Gitlab 简明教程
GitLab Tutorial
Gitlab 是一项提供对 Git 存储库的远程访问的服务。除了托管你的代码外,该服务还提供旨在帮助管理软件开发生命周期的附加功能。这些附加功能包括管理不同人员之间的代码共享、错误跟踪、维基空间以及用于“社交编码”的其他工具。
Gitlab is a service that provides remote access to Git repositories. In addition to hosting your code, the services provide additional features designed to help manage the software development lifecycle. These additional features include managing the sharing of code between different people, bug tracking, wiki space and other tools for 'social coding'.
本教程将帮助初学者了解 Gitlab 服务的基本功能。完成本教程后,你将发现自己对使用 Gitlab 的专业知识处于中等水平,你可以从中提升自己到更高的水平。
This tutorial will help beginners learn the basic functionality of Gitlab service. After completing this tutorial, you will find yourself at a moderate level of expertise in using Gitlab from where you can take yourself to the next levels.
我们假设你将使用 Gitlab 来处理所有级别的 Java 和非 Java 项目。因此,如果你对软件开发生命周期有一定的了解,并且具有开发基于 Web 和非基于 Web 的应用程序以及在 Windows 或 Linux 环境中使用命令提示符的工作知识,那将会很好。
We assume that you are going to use Gitlab to handle all levels of Java and Non-Java projects. So it will be good if you have some amount of exposure to software development life cycle and working knowledge of developing web-based and non web-based applications, alongwith usage of command prompts on Windows or Linux environments.