Sqlite 简明教程
SQLite - Commands
本章将带您了解 SQLite 程序员使用的简单且有用的命令。这些命令称为 SQLite 点命令,而且这些命令的例外之处是它们不应该以分号 (;) 结束。
This chapter will take you through simple and useful commands used by SQLite programmers. These commands are called SQLite dot commands and exception with these commands is that they should not be terminated by a semi-colon (;).
让我们从在命令提示符中输入一个 sqlite3 命令开始,该命令会为您提供 SQLite 命令提示符,您可以在其中发出各种 SQLite 命令。
Let’s start with typing a simple sqlite3 command at command prompt which will provide you with SQLite command prompt where you will issue various SQLite commands.
SQLite version 3.3.6
Enter ".help" for instructions
您可以随时输入 “.help” 来获取可用点命令的列表。例如−
For a listing of the available dot commands, you can enter ".help" any time. For example −
上述命令将显示一个包含各种重要 SQLite 点命令的列表,这些命令列在以下表格中。
The above command will display a list of various important SQLite dot commands, which are listed in the following table.
Sr.No. |
Command & Description |
1 |
.backup ?DB? FILE Backup DB (default "main") to FILE |
2 |
*.bail ON |
OFF* Stop after hitting an error. Default OFF |
3 |
.databases List names and files of attached databases |
4 |
.dump ?TABLE? Dump the database in an SQL text format. If TABLE specified, only dump tables matching LIKE pattern TABLE |
5 |
*.echo ON |
OFF* Turn command echo on or off |
6 |
.exit Exit SQLite prompt |
7 |
*.explain ON |
OFF* Turn output mode suitable for EXPLAIN on or off. With no args, it turns EXPLAIN on |
8 |
*.header(s) ON |
OFF* Turn display of headers on or off |
9 |
.help Show this message |
10 |
.import FILE TABLE Import data from FILE into TABLE |
11 |
.indices ?TABLE? Show names of all indices. If TABLE specified, only show indices for tables matching LIKE pattern TABLE |
12 |
.load FILE ?ENTRY? Load an extension library |
13 |
*.log FILE |
off* Turn logging on or off. FILE can be stderr/stdout |
14 |
.mode MODE Set output mode where MODE is one of − csv − Comma-separated values column − Left-aligned columns. html − HTML <table> code insert − SQL insert statements for TABLE line − One value per line list − Values delimited by .separator string tabs − Tab-separated values tcl − TCL list elements |
15 |
.nullvalue STRING Print STRING in place of NULL values |
16 |
.output FILENAME Send output to FILENAME |
17 |
.output stdout Send output to the screen |
18 |
.print STRING… Print literal STRING |
19 |
.prompt MAIN CONTINUE Replace the standard prompts |
20 |
.quit Exit SQLite prompt |
21 |
.read FILENAME Execute SQL in FILENAME |
22 |
.schema ?TABLE? Show the CREATE statements. If TABLE specified, only show tables matching LIKE pattern TABLE |
23 |
.separator STRING Change separator used by output mode and .import |
24 |
.show Show the current values for various settings |
25 |
*.stats ON |
OFF* Turn stats on or off |
26 |
.tables ?PATTERN? List names of tables matching a LIKE pattern |
27 |
.timeout MS Try opening locked tables for MS milliseconds |
28 |
.width NUM NUM Set column widths for "column" mode |
29 |
*.timer ON |
让我们尝试 .show 命令,以查看 SQLite 命令提示符的默认设置。
Let’s try .show command to see default setting for your SQLite command prompt.
echo: off
explain: off
headers: off
mode: column
nullvalue: ""
output: stdout
separator: "|"
确保 sqlite> 提示符和 dot 命令之间没有空格,否则将不起作用。
Make sure there is no space in between sqlite> prompt and dot command, otherwise it will not work.
Formatting Output
您可以使用以下 dot 命令序列来格式化输出。
You can use the following sequence of dot commands to format your output.
sqlite>.header on
sqlite>.mode column
sqlite>.timer on
The above setting will produce the output in the following format.
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
1 Paul 32 California 20000.0
2 Allen 25 Texas 15000.0
3 Teddy 23 Norway 20000.0
4 Mark 25 Rich-Mond 65000.0
5 David 27 Texas 85000.0
6 Kim 22 South-Hall 45000.0
7 James 24 Houston 10000.0
CPU Time: user 0.000000 sys 0.000000
The sqlite_master Table
master 表保存有关数据库表的关键信息,称为 sqlite_master 。您可以按如下方式查看其架构 −
The master table holds the key information about your database tables and it is called sqlite_master. You can see its schema as follows −
sqlite>.schema sqlite_master
This will produce the following result.
CREATE TABLE sqlite_master (
type text,
name text,
tbl_name text,
rootpage integer,
sql text