Documentdb Sql 简明教程

DocumentDB SQL Tutorial

DocumentDB 是 Microsoft 在 Azure 上运行的最新 NoSQL 文档数据库平台。DocumentDB 在设计时考虑了管理最新应用程序数据的要求。本教程通过有例子的说明性示例讨论使用 DocumentDB 支持的特殊 SQL 版本查询文档。

DocumentDB is Microsoft’s newest NoSQL document database platform that runs on Azure. DocumentDB is designed keeping in mind the requirements of managing data for latest applications. This tutorial talks about querying documents using the special version of SQL supported by DocumentDB with illustrative examples.


本教程面向希望熟悉如何使用熟悉的结构化查询语言 (SQL) 查询 DocumentDB 的开发人员。

This tutorial is designed for developers who want to get acquainted with how to query DocumentDB using a familiar Structured Query Language (SQL).


本教程是一个入门教程,介绍 DocumentDB 的基本原理,没有相应的先决条件。但是,之前接触过 NoSQL 技术对你肯定有帮助。

It is an elementary tutorial that explains the basics of DocumentDB and there are no prerequisites as such. However, it will certainly help if you have some prior exposure to NoSQL technologies.