Amazonrds 简明教程

Amazon RDS - Oracle Connecting to DB

要连接 Amazon RDS Oracle DB,我们需要客户端软件。在此情况下,我们使用 SQL 开发人员工具。使用以下链接安装: SQL Developer

To connect to Amazon RDS Oracle DB we need a client software. In this case we use Sql Developer. Install it using the link SQL Developer .

成功安装后,我们按照以下步骤将其连接到 Amazon RDS。

After it is successfully installed we follow the steps below to connect it to the Amazon RDS.


从 DB 实例详细信息中获取端点。

From the DB instance details get the end point.

oracle db conn 1



Use the end point and the master user credentials as the connection details.

oracle db conn 2



Once connected, we get the following window.

oracle db conn 3