Javascript 简明教程

JavaScript - Browsers Compatibility


用内置 navigator 对象获取您的网页当前正在运行的浏览器信息。

Navigator Properties

有一些与 Navigator 相关的属性,您可以在您的网页中使用。以下是每个属性的名称和说明。

Navigator Methods

有一些特定的 Navigator 方法。以下是它们名称和说明的列表。

Browser Detection

有一个简单的 JavaScript,它可以用来找出浏览器的名称,然后可以向用户提供相应 HTML 页面。

      <title>Browser Detection Example</title>

      <script type = "text/javascript">
         var userAgent   = navigator.userAgent;
         var opera       = (userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1);
         var ie          = (userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1);
         var gecko       = (userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') != -1);
         var netscape    = (userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla') != -1);
         var version     = navigator.appVersion;

         if (opera) {
            document.write("Opera based browser");
            // Keep your opera specific URL here.
         } else if (gecko) {
            document.write("Mozilla based browser");
            // Keep your gecko specific URL here.
         } else if (ie) {
            document.write("IE based browser");
            // Keep your IE specific URL here.
         } else if (netscape) {
            document.write("Netscape based browser");
            // Keep your Netscape specific URL here.
         } else {
            document.write("Unknown browser");

         // You can include version to along with any above condition.
         document.write("<br /> Browser version info : " + version );


