Sqlalchemy 简明教程
Using DELETE Expression
在上一章节中,我们已经了解了 Update 表达式的作用。我们接下来要学习的表达是 Delete 。
In the previous chapter, we have understood what an Update expression does. The next expression that we are going to learn is Delete.
删除操作可以通过对目标表对象运行 delete() 方法来实现,如下面的语句中所示:
The delete operation can be achieved by running delete() method on target table object as given in the following statement −
stmt = students.delete()
对于学生表,上面的代码行构造如下 SQL 表达式:
In case of students table, the above line of code constructs a SQL expression as following −
'DELETE FROM students'
但是,这将删除学生表中的所有行。通常,DELETE 查询与 WHERE 子句指定的逻辑表达式相关联。以下语句显示 where 参数:
However, this will delete all rows in students table. Usually DELETE query is associated with a logical expression specified by WHERE clause. The following statement shows where parameter −
stmt = students.delete().where(students.c.id > 2)
结果 SQL 表达式将有一个绑定参数,该参数将在语句执行时在运行时替换。
The resultant SQL expression will have a bound parameter which will be substituted at runtime when the statement is executed.
'DELETE FROM students WHERE students.id > :id_1'
Following code example will delete those rows from students table having lastname as ‘Khanna’ −
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import update
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, String
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///college.db', echo = True)
meta = MetaData()
students = Table(
'students', meta,
Column('id', Integer, primary_key = True),
Column('name', String),
Column('lastname', String),
conn = engine.connect()
stmt = students.delete().where(students.c.lastname == 'Khanna')
s = students.select()
要验证结果,请刷新 SQLiteStudio 中学生表的数据视图。
To verify the result, refresh the data view of students table in SQLiteStudio.