Python Falcon 简明教程

Python Falcon Tutorial

Falcon 是一个 Python 库,用于开发关键任务 REST API 和微服务。它支持 WSGI 和 ASGI 规范。Falcon 框架由库尔特·格里菲斯于 2013 年 1 月开发。Falcon 的最新版本是 3.1.0,于 2022 年 3 月发布。

Falcon is a Python library for developing mission-critical REST APIs and microservices. It supports both WSGI and ASGI specifications. Falcon framework has been developed by Kurt Griffiths in January 2013. The latest version of Falcon is 3.1.0, released in March 2022.


本教程专为希望使用 Falcon,一个极简的 ASGI/WSGI 框架,学习构建关键任务 REST API 和微服务的开发人员而设计。

This tutorial is designed for developers who want to learn building mission-critical REST APIs and microservices using Falcon, a minimalist ASGI/WSGI framework.


在继续之前,请确保您了解 Python 中的过程和面向对象编程的基础知识。具备 REST 架构方面的知识是一个额外的优势。

Before you proceed, make sure that you understand the basics of procedural and object-oriented programming in Python. Knowledge of REST architecture is an added advantage.