Bootstrap 简明教程
Bootstrap - Typography
本章将讨论 Bootstrap 提供的各种与版式相关的功能。版式是指使书面文字在显示时看起来清晰、有吸引力且赏心悦目的艺术。
Bootstrap Default / Global Settings
Bootstrap 的最新版本设置了显示、版式和链接样式的默认设置。以下是其中一些默认设置:
Bootstrap 会将默认 font-size 设置为 1rem,默认为 16px。
Bootstrap 将 line-height 设置为 1.5
对于通过 font-family 对每个设备和操作系统进行优化的文本渲染,可使用“本机字体叠加”。
$body-bg 变量应在 <body> 标记上设置背景颜色,而 #fff 默认为灰色。
可以通过变量 $link-color 设置全局链接颜色,并且仅在 :hover 上应用链接下划线。
若要对 <body> 标记应用基本版式,请使用 $font-family-base, $font-size-base, 和 $line-height-base. 等属性
必须在 rem 中设置 $font-size-base 。全局变量在 _variables.scss 中定义,而样式则在 _reboot.scss 中定义。
HTML 标题标记,即 <h1> 至 <h6> ,在 Bootstrap 中以以下方式设置样式:
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<h1>Heading 1 - h1</h1>
<h2>Heading 2 - h2</h2>
<h3>Heading 3 - h3</h3>
<h4>Heading 4 - h4</h4>
<h5>Heading 5 - h5</h5>
<h6>Heading 6 - h6</h6>
.h1 至 .h6 类也在 Bootstrap 中可用,以便匹配标题字体样式,而无需使用关联的 HTML 元素。
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<p class="h1">Class h1 - Heading 1</p>
<p class="h2">Class h2 - Heading 2</p>
<p class="h3">Class h3 - Heading 3</p>
<p class="h4">Class h4 - Heading 4</p>
<p class="h5">Class h5 - Heading 5</p>
<p class="h6">Class h6 - Heading 6</p>
Customizing Headings
Bootstrap 提供的实用程序类可用于自定标题。
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<p>This is an example to show the customized heading.</p>
Here the text will
<small class="text-muted"> be customized through this class.</small>
Display Headings
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<p class="display-1">Display 1 - Heading 1</p>
<p class="display-2">Display 2 - Heading 2</p>
<p class="display-3">Display 3 - Heading 3</p>
<p class="display-4">Display 4 - Heading 4</p>
<p class="display-5">Display 5 - Heading 5</p>
<p class="display-6">Display 6 - Heading 6</p>
.lead 类使段落脱颖而出。它为段落中的文本提供了更大的字体大小、更细粗细和更高的行高。
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<p class="lead">
The class lead will make the paragraph look different from the regular paragraph. It looks “stand-out”.
Bootstrap 设定 HTML 的 <abbr> 元素样式,缩写和首字母缩写词的完整形式在鼠标悬停时显示,并且文本在文本底部显示带点虚线。
对缩写使用 .initialism 类,以便获得略小花号的字体。
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<p><abbr title="Indian Space Research Organisation">ISRO</abbr></p>
<p><abbr title="World Health Organisation" class="initialism">WHO</abbr></p>
当需要将内容块作为引用添加到文档中时,将在 <blockquote> html 元素周围使用类 .blockquote 。例子如下:
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<h4>Example for blockquote</h4>
<p>Refer the quote given below.</p>
<blockquote class="blockquote">
<p>An ounce of patience is worth more than a tonne of preaching</p>
Naming a Source
Bootstrap 在 <footer> 元素内提供 .blockquote-footer 类以标识来源。 <cite> 标记用于包装源的名称。
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<h4>Example for Naming a Source</h4>
<p>Refer the quote given below.</p>
<blockquote class="blockquote">
<p>An ounce of patience is worth more than a tonne of preaching</p>
<footer class="blockquote-footer">Written by someone <cite title="Very famous">Very famous</cite></footer>
Bootstrap 提供了类来更改引用块的对齐方式,例如 .text-center 和 .text-right 。
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<h4>Example for alignment of blockquote</h4>
<p>Refer the quote given below.</p>
<blockquote class="blockquote text-center">
<p>An ounce of patience is worth more than a tonne of preaching</p>
<footer class="blockquote-footer">Written by someone <cite title="Very famous">Very famous</cite></footer>
Inline Text Elements
Bootstrap 提供了可用于为文本设置样式的类,而不是使用常见的内联 HTML5 元素。请遵循以下示例:
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<h4>Use of mark </h4>
<p>Demonstrating use of mark tag to <mark> highlight </mark> text.</p>
<p class="mark">Demonstrating use of mark class to highlight text.</p>
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<h4>Use of small</h4>
<p>Demonstrating use of <small> tag to make the text look fineprint.</p>
<p class="small">Demonstrating use of small class to make the text look fineprint.</p>
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<h4>Use of .text-decoration-underline</h4>
<p>Demonstrating use of <u> tag to make the text underlined.</p>
<p class="text-decoration-underline">Demonstrating use of text-decoration-underline class to make the text underlined.</p>
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<h4>Use of .text-decoration-line-through</h4>
<p>Demonstrating use of s tag to treat the text as no longer accurate.</p>
<p class="text-decoration-line-through">Demonstrating use of text-decoration-line-through class to treat the text as no longer accurate.</p>
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<h4>Use of <del> element</h4>
<p><del>Demonstrating use of <del> tag to render the text as deleted.</del></p>
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<h4>Use of strong element</h4>
<p><strong>Demonstrating use of strong tag to render the text as bold.</strong></p>
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<h4>Use of em element</h4>
<p><em>Demonstrating use of em tag to render the text as italicized.</em></p>
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<h4>Use of .list-unstyled</h4>
<p>The class .list-unstyled removes the default style of list and the left margin on the items of the list.</p>
<ul class="list-unstyled">
<ul class="list">
<li>Cold Beverage</li>
<li>Hot Beverage</li>
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<h4>Use of .list-inline and .list-inline-item</h4>
<p>The classes <b>.list-inline</b> and <b>.list-inline-item</b> removes a list's bullets and adds a little margin.</p>
<ul class="list-inline">
<li class="list-inline-item">Tea</li>
<li class="list-inline-item">Coffee</li>
<li class="list-inline-item">Juice</li>
Description List Alignment
Bootstrap 提供了预定义的类来添加到 HTML 的 <dl> 、 <dt> 和 <dd> 标签,以便水平对齐术语和描述。您还可以选择添加 .text-truncate 类来用省略号截断文本。
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<h4>Use of classes for description list alignment</h4>
<p>The predefined classes of bootstrap help to align terms and description in grid form.</p>
<dl class="row">
<dt class="col-sm-3">Description Lists</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9">This tag shows the description of the term</dd>
<dt class="col-sm-3 text-truncate">The predefined class text-truncate truncates the text and returns the output with ellipsis.</dt>
<dd class="col-sm-9">This tag shows the truncated text with ellipsis</dd>