Phpmyadmin 简明教程
phpMyAdmin - User Accounts
phpMyAdmin 为用户管理提供了直观的用户界面。我们可以查看用户、编辑其特权等。
phpMyAdmin provides an intuitive user interface for user management. We can view users, edit their previleges etc.

让我们使用 phpMyAdmin 创建一个用户,称为 testuser。在 New 部分下单击 Add User Account 链接。
Let’s create a user using phpMyAdmin say testuser. Click on the Add User Account link under New Section.
Create user with a strong password.

Grant Privileges.

现在单击“Go”按钮,phpMyAdmin 将创建用户,并显示用于创建用户的 SQL。
Now click on go button and phpMyAdmin will create the user and shows the SQL used to create the user.

Now click on User accounts and verify the user with required privileges.