Elasticsearch 简明教程

Elasticsearch - Data Tables


The data table is type of visualization that is used to display the raw data of a composed aggregation. There are various types of aggregations that are presented by using Data tables. In order to create a Data Table, we should go through the steps that are discussed here in detail.


在 Kibana 主屏幕中,我们找到了可视化名称选项,可视化名称选项使我们能够从 Elasticsearch 中存储的指标创建可视化和聚合。下图显示了此选项。

In Kibana Home screen we find the option name Visualize which allows us to create visualization and aggregations from the indices stored in Elasticsearch. The following image shows the option.

visualize home page

Select Data Table

接下来,我们在各种可用的可视化选项中选择数据表选项。该选项显示在以下图像 &miuns;

Next, we select the Data Table option from among the various visualization options available. The option is shown in the following image &miuns;

new visualize

Select Metrics


We then select the metrics needed for creating the data table visualization. This choice decides the type of aggregation we are going to use. We select the specific fields shown below from the ecommerce data set for this.

kibana sample data ecommerce

在对数据表运行上述配置后,我们得到的结果如下图所示 −

On running the above configuration for Data Table, we get the result as shown in the image here −

result of kibana sample data