Data Structures Algorithms 简明教程
Heap Sort Algorithm
堆排序是一种基于 * heap data structure* 的高效排序技术。
Heap Sort is an efficient sorting technique based on the heap data structure.
堆是一种近乎完整的二叉树,其中父节点可能是最小或最大值。具有最小根节点的堆称为 min-heap ,而具有最大根节点的根节点称为 max-heap 。堆排序算法的输入数据中的元素使用这两种方法进行处理。
The heap is a nearly-complete binary tree where the parent node could either be minimum or maximum. The heap with minimum root node is called min-heap and the root node with maximum root node is called max-heap. The elements in the input data of the heap sort algorithm are processed using these two methods.
堆排序算法在此过程中遵循两个主要操作 −
The heap sort algorithm follows two main operations in this procedure −
Builds a heap H from the input data using the heapify (explained further into the chapter) method, based on the way of sorting – ascending order or descending order.
Deletes the root element of the root element and repeats until all the input elements are processed.
The heap sort algorithm heavily depends upon the heapify method of the binary tree. So what is this heapify method?
Heapify Method
The heapify method of a binary tree is to convert the tree into a heap data structure. This method uses recursion approach to heapify all the nodes of the binary tree.
Note − 二叉树必须始终是完全二叉树,因为它必须始终有两个子节点。
Note − The binary tree must always be a complete binary tree as it must have two children nodes always.
The complete binary tree will be converted into either a max-heap or a min-heap by applying the heapify method.
要了解更多有关堆化算法的信息,请 click here.
To know more about the heapify algorithm, please click here.
Heap Sort Algorithm
正如在下面的算法中所述,排序算法首先通过调用 Build-Max-Heap 算法构造堆 ADT,并移除根元素以将其与叶子中的最小值节点交换。然后应用堆化方法来相应地重新排列元素。
As described in the algorithm below, the sorting algorithm first constructs the heap ADT by calling the Build-Max-Heap algorithm and removes the root element to swap it with the minimum valued node at the leaf. Then the heapify method is applied to rearrange the elements accordingly.
Algorithm: Heapsort(A)
for i = A.length downto 2
exchange A[1] with A[i]
A.heap-size = A.heap-size - 1
The heap sort algorithm is the combination of two other sorting algorithms: insertion sort and merge sort.
The similarities with insertion sort include that only a constant number of array elements are stored outside the input array at any time.
堆排序算法的时间复杂度为 O(nlogn) ,类似于归并排序。
The time complexity of the heap sort algorithm is O(nlogn), similar to merge sort.
Let us look at an example array to understand the sort algorithm better −
使用来自输入数组的 BUILD-MAX-HEAP 算法构建堆——
Building a heap using the BUILD-MAX-HEAP algorithm from the input array −

Rearrange the obtained binary tree by exchanging the nodes such that a heap data structure is formed.

The Heapify Algorithm
Applying the heapify method, remove the root node from the heap and replace it with the next immediate maximum valued child of the root.
根节点为 23,因此弹出 23,并将 18 设置为下一个根,因为它是在堆中的下一个最大节点。
The root node is 23, so 23 is popped and 18 is made the next root because it is the next maximum node in the heap.

现在,弹出 18 后 23 被 14 替换。
Now, 18 is popped after 23 which is replaced by 14.

弹出当前根 14,并将其替换为 12。
The current root 14 is popped from the heap and is replaced by 12.

弹出 12 并用 10 替换。
12 is popped and replaced with 10.

Similarly all the other elements are popped using the same process.

在此,弹出当前根元素 9,并且元素 8 和 3 保留于树中。
Here the current root element 9 is popped and the elements 8 and 3 are remained in the tree.

然后,将弹出 8 留下 3 在树中。
Then, 8 will be popped leaving 3 in the tree.

After completing the heap sort operation on the given heap, the sorted elements are displayed as shown below −

Every time an element is popped, it is added at the beginning of the output array since the heap data structure formed is a max-heap. But if the heapify method converts the binary tree to the min-heap, add the popped elements are on the end of the output array.
The final sorted list is,
The logic applied on the implementation of the heap sort is: firstly, the heap data structure is built based on the max-heap property where the parent nodes must have greater values than the child nodes. Then the root node is popped from the heap and the next maximum node on the heap is shifted to the root. The process is continued iteratively until the heap is empty.
In this tutorial, we show the heap sort implementation in four different programming languages.