Javascript 简明教程
JavaScript - Object Properties
JavaScript Object Properties
JavaScript 中的 object property 是键:值对,其中键是一个字符串,而值可以是任何东西。键:值对中的键也称为属性名称。所以 properties 是键(或名称)和值之间的关联。
An object property in JavaScript is a key: value pair, where key is a string and value can be anything. The key in key: value pair is also called property name. So the properties are association between key (or name) and value.
换句话说,对象是 property(键:值对)的集合。不过,键:值对不会以特定顺序存储在对象中。要编写对象语法,请使用花括号。每个键:值对写在一对花括号内,用逗号分隔。
An object is in other terms a collection of properties (key: value pairs). However, key: value pairs are not stored in the specific order in the object. To write an object syntax, the curly braces are used. Each key: value pair is written within curly braces separated by a comma.
你可以在 JavaScript 中操纵对象 property。例如,你可以添加、删除或更新对象 property。
You can manipulate the object properties in JavaScript. For example, you can add, delete, or update the object’s properties.
你可以按照以下语法在对象中定义 property。
You can follow the syntax below to define properties in the object.
const fruit = {
name: "Apple",
price: 100,
在上面的语法中,fruit 是一个对象。fruit 对象包含 name 和 price property。name property 的值是 'Apple’,而 price 是 100。
In the above syntax, fruit is an object. The fruit object contains the name and price properties. The value of the name property is 'Apple’, and the price is 100.
The property value can be anything like an object, set, array, string, set, function, etc.
Accessing Object Properties
在 JavaScript 中有 3 种方法可以访问对象属性。
There are 3 ways to access object properties in JavaScript.
Using the dot notation
Using the square bracket notation
Using the expression
The Dot Notation
You can access the object property using the dot notation/ syntax.
In the above syntax, 'obj' is an object, and 'prop' is its property whose value you need to access.
下面的示例中的“fruit”对象包含name 和 price 属性。我们将使用点表示法访问对象属性,并且可以在输出中看到属性值。
The 'fruit' object in the example below contains the name and price property. We access the object properties using the dot notation, and you can see property values in the output.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id = "output"> </p>
const fruit = {
name: "Banana",
price: 20,
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML =
"The price of the " + + " is " + fruit.price;
The price of the Banana is 20
The Square Bracket Notation
You can use the square bracket pair containing the property as a string followed by the object name to access a particular property.
In the above syntax, we access the 'prop' property from the object.
在下面的示例中,我们访问水果对象的 name 和 price 属性值。
In the example below, we access the fruit object’s name and price property values.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id = "output"> </p>
const fruit = {
name: "Banana",
price: 20,
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML =
"The price of the " + fruit["name"] + " is " + fruit["price"];
The price of the Banana is 20
Using the expression inside the bracket
Sometimes, you require to access the object properties dynamically using the variable or expression. So, you can write the expression inside the square bracket notation. The expression can be a variable, a mathematical expression, etc.
The above syntax evaluates the expression first and accesses the property same as a resultant value from the object. You don’t need to write the expression in quotes.
在下面的示例中,num 对象包含数字作为字符串格式的键,并且包含单词表示作为值。
In the example below, the num object contains the number as a key in the string format and its word representation as a value.
我们使用变量 x 从对象访问属性值。此外,我们使用数学表达式“x + 10”动态访问对象属性。
We use the variable x to access the property value from the object. Also, we used the "x + 10" mathematical expression to access the object property dynamically.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id = "output"> </p>
const num = {
10: "ten",
20: "Twenty",
const x = 10;
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = num[x + 10];
Accessing the Nested Object Properties
Accessing the nested object properties is very similar to accessing the object properties. You can either use the dot or square bracket notation.
// OR
在上面的语法中,prop 是 obj 对象的属性,而 nestedProp 是“prop”对象的属性。
In the above syntax, the prop is a property of the obj object, and nestedProp is a property of the 'prop' object.
