Python Xlsxwriter 简明教程
Python XlsxWriter - Insert Image
可以借助 insert_image() 方法在工作表的特定单元格位置插入图像对象。基本上,你必须使用任何类型的符号指定单元格的位置和要插入的图像。
It is possible to insert an image object at a certain cell location of the worksheet, with the help of insert_image() method. Basically, you have to specify the location of cell using any type of notation and the image to be inserted.
worksheet.insert_image('C5', 'logo.png')
insert_image() 方法在字典中采用以下可选参数。
The insert_image() method takes following optional parameters in a dictionary.
Parameter |
Default |
'x_offset' |
0, |
'y_offset' |
0, |
'x_scale' |
1, |
'y_scale' |
1, |
'object_position' |
2, |
'image_data' |
None |
'url' |
None |
'description' |
None |
'decorative' |
False |
偏移值以像素为单位。 x_scale 和 y_scale 参数用于水平和垂直缩放图像。
The offset values are in pixels. The x_scale and y_scale parameters are used to scale the image horizontally and vertically.
image_data 参数用于在 io.BytesIO 格式中添加内存中字节流。
The image_data parameter is used to add an in-memory byte stream in io.BytesIO format.
下列程序从当前文件夹中的文件中提取图像数据,并将其用作 image_data 参数的值。
The following program extracts the image data from a file in the current folder and uses is as value for image_data parameter.
from io import BytesIO
import xlsxwriter
workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook('hello.xlsx')
worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet()
filename = 'logo.png'
file = open(filename, 'rb')
data = BytesIO(
worksheet.insert_image('C5', filename, {'image_data': data})