Peewee 简明教程
Peewee - Filters
可以使用 where 子句从 SQLite 表中检索数据。Peewee 支持以下逻辑运算符列表。
It is possible to retrieve data from SQLite table by using where clause. Peewee supports following list of logical operators.
== |
x equals y |
< |
x is less than y |
⇐ |
x is less than or equal to y |
> |
x is greater than y |
>= |
x is greater than or equal to y |
!= |
x is not equal to y |
<< |
x IN y, where y is a list or query |
>> |
x IS y, where y is None/NULL |
% |
x LIKE y where y may contain wildcards |
** |
x ILIKE y where y may contain wildcards |
^ |
x XOR y |
~ |
Unary negation (e.g., NOT x) |
以下代码显示 age>=20: 的名称
Following code displays name with age>=20: (User.age>=20)
for row in rows:
print ("name: {} age: {}".format(, row.age))
Following code displays only those name present in the names list.
names=['Anil', 'Amar', 'Kiran', 'Bala'] ( << names)
for row in rows:
print ("name: {} age: {}".format(, row.age))
Peewee 因此生成的 SELECT 查询将为 −
The SELECT query thus generated by Peewee will be −
('SELECT "t1"."id", "t1"."name", "t1"."age" FROM "User" AS "t1" WHERE
("t1"."name" IN (?, ?, ?, ?))', ['Anil', 'Amar', 'Kiran', 'Bala'])
结果输出将如下所示 −
Resultant output will be as follows −
name: Amar age: 20
name: Kiran age: 19
Filtering Methods
除了核心 Python 中定义的上述逻辑运算符之外,Peewee 还提供以下方法进行筛选 −
In addition to the above logical operators as defined in core Python, Peewee provides following methods for filtering −
Sr.No |
Methods & Description |
1 |
.in_(value) IN lookup (identical to <<). |
2 |
.not_in(value) NOT IN lookup. |
3 |
.is_null(is_null) IS NULL or IS NOT NULL. Accepts boolean param. |
4 |
.contains(substr) Wild-card search for substring. |
5 |
.startswith(prefix) Search for values beginning with prefix. |
6 |
.endswith(suffix) Search for values ending with suffix. |
7 |
.between(low, high) Search for values between low and high. |
8 |
.regexp(exp) Regular expression match (case-sensitive). |
9 |
.iregexp(exp) Regular expression match (case-insensitive). |
10 |
.bin_and(value) Binary AND. |
11 |
.bin_or(value) Binary OR. |
12 |
.concat(other) Concatenate two strings or objects using |
. |
13 |
.distinct() Mark column for DISTINCT selection. |
14 |
.collate(collation) Specify column with the given collation. |
15 |
.cast(type) Cast the value of the column to the given type. |
As an example of above methods, look at the following code. It retrieves names starting with ‘R’ or ending with ‘r’. ('R') |'r'))
等价的 SQL SELECT 查询为:
Equivalent SQL SELECT query is:
('SELECT "t1"."id", "t1"."name", "t1"."age" FROM "User" AS "t1" WHERE
(("t1"."name" LIKE ?) OR ("t1"."name" LIKE ?))', ['R%', '%r'])
Python 内置的运算符 in、not in、and、or 等不起作用。相反,使用 Peewee 替代。
Python’s built-in operators in, not in, and, or etc. will not work. Instead, use Peewee alternatives.
您可以使用 −
You can use −
.in_() and .not_in() methods instead of in and not in operators.
& instead of and.
| instead of or.
~ instead of not.
.is_null() instead of is.
None or == None.