Data Structures Algorithms 简明教程

Circular Linked List Data Structure

What is Circular Linked List?

Circular Linked List 是链表的一个变体,其中第一个元素指向最后一个元素,而最后一个元素指向第一个元素。单向链表和双向链表都可以变成循环链表。

Circular Linked List is a variation of Linked list in which the first element points to the last element and the last element points to the first element. Both Singly Linked List and Doubly Linked List can be made into a circular linked list.

Singly Linked List as Circular


In singly linked list, the next pointer of the last node points to the first node.

singly linked list as circular

Doubly Linked List as Circular


In doubly linked list, the next pointer of the last node points to the first node and the previous pointer of the first node points to the last node making the circular in both directions.

doubly linked list as circular


As per the above illustration, following are the important points to be considered.

  1. The last link’s next points to the first link of the list in both cases of singly as well as doubly linked list.

  2. The first link’s previous points to the last of the list in case of doubly linked list.

Basic Operations in Circular Linked List


Following are the important operations supported by a circular list.

  1. insert − Inserts an element at the start of the list.

  2. delete − Deletes an element from the start of the list.

  3. display − Displays the list.

Circular Linked List - Insertion Operation


The insertion operation of a circular linked list only inserts the element at the start of the list. This differs from the usual singly and doubly linked lists as there is no particular starting and ending points in this list. The insertion is done either at the start or after a particular node (or a given position) in the list.


2. Check if the list is empty
3. If the list is empty, add the node and point the head
   to this node
4. If the list is not empty, link the existing head as
   the next node to the new node.
5. Make the new node as the new head.
6. END


以下是该操作在各种编程语言中的实现 −

Following are the implementations of this operation in various programming languages −

Circular Linked List - Deletion Operation


The Deletion operation in a Circular linked list removes a certain node from the list. The deletion operation in this type of lists can be done at the beginning, or a given position, or at the ending.


2. If the list is empty, then the program is returned.
3. If the list is not empty, we traverse the list using a
   current pointer that is set to the head pointer and create
   another pointer previous that points to the last node.
4. Suppose the list has only one node, the node is deleted
   by setting the head pointer to NULL.
5. If the list has more than one node and the first node is to
   be deleted, the head is set to the next node and the previous
   is linked to the new head.
6. If the node to be deleted is the last node, link the preceding
   node of the last node to head node.
7. If the node is neither first nor last, remove the node by
   linking its preceding node to its succeeding node.
8. END


以下是该操作在各种编程语言中的实现 −

Following are the implementations of this operation in various programming languages −

Circular Linked List - Displaying the List


The Display List operation visits every node in the list and prints them all in the output.


2. Walk through all the nodes of the list and print them
3. END


以下是该操作在各种编程语言中的实现 −

Following are the implementations of this operation in various programming languages −

Circular Linked List - Complete Implementation

以下是各种编程语言中对循环链表的完整实现 −

Following are the complete implementations of Circular Linked List in various programming languages −