Java 简明教程

Java HashMap Class


Java HashMap 类是 Map 接口的基于哈希表实现,以下是有关 HashMap 的一些要点:

The Java HashMap class is the Hash table based implementation of the Map interface.Following are the important points about HashMap −

  1. This class makes no guarantees as to the iteration order of the map; in particular, it does not guarantee that the order will remain constant over time.

  2. This class permits null values and the null key.

Class declaration

以下是 java.util.HashMap 类的声明:

Following is the declaration for java.util.HashMap class −

public class HashMap<K,V>
   extends AbstractMap<K,V>
   implements Map<K,V>, Cloneable, Serializable


以下是 java.util.HashMap 类的参数:

Following is the parameter for java.util.HashMap class −

  1. K − This is the type of keys maintained by this map.

  2. V − This is the type of mapped values.

Class constructors

Class methods

Methods inherited


This class inherits methods from the following classes −

  1. java.util.AbstractMap

  2. java.util.Object

  3. java.util.Map


以下程序说明了 HashMap 集合支持的几种方法 -

The following program illustrates several of the methods supported by HashMap collection −

import java.util.*;
public class HashMapDemo {

   public static void main(String args[]) {

      // Create a hash map
      HashMap hm = new HashMap();

      // Put elements to the map
      hm.put("Zara", new Double(3434.34));
      hm.put("Mahnaz", new Double(123.22));
      hm.put("Ayan", new Double(1378.00));
      hm.put("Daisy", new Double(99.22));
      hm.put("Qadir", new Double(-19.08));

      // Get a set of the entries
      Set set = hm.entrySet();

      // Get an iterator
      Iterator i = set.iterator();

      // Display elements
      while(i.hasNext()) {
         Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry);
         System.out.print(me.getKey() + ": ");

      // Deposit 1000 into Zara's account
      double balance = ((Double)hm.get("Zara")).doubleValue();
      hm.put("Zara", new Double(balance + 1000));
      System.out.println("Zara's new balance: " + hm.get("Zara"));

这会产生以下结果 −

This will produce the following result −


Daisy: 99.22
Ayan: 1378.0
Zara: 3434.34
Qadir: -19.08
Mahnaz: 123.22

Zara's new balance: 4434.34