Spring Boot Jpa 简明教程

Spring Boot JPA vs Hibernate


JPA 是一个规范,它指定如何通过 Java 对象和关系数据库来访问、管理和持久化信息/数据。它为 ORM(对象关系映射)提供了一种标准方法。

JPA is a specification which specifies how to access, manage and persist information/data between java objects and relational databases. It provides a standard approach for ORM, Object Relational Mapping.


Hibernate 是 JPA 的一种实现。它提供了一个轻量级框架,并且是最流行的 ORM 工具之一。

Hibernate is an implementation of JPA. It provides a lightweight framework and is one of the most popular ORM tool used.

JPA Vs Hibernate

下表总结了 JPA 和 Hibernate 之间的差异。

Following table summerises the differences between JPA and Hibernate.





JPA is a specification and defines the way to manage relational database data using java objects.

Hibernate is an implementation of JPA. It is an ORM tool to persist java objects into the relational databases.


JPA uses javax.persistence package.

Hibernate uses org.hibernate package.


JPA uses EntityManagerFactory interface to get the entity manager to persist objects.

Hibernate uses SessionFactory interface to create session object which is then used to persist objects.

CRUD Operations

JPA uses EntityManager interface to create/read/delete operation and maintains the persistence context.

Hibernate uses Session interface to create/read/delete operation and maintains the persistence context.


JPA uses JPQL (Java Persistence Query Language) as Object Oriented Query language for database operations.

Hibernate uses HQL (Hibernate Query Language) as Object Oriented Query language for database operations.