Sqlalchemy 简明教程

在本章中,我们将重点关注 SQLAlchemy ORM 中的相关对象。

In this chapter, we will focus on the related objects in SQLAlchemy ORM.

现在,当我们创建一个客户对象时,Python 列表的形式将出现一个空白的账单集合。

Now when we create a Customer object, a blank invoice collection will be present in the form of Python List.

c1 = Customer(name = "Gopal Krishna", address = "Bank Street Hydarebad", email = "gk@gmail.com")

c1.invoices 的 invoices 特性将是一个空列表。我们可将列表中的项目指定为 -

The invoices attribute of c1.invoices will be an empty list. We can assign items in the list as −

c1.invoices = [Invoice(invno = 10, amount = 15000), Invoice(invno = 14, amount = 3850)]

让我们使用如下 Session 对象将此对象提交到数据库 -

Let us commit this object to the database using Session object as follows −

from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
Session = sessionmaker(bind = engine)
session = Session()

这将自动为客户和发票表生成 INSERT 查询 -

This will automatically generate INSERT queries for customers and invoices tables −

INSERT INTO customers (name, address, email) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
('Gopal Krishna', 'Bank Street Hydarebad', 'gk@gmail.com')
INSERT INTO invoices (custid, invno, amount) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
(2, 10, 15000)
INSERT INTO invoices (custid, invno, amount) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
(2, 14, 3850)

让我们现在在 SQLiteStudio 表视图中查看客户表和发票表的内容 -

Let us now look at contents of customers table and invoices table in the table view of SQLiteStudio −

customers table view
invoices table

您可通过使用下列命令,在构造函数中为发票提供映射的特性,来构造客户对象 -

You can construct Customer object by providing mapped attribute of invoices in the constructor itself by using the below command −

c2 = [
      name = "Govind Pant",
      address = "Gulmandi Aurangabad",
      email = "gpant@gmail.com",
      invoices = [Invoice(invno = 3, amount = 10000),
      Invoice(invno = 4, amount = 5000)]

或一组待使用 add_all() 函数(如以下所示)添加的对象 -

Or a list of objects to be added using add_all() function of session object as shown below −

rows = [
      name = "Govind Kala",
      address = "Gulmandi Aurangabad",
      email = "kala@gmail.com",
      invoices = [Invoice(invno = 7, amount = 12000), Invoice(invno = 8, amount = 18500)]),

      name = "Abdul Rahman",
      address = "Rohtak",
      email = "abdulr@gmail.com",
      invoices = [Invoice(invno = 9, amount = 15000),
      Invoice(invno = 11, amount = 6000)
