Ms Sql Server 简明教程
MS SQL Server - Management Studio
SQL Server Management Studio 是一款工作站组件\客户端工具,如果我们在安装步骤中选择工作站组件,它将被安装。这允许您通过图形界面连接到 SQL Server 并对其进行管理,而无需使用命令行。
SQL Server Management Studio is a workstation component\client tool that will be installed if we select workstation component in installation steps. This allows you to connect to and manage your SQL Server from a graphical interface instead of having to use the command line.
为了连接到 SQL Server 的远程实例,您将需要这款或类似软件。它被管理员、开发人员、测试人员等使用。
In order to connect to a remote instance of an SQL Server, you will need this or similar software. It is used by Administrators, Developers, Testers, etc.
以下方法用于打开 SQL Server Management Studio。
The following methods are used to open SQL Server Management Studio.
First Method
开始 → 所有程序 → MS SQL Server 2012 → SQL Server Management Studio
Start → All Programs → MS SQL Server 2012 → SQL Server Management Studio
Second Method
进入运行,键入 SQLWB(2005 版)SSMS(2008 版及以后的版本)。然后点击 Enter。
Go to Run and type SQLWB (For 2005 Version) SSMS (For 2008 and Later Versions). Then click Enter.
以上任一方法都会打开 SQL Server Management Studio,如下方的快照所示。
SQL Server Management Studio will be open up as shown in the following snapshot in either of the above method.