Python Xlsxwriter 简明教程

Python XlsxWriter Tutorial

XlsxWriter 是一个 Python 库,用于创建 Excel 2007 (XLSX) 格式的电子表格文件。John McNamara 开发了此库。其最新版本为 3.0.2,发布于 2021 年 11 月。最新版本需要 Python 3.4 或更高版本。

XlsxWriter is a Python library for creating spreadsheet files in Excel 2007 (XLSX) format. This library has been developed by John McNamara. Its latest version is 3.0.2 which was released in November 2021. The latest version requires Python 3.4 or above.


本教程面向想要通过编程自动执行 MS Excel 软件功能的 Python 开发人员。

This tutorial is meant for Python developers who are interested in programmatically automating the functionality of MS Excel software.


在继续本教程之前,您应了解 Python 编程知识并且达到中级水平的 MS Excel 处理能力。了解面向对象编程是可取的,但不是必须的。

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have an understanding of Python programming and proficiency in handling MS Excel of intermediate level. The knowledge of object oriented programming is desired but not essential.