Data Science 简明教程
Data Scientist - Salary
随着数字化在世界范围内的推广,数据科学已成为世界上薪酬最高的工作之一。在印度,数据科学家的年收入在 18 万卢比至 1 千万卢比之间,具体取决于他们的资格、技能和经验。
As digitalization has spread around the world, data science has become one of the best-paying jobs in the world. In India, data scientists make between 1.8 Lakhs and 1 Crore a year, depending on their qualifications, skills, and experience.
Top Factors that decide Data Scientist Salaries
There are a few things that affect the salary of a data scientist. Of course, what matters most is your experience, but a data scientist’s salary in India is also based on their skills, job roles, the company they work for, and where they live.
Salary Based on Skills
印度的数据科学薪酬还基于您在该领域的熟练程度。您在该领域拥有的技能越多,您获得更高薪酬的可能性就越大。即使在印度,对于具备不同 IT 技能的人来说,数据科学家的起薪也更高。如果您的简历脱颖而出,招聘人员会更加关注您。如果您具备机器学习、Python、统计分析和大数据分析等技能,您就有可能获得更高的薪酬。
The data science salary in India is also based on how skilled you are in the pitch. The more skills you have in your field, the more likely you are to get a higher salary. Even the starting salary for a data scientist in India is higher for people with different IT skills. Recruiters will notice you more if your resume stands out. You might be able to get a higher salary if you have skills like Machine Learning, Python, Statistical Analysis, and Big Data Analytics.
Salary Based on the Experience
在印度数据科学工作的薪酬中,经验是一个主要因素。PayScale 称,在印度经验不足一年的新人数据科学家的平均工资约为 577,893。具有 1-4 年经验的人员的平均工资为 809,952。具有 5-9 年经验的职业生涯中的数据科学家年收入最高可达 1448,144。在印度,具有 1-19 年投球经验的人员每年平均收入可达 1944,566。
When it comes to data science jobs salaries in India, experience is a main factor. PayScale says that the average salary for a new data scientist in India with less than one year of experience is about 5,77,893. The average salary for someone with 1–4 years of experience is 8,09,952. With 5–9 years of experience, a data scientist in the middle of their career could make up to 14,48,144 per year. And in India, a person with 1–19 years of experience in the pitch can make an average of 19,44,566 per year.
Salary Based on Location
Location is another factor that affects how much you get paid for a data science job in India. There are a lot of big cities in India that hire data scientists, but the packages vary from city to city.
Salary Based on Companies
Many companies hire data scientists on a regular basis, but most of the time, they have different jobs or roles. If you work for one of these companies, your salary will depend on what job you get. Other companies in India also pay their data scientists different salaries each year. Before you accept a job offer, you can always find out how much a data scientist in India makes per month or per year at other companies.
Data Scientist Salary in India
下表显示了印度不同数据科学专家平均工资 −
Given below is the table that shows the average salary of different data science profiles in India −
S.No |
Job Title |
Average Annual Base Salary in India |
1 |
Data Scientist |
₹ 10.0 LPA |
2 |
Data Architect |
₹ 24.7 LPA |
3 |
Data Engineer |
₹ 8.0 LPA |
4 |
Data Analyst |
₹ 4.2 LPA |
5 |
Database Administrator |
₹ 10.0 LPA |
6 |
Machine Learning Engineer |
₹ 6.5 LPA |
上方表格中的数据取自 Ambition Box。
The data in the table above is taken from Ambition Box.
Data Scientist Salary in USA
Given below is the table that shows the average salary of different data science profiles in USA −
S.No |
Job Title |
Average Annual Base Salary in USA |
1 |
Data Scientist |
$123,829 |
2 |
Data Architect |
$1,28,205 |
3 |
Data Engineer |
$126,443 |
4 |
Data Analyst |
$71,047 |
5 |
Database Administrator |
$90,078 |
6 |
Machine Learning Engineer |
$146,799 |
上表中的数据取自 Indeed。
The data in the table above is taken from Indeed.
The United States of America pays the highest data scientist salaries on average, followed by Australia, Canada, and Germany.
据 Payscale 称,经验不足 1 年的入门级数据科学家可以期望获得 589,126 印度卢比的平均总薪酬(包括小费、奖金和加班费),该数据基于 498 份工资单计算得出。拥有 1-4 年经验的职业生涯早期数据科学家可以获得 830,781 印度卢比的平均总薪酬,该数据基于 2,250 份工资单计算得出。拥有 5-9 年经验的职业生涯中期数据科学家可以获得 1,477,290 印度卢比的平均总薪酬,该数据基于 879 份工资单计算得出。拥有 10-19 年经验的资深数据科学家可以获得 1,924,803 印度卢比的平均总薪酬,该数据基于 218 份工资单计算得出。在职业生涯后期(20 年及以上),员工可以获得 1,350,000 印度卢比的平均总薪酬。
According to Payscale, an entry-level Data Scientist with less than 1-year experience can expect to earn an average total compensation (includes tips, bonus, and overtime pay) of ₹589,126 based on 498 salaries. An early career Data Scientist with 1-4 years of experience earns an average total compensation of ₹830,781 based on 2,250 salaries. A mid-career Data Scientist with 5-9 years of experience earns an average total compensation of ₹1,477,290 based on 879 salaries. An experienced Data Scientist with 10-19 years of experience earns an average total compensation of ₹1,924,803 based on 218 salaries. In their late career (20 years and higher), employees earn an average total compensation of ₹1,350,000.
In recent years, improvements in technology have made Data Science more important in many different fields of work. Data Science is used for more than just collecting and analyzing data. It is now a multidisciplinary field with many different roles. With high salaries and guaranteed career growth, more and more people are getting into the field of data science every day.