Data Structures Algorithms 简明教程

Quick Sort Algorithm


Quick sort is a highly efficient sorting algorithm and is based on partitioning of array of data into smaller arrays. A large array is partitioned into two arrays one of which holds values smaller than the specified value, say pivot, based on which the partition is made and another array holds values greater than the pivot value.

Quicksort 对一个数组进行分区,然后递归调用自身两次,对两个生成的子数组进行排序。该算法对于大规模数据集非常有效,因为它的平均复杂度和最坏情况复杂度分别为 O(n2)。

Quicksort partitions an array and then calls itself recursively twice to sort the two resulting subarrays. This algorithm is quite efficient for large-sized data sets as its average and worst-case complexity are O(n2), respectively.

Partition in Quick Sort


Following animated representation explains how to find the pivot value in an array.

quick sort partition animation


The pivot value divides the list into two parts. And recursively, we find the pivot for each sub-lists until all lists contains only one element.

Quick Sort Pivot Algorithm


Based on our understanding of partitioning in quick sort, we will now try to write an algorithm for it, which is as follows.

1. Choose the highest index value has pivot
2. Take two variables to point left and right of the list
excluding pivot
3. Left points to the low index
4. Right points to the high
5. While value at left is less than pivot move right
6. While value at right is greater than pivot move left
7. If both step 5 and step 6 does not match swap left and right
8. If left ≥ right, the point where they met is new pivot

Quick Sort Pivot Pseudocode

上文伪代码可得出如下内容 −

The pseudocode for the above algorithm can be derived as −

function partitionFunc(left, right, pivot)
   leftPointer = left
   rightPointer = right - 1

   while True do
      while A[++leftPointer] < pivot do
      end while

      while rightPointer > 0 && A[--rightPointer] > pivot do
      end while

      if leftPointer >= rightPointer
         swap leftPointer,rightPointer
      end if
   end while

   swap leftPointer,right
   return leftPointer
end function

Quick Sort Algorithm

使用枢轴算法递归,我们最终得到了更小的可能分区。然后针对快速排序处理每个分区。我们定义快速排序的递归算法如下 −

Using pivot algorithm recursively, we end up with smaller possible partitions. Each partition is then processed for quick sort. We define recursive algorithm for quicksort as follows −

1. Make the right-most index value pivot
2. Partition the array using pivot value
3. Quicksort left partition recursively
4. Quicksort right partition recursively

Quick Sort Pseudocode

为了更深入地了解,我们来看快速排序算法的伪代码 −

To get more into it, let see the pseudocode for quick sort algorithm −

procedure quickSort(left, right)
   if right-left <= 0
      pivot = A[right]
      partition = partitionFunc(left, right, pivot)
   end if
end procedure


快速排序算法的最坏情况复杂度为 O(n2) 。然而,使用此技术,我们通常在平均情况下在 O (n log n) 时间内获得输出。

The worst case complexity of Quick-Sort algorithm is O(n2). However, using this technique, in average cases generally we get the output in O (n log n) time.


以下是各种编程语言中快速排序算法的实现示例 −

Following are the implementations of Quick Sort algorithm in various programming languages −