Elasticsearch 简明教程

Elasticsearch - Canvas

Canvas 应用程序是 Kibana 的一部分,它允许我们创建动态、多页面和像素完美的显示数据。它创建信息图而不仅仅是图表和指标的能力使其独一无二且有吸引力。在本章中,我们将看到 canvas 的各种特性以及如何使用 canvas 工作区。

Canvas application is a part of Kibana which allows us to create dynamic, multi-page and pixel perfect data displays. Its ability to create infographics and not just charts and metrices is what makes it unique and appealing. In this chapter we will see various features of canvas and how to use the canvas work pads.

Opening a Canvas

转到 Kibana 主页并选择如下面的图表所示的选项。它会打开你拥有的 canvas 工作区列表。我们选择电子商务收入跟踪进行我们的研究。

Go to the Kibana homepage and select the option as shown in the below diagram. It opens up the list of canvas work pads you have. We choose the ecommerce Revenue tracking for our study.

opening a Canvas

Cloning A Workpad

我们将 [eCommerce] Revenue Tracking 工作区克隆以用于我们的研究。要克隆它,我们突出显示包含此工作区名称的行,然后使用如下面图表所示的克隆按钮 -

We clone the [eCommerce] Revenue Tracking workpad to be used in our study. To clone it, we highlight the row with the name of this workpad and then use the clone button as shown in the diagram below −

cloning a workpad

克隆完成后,我们将得到一个名为 [eCommerce] Revenue Tracking – Copy 的新工作区,打开后将显示以下信息图。

As a result of the above clone, we will get a new work pad named as [eCommerce] Revenue Tracking – Copy which on opening will show the below infographics.


It describes the total sales and Revenue by category along with nice pictures and charts.

total sales and revenue

Modifying the Workpad


We can change the style and figures in the workpad by using the options available in the right hand side tab. Here we aim to change the background colour of the workpad by choosing a different colour as shown in the diagram below. The colour selection comes into effect immediately and we get the result as shown below −

modifying the workpad