Spring Cloud Zookeeper
此项目通过自动配置和与 Spring Environment 以及其他 Spring 编程模型惯用法绑定,为 Spring Boot 应用程序提供 Zookeeper 集成。使用一些注释,你可以快速启用和配置应用程序中的常见模式,并使用基于 Zookeeper 的组件构建大型分布式系统。提供的模式包括服务发现和配置。此项目还通过与 Spring Cloud LoadBalancer 集成提供客户端负载平衡。
This project provides Zookeeper integrations for Spring Boot applications through autoconfiguration and binding to the Spring Environment and other Spring programming model idioms. With a few annotations, you can quickly enable and configure the common patterns inside your application and build large distributed systems with Zookeeper based components. The provided patterns include Service Discovery and Configuration. The project also provides client-side load-balancing via integration with Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.