Spring Boot Jpa 简明教程

Spring Boot JPA Tutorial

JPA 是一种针对如何访问、管理和在 Java 对象与关系数据库之间持久化信息/数据而制定规范。它提供了一种用于 ORM(对象关系映射)的标准方法。Spring Boot 提供了与 JPA 的无缝集成。

JPA is a specification which specifies how to access, manage and persist information/data between java objects and relational databases. It provides a standard approach for ORM, Object Relational Mapping. Spring Boot provides a seemless integration with JPA.


本教程专为 Java 程序员设计,他们想详细了解利用 JPA 的 Spring Boot 应用程序以连接至数据库,以及了解实际用法。

This tutorial is designed for Java programmers who would like to understand the Spring Boot application to utilize JPA to connect to database in detail along with actual usage.


在学习本教程之前,你应妥善了解 Java 编程语言。由于你要学习如何处理数据库,因此你应事先了解 RDBMS 和数据库概念。

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a good understanding of Java programming language. As you are going to deal with a database, you should have prior exposure to RDBMS and Database concepts.