsPoint
"The Largest Tutorials Library"
"Having video and Text Tutorials on Programming Languages"

Example 2: Stringizing Operator

以下代码展示了如何使用 stringize operator 将某些文本转换为字符串,而不使用任何引号。

The following code shows how you can use the stringize operator to convert some text into string without using any quotes.

#include <stdio.h>
#define STR_PRINT(x) #x

main() {
   printf(STR_PRINT(This is a string without double quotes));


Run the code and check its output −

This is a string without double quotes

Token Pasting Operator (

双数字符号或标记粘贴运算符 ( ## ),有时称为合并或组合运算符。在扩展宏时经常将两个标记合并为一个很有用。

The double-number-sign or token-pasting operator (##), which is sometimes called the merging or combining operator. It is often useful to merge two tokens into one while expanding macros.

当扩展一个宏时,“ ”运算符两侧的两个标记都将组合成一个标记,然后用此标记在宏扩展中替换“ ”和两个原始标记。

When a macro is expanded, the two tokens on either side of each "" operator are combined into a single token, which then replaces the "" and the two original tokens in the macro expansion.

Example 1: Token Pasting Operator (


Take a look at the following example −

#include <stdio.h>

#define PASTE(arg1,arg2) arg1##arg2

main() {

   int value_1 = 1000;
   printf("value_1 = %d\n", PASTE(value_,1));


When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

value_1 = 1000

Example 2: Token Pasting Operator (


In the example below, we pass two arguments to the macro.

#include <stdio.h>
#define TOKENS(X, Y) X##Y

int main() {

   printf("value1: %d\n",TOKENS(12,20));
   printf("value2: %d\n",TOKENS(12,20)+10);
   return 0;


When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

value1: 1220
value2: 1230

The defined Operator

定义的预处理程序运算符只能用作 #if#elif 指令的一部分。定义运算符的语法如下 −

The defined preprocessor operator can only be used as a part of #if and #elif directives. The syntax of defined operator is as follows −

#if defined(macro1)
// code
#elif defined(macro2)
// code


It is used in constant expressions to determine if an identifier is defined. If the specified identifier is defined, the value is true (non-zero). If the symbol is not defined, the value is false (zero).

Example 1: defined Operator

在此示例中,使用 defined 运算符检查是否已定义 DEBUG 宏。如果已定义,则程序打印“DEBUG 模式已开启”。否则,它将打印“DEBUG 模式已关闭”。

In this example, the defined operator is used to check if the DEBUG macro is defined. If it is, the program prints "DEBUG mode is on." Otherwise, it prints "DEBUG mode is off."

#include <stdio.h>

#define DEBUG 1

int main() {

   #if defined(DEBUG)
   printf("DEBUG mode is on.\n");
      printf("DEBUG mode is off.\n");

   return 0;


Run the code and check its output −

DEBUG mode is on.

Example 2: defined Operator

以下代码检查 square 宏是否已定义,如果已定义,则使用“x”的给定值(5)将其展开。

The following code checks if the square macro has been already defined, and if so, expands it with the given value of "x" as 5.

#include <stdio.h>

#define square(x) ((x) * (x))

int main(){

   #if defined square
   printf("The square of the given number is: %d", square(5));

   return 0;


When you run this code, it will produce the following output −

The square of the given number is: 25