Keras 简明教程

Keras - Backend Configuration


This chapter explains Keras backend implementations TensorFlow and Theano in detail. Let us go through each implementation one by one.


TensorFlow 是 Google 开发的用于数字计算任务的开源机器学习库。Keras 是建立在 TensorFlow 或 Theano 之上的一个高级别 API。我们已经知道如何使用 pip 安装 TensorFlow。

TensorFlow is an open source machine learning library used for numerical computational tasks developed by Google. Keras is a high level API built on top of TensorFlow or Theano. We know already how to install TensorFlow using pip.


If it is not installed, you can install using the below command −

pip install TensorFlow

一旦执行 Keras,我们就能够看到配置文件位于你的主目录中,进入 .keras/keras.json。

Once we execute keras, we could see the configuration file is located at your home directory inside and go to .keras/keras.json.


   "image_data_format": "channels_last",
   "epsilon": 1e-07, "floatx": "float32", "backend": "tensorflow"



  1. image_data_format represent the data format.

  2. epsilon represents numeric constant. It is used to avoid DivideByZero error.

  3. float*x represent the default data type *float32. You can also change it to float16 or float64 using set_floatx() method.

  4. image_data_format represent the data format.


Suppose, if the file is not created then move to the location and create using the below steps −

> cd home
> mkdir .keras
> vi keras.json

记住,你应该将其文件夹名称指定为 .keras,并在 keras.json 文件中添加以上配置。我们可以执行一些预定义的操作以了解后端函数。

Remember, you should specify .keras as its folder name and add the above configuration inside keras.json file. We can perform some pre-defined operations to know backend functions.


Theano 是一个开源深度学习库,允许你高效地计算多维数组。我们可以使用以下命令轻松安装:

Theano is an open source deep learning library that allows you to evaluate multi-dimensional arrays effectively. We can easily install using the below command −

pip install theano

默认情况下,Keras 使用 TensorFlow 后端。如果你想把后端配置从 TensorFlow 更改为 Theano,只需在 keras.json 文件中将 backend = theano 更改一下即可。如下所述:

By default, keras uses TensorFlow backend. If you want to change backend configuration from TensorFlow to Theano, just change the backend = theano in keras.json file. It is described below −


   "image_data_format": "channels_last",
   "epsilon": 1e-07,
   "floatx": "float32",
   "backend": "theano"

现在,保存你的文件,重启终端并启动 Keras,你的后端将会被更改。

Now save your file, restart your terminal and start keras, your backend will be changed.

>>> import keras as k
using theano backend.