Spring for GraphQL

Spring for GraphQL 为构建在 GraphQL Java 上的 Spring 应用程序提供支持。这是 GraphQL Java 团队和 Spring 工程之间的一项联合协作。

Spring for GraphQL provides support for Spring applications built on GraphQL Java. It is a joint collaboration between the GraphQL Java team and Spring engineering.

Spring for GraphQL 是 GraphQL Java 团队的 GraphQL Java Spring 项目的后继。旨在成为所有 Spring、GraphQL 应用程序的基础。

Spring for GraphQL is the successor of the GraphQL Java Spring project from the GraphQL Java team. It aims to be the foundation for all Spring, GraphQL applications.

请使用我们的 issue tracker 报告问题、讨论设计问题或请求功能。

Please, use our issue tracker to report a problem, discuss a design issue, or to request a feature.

查看 Wiki. 以了解最新信息、基线要求和升级说明以及其他跨版本信息。

Check the Wiki. for what’s new, baseline requirements, and upgrade notes, and other cross-version information.

要开始,请参阅 Boot StarterSamples 部分。

To get started, see the Boot Starter and Samples sections.