Peewee 简明教程
Peewee - Using MySQL
如前所述,Peewee 通过 MySQLDatabase 类支持 MySQL 数据库。但是,与 SQLite 数据库不同,Peewee 无法创建 MySql 数据库。您需要使用诸如 pymysql 之类的 DB-API 兼容模块的功能手动创建它或使用此类模块。
As mentioned earlier, Peewee supports MySQL database through MySQLDatabase class. However, unlike SQLite database, Peewee can’t create a MySql database. You need to create it manually or using functionality of DB-API compliant module such as pymysql.
首先,您应该在机器中安装 MySQL 服务器。它可以是从 安装的独立 MySQL 服务器
First, you should have MySQL server installed in your machine. It can be a standalone MySQL server installed from
您还可以使用捆绑了 MySQL 的 Apache(例如从 下载并安装的 XAMPP )。
You can also work on Apache bundled with MySQL (such as XAMPP downloaded and installed from ).
接下来,我们安装 pymysql 模块,它是与 DB-API 兼容的 Python 驱动程序。
Next, we install pymysql module, DB-API compatible Python driver.
pip install pymysql
创建一个名为 mydatabase 的新数据库。我们将使用 XAMPP 中提供的 phpmyadmin 接口。
The create a new database named mydatabase. We shall use phpmyadmin interface available in XAMPP.

如果您选择以编程方式创建数据库,请使用以下 Python 脚本 -
If you choose to create database programmatically, use following Python script −
import pymysql
conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='')
conn.cursor().execute('CREATE DATABASE mydatabase')
Once a database is created on the server, we can now declare a model and thereby, create a mapped table in it.
MySQLDatabase 对象需要服务器凭据,例如主机、端口、用户名和密码。
The MySQLDatabase object requires server credentials such as host, port, user name and password.
from peewee import *
db = MySQLDatabase('mydatabase', host='localhost', port=3306, user='root', password='')
class MyUser (Model):
city=TextField(constraints=[SQL("DEFAULT 'Mumbai'")])
class Meta:
PhpMyAdmin Web 界面现在显示了已创建的 myuser 表。
The Phpmyadmin web interface now shows myuser table created.