Encryption and Decryption
要使用加密和解密功能,您需要在 JVM 中安装全功能 JCE(默认情况下不包含在内)。您可以从 Oracle 下载 “Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files” 并按照安装说明进行操作(基本上,您需要使用下载的文件替换 JRE lib/security 目录中的两个策略文件)。
To use the encryption and decryption features you need the full-strength JCE installed in your JVM (it is not included by default). You can download the “Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files” from Oracle and follow the installation instructions (essentially, you need to replace the two policy files in the JRE lib/security directory with the ones that you downloaded).
如果远程属性源包含加密内容(以 {cipher}
开头),在通过 HTTP 发送给客户端之前,它们会先进行解密。此设置的主要优点是当属性值处于“静止状态”(例如,在 git 仓库中时)时,不必以纯文本形式提供。如果无法解密值,则会将其从属性源中删除,并添加一个附加的属性,该属性具有相同的键,但带有 invalid
前缀,值表示“不适用”(通常为 <n/a>
If the remote property sources contain encrypted content (values starting with {cipher}
), they are decrypted before sending to clients over HTTP.
The main advantage of this setup is that the property values need not be in plain text when they are “at rest” (for example, in a git repository).
If a value cannot be decrypted, it is removed from the property source and an additional property is added with the same key but prefixed with invalid
and a value that means “not applicable” (usually <n/a>
This is largely to prevent cipher text being used as a password and accidentally leaking.
如果您为配置客户端应用程序设置远程配置仓库,则其中可能包含类似于以下内容的 application.yml
If you set up a remote config repository for config client applications, it might contain an application.yml
similar to the following:
username: dbuser
Encrypted values in application.properties
file must not be wrapped in quotes. Otherwise, the value is not decrypted. The following example shows values that would work:
spring.datasource.username: dbuser spring.datasource.password: {cipher}FKSAJDFGYOS8F7GLHAKERGFHLSAJ
您可以安全地将此纯文本推送到共享 git 仓库中,并且秘密密码仍受保护。
You can safely push this plain text to a shared git repository, and the secret password remains protected.
该服务器还公开 /encrypt
和 /decrypt
端点(假设这些端点是安全的,并且仅由经过授权的代理程序访问)。如果您编辑远程配置文件,您可以使用 Config Server 通过对 /encrypt
端点 POST,来加密值,如下例所示:
The server also exposes /encrypt
and /decrypt
endpoints (on the assumption that these are secured and only accessed by authorized agents).
If you edit a remote config file, you can use the Config Server to encrypt values by POSTing to the /encrypt
endpoint, as shown in the following example:
$ curl localhost:8888/encrypt -s -d mysecret 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda
如果您正在使用 curl 进行测试,请使用 |
If you are testing with curl, then use |
请确保不要在加密值中包含任何 curl 命令统计信息,这就是这些示例使用 |
Be sure not to include any of the curl command statistics in the encrypted value, this is why the examples use the |
逆操作也可以通过 /decrypt
The inverse operation is also available through /decrypt
(provided the server is
configured with a symmetric key or a full key pair), as shown in the following example:
$ curl localhost:8888/decrypt -s -d 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda mysecret
获取加密值并在将其放入 YAML 或属性文件前添加 {cipher}
Take the encrypted value and add the {cipher}
prefix before you put it in the YAML or properties file and before you commit and push it to a remote (potentially insecure) store.
和 /decrypt
端点也都接受 /*/{application}/{profiles}
The /encrypt
and /decrypt
endpoints also both accept paths in the form of /*/{application}/{profiles}
, which can be used to control cryptography on a per-application (name) and per-profile basis when clients call into the main environment resource.
要以这种粒度控制密码学,您还必须提供一个类型为 |
To control the cryptography in this granular way, you must also provide a |
命令行客户端(安装了 Spring Cloud CLI 扩展)也可用于加密和解密,如下例所示:
The spring
command line client (with Spring Cloud CLI extensions
installed) can also be used to encrypt and decrypt, as shown in the following example:
$ spring encrypt mysecret --key foo 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda $ spring decrypt --key foo 682bc583f4641835fa2db009355293665d2647dade3375c0ee201de2a49f7bda mysecret
要使用文件中的密钥(比如用于加密的 RSA 公钥),请用“@”前缀密钥值并提供文件路径,如下面的示例所示:
To use a key in a file (such as an RSA public key for encryption), prepend the key value with "@" and provide the file path, as shown in the following example:
$ spring encrypt mysecret --key @${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub AQAjPgt3eFZQXwt8tsHAVv/QHiY5sI2dRcR+...
The |