在下面的代码中,“cars”对象包含名为 OD 和 BMW 的嵌套对象。我们使用点和方括号表示法访问嵌套对象属性。
In the below code, the 'cars' object contains the nested objects named OD and BMW. We access the nested object properties using the dot and square bracket notation.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id = "output1"> </p>
<p id = "output2"> </p>
const cars = {
totalBrands: 50,
audi: {
model: "Q7",
price: 10000000,
bmw: {
model: "S20D",
price: 8000000,
document.getElementById("output1").innerHTML =
"The model of Audi is " + +
" and its price is " +;
document.getElementById("output2").innerHTML =
"The model of BMW is " + cars["bmw"]["model"] +
" and its price is " + cars["bmw"]["price"];
The model of Audi is Q7 and its price is 10000000
The model of BMW is S20D and its price is 8000000
Adding or Updating the Object Properties
You can update or add new properties to the object using the dot or square bracket notation. You can access the object property and assign a new value to it. If the property already exists, it updates the property value. Otherwise, it adds the property to the object.
Obj.prop = new_value;
Obj["prop"] = new_value;
在上面的语法中,我们更新了 obj 对象的“prop”属性值。'
In the above syntax, we update the value of the 'prop' property of the obj object.
在下面的示例中,我们更新了 fruit 对象的 name 和 price 属性。此外,我们将 expiry 属性添加到 fruit 对象。
In the example below, we update the name and price property of the fruit object. Also, we add the expiry property to the fruit object.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id = "output"> </p>
const fruit = {
name: "Watermealon",
price: 150,
} = "Apple"; // Updating using the dot notation
fruit["price"] = 200; // Updating using the bracket notation
fruit.expiry = "5 days"; // Adding new property to the object.
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML +=
"The price of " + +
" is " + fruit.price +
" and it expires in " + fruit.expiry;
The price of Apple is 200 and it expires in 5 days
Deleting the Object Properties
You can use the 'delete' operator to delete the specific object properties.
delete obj.prop;
在上面的语法中,obj.prop 是 delete 运算符的运算符。
In the above syntax, obj.prop is an operator for the delete operator.
在下面的示例中,我们使用 delete 运算符从 fruit 对象中删除 name 属性。输出显示 fruit 对象在删除 name 属性后仅包含 price 属性。
In the example below, we delete the name property from the fruit object using the delete operator. The output shows that the fruit object contains only the price property after deleting the name property.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p> The object after deleting the "name" property: </p>
<p id = "output"> </p>
const fruit = {
name: "Watermealon",
price: 150,
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(fruit);
The object after deleting the "name" property:
Enumerating the Object Properties
有各种方法来枚举对象属性。 Object.keys() 方法在数组中返回对象’的键。但是,我们将使用 for…in 循环遍历对象的每个属性。
There are various approaches to enumerating the object properties. The Object.keys() method returns the object’s keys in the array. However, we will use the for…in loop to traverse through each property of the object.
You can follow the syntax below to iterate through the object properties.
for (let key in table) {
// Use the key to access its value
In the above syntax, 'key' is an object property, which can be used to access its value.
在下面的示例中,我们创建了包含 3 个属性的 table 对象。之后,我们使用 for…in 循环遍历对象中的每个属性并访问其值。
In the example below, we have created the table object containing 3 properties. After that, we used the for…in loop to traverse through each property of the object and access its value.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p> Iterating the obejct properties</p>
<p id = "output"> </p>
const table = {
color: "brown",
shape: "round",
price: 10000,
for (let key in table) {
document.getElementById("output").innerHTML += key + ": " + table[key] + "<br>";
Iterating the obejct properties
color: brown
shape: round
price: 10000
Property Attributes
The object property contains four attributes.
value − A value of the object.
enumerable − Contains boolean value representing whether the object is iterable.
configurable − Contains the boolean value representing whether the object is configurable.
writable − It also contains the boolean value, representing whether the object is writable.
默认情况下,您除了对象的 value 属性外,不能编辑其他属性。您需要使用 defineProperty() 或 defineProperties() 方法来更新其他属性。
By default, you can’t edit other attributes except the value attribute of the object property. You need to use the defineProperty() or defineProperties() methods to update other attributes.