Gitlab 简明教程
GitLab CI - Introduction
GitLab CI(持续集成)服务是 GitLab 的一部分,它管理项目和用户界面,允许在每次提交中进行单元测试,并在构建不成功时通过警告消息指出。
GitLab CI (Continuous Integration) service is a part of GitLab which manages the project and user interface and allows unit tests on every commit and indicates with warning message when there is an unsuccessful of build.
It is integrated in GitLab interface.
It has earned more popularity in the past few years due to its simple usage, faster results etc.
It allows the project team members to integrate their work daily.
The integration errors can be identified easily by an automated build.
It can be executed on multiple platforms such as Windows, Unix, OSX and other platforms which support Go programming language.