Peewee 简明教程
Peewee Tutorial
Peewee 是一个 Python ORM(对象关系映射)库,支持 SQLite、MySQL、PostgreSQL 和 Cockroach 数据库。本教程将帮助您了解如何在 Peewee 的帮助下插入新记录、删除记录、创建索引等。此外,您还将获得有关连接管理、文本和二进制字段、子查询、筛选器等方面与 Peewee 相关的信息。
Peewee is a Python ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library which supports SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL and Cockroach databases. This tutorial will help you to understand how to insert a new record, delete a record, create an index, etc., with the help of Peewee. Moreover, you will gain knowledge about connection management, text and binary fields, subqueries, filters, etc., with regards to Peewee.
本教程适合所有希望详细了解 Peewee 基本知识和功能的程序员,Peewee 是一种通过连接关系数据和 Python 对象来实现的表现力对象关系映射器 (ORM)。
This tutorial is for all those programmers who wish to learn in detail about the basics and the functions of Peewee which is an expressive object relational mapper (ORM) implemented in joining the relational data with python objects.