Data Access

Spring Boot 包含许多用于处理数据源的启动器。本节解答了与之相关的问题。

Spring Boot includes a number of starters for working with data sources. This section answers questions related to doing so.

Configure a Custom DataSource

要配置你自己的 DataSource,请在你的配置中定义该类型的 @Bean。Spring Boot 在任何需要它的位置重用你的 DataSource,包括数据库初始化。如果你需要将一些设置外部化,你可以将你的 DataSource 绑定到环境(请参阅 “Third-party Configuration”)。

To configure your own DataSource, define a @Bean of that type in your configuration. Spring Boot reuses your DataSource anywhere one is required, including database initialization. If you need to externalize some settings, you can bind your DataSource to the environment (see “Third-party Configuration”).

以下示例展示了如何在 Bean 中定义数据源:

The following example shows how to define a data source in a bean:


The following example shows how to define a data source by setting properties:

    url: "jdbc:h2:mem:mydb"
    username: "sa"
    pool-size: 30

假设 SomeDataSource 具有 URL、用户名和池大小的常规 JavaBean 属性,这些设置会在 DataSource 可供其他组件使用之前自动绑定。

Assuming that SomeDataSource has regular JavaBean properties for the URL, the username, and the pool size, these settings are bound automatically before the DataSource is made available to other components.

Spring Boot 还提供了一个名为 DataSourceBuilder 的实用程序构建器类,可以用它创建一个标准数据源(如果它在类路径上)。构建器可以根据类路径上可用的内容检测要使用哪一个。它还根据 JDBC URL 自动检测驱动程序。

Spring Boot also provides a utility builder class, called DataSourceBuilder, that can be used to create one of the standard data sources (if it is on the classpath). The builder can detect the one to use based on what is available on the classpath. It also auto-detects the driver based on the JDBC URL.

以下示例展示了如何使用 DataSourceBuilder 创建数据源:

The following example shows how to create a data source by using a DataSourceBuilder:

要使用该 DataSource 运行应用程序,你只需要连接信息。还可以提供池特定的设置。详细情况请查看将在运行时使用的实现。

To run an app with that DataSource, all you need is the connection information. Pool-specific settings can also be provided. Check the implementation that is going to be used at runtime for more details.

以下示例展示了如何通过设置属性定义 JDBC 数据源:

The following example shows how to define a JDBC data source by setting properties:

    url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"
    username: "dbuser"
    password: "dbpass"
    pool-size: 30

但是,有个问题。因为实际的连接池类型未显示,所以在你的自定义 DataSource 的元数据中未生成任何键,IDE 中也没有自动完成(因为 DataSource 接口不显示任何属性)。此外,如果你碰巧在类路径上放置了 Hikari,此基本设置无效,因为 Hikari 没有 url 属性(但有 jdbcUrl 属性)。在这种情况下,你必须按如下方式重写配置:

However, there is a catch. Because the actual type of the connection pool is not exposed, no keys are generated in the metadata for your custom DataSource and no completion is available in your IDE (because the DataSource interface exposes no properties). Also, if you happen to have Hikari on the classpath, this basic setup does not work, because Hikari has no url property (but does have a jdbcUrl property). In that case, you must rewrite your configuration as follows:

    jdbc-url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"
    username: "dbuser"
    password: "dbpass"
    pool-size: 30

你可以通过强制连接池使用并返回专用的实现(而非 DataSource)来修复此问题。你无法在运行时更改实现,但选项列表将明确显示。

You can fix that by forcing the connection pool to use and return a dedicated implementation rather than DataSource. You cannot change the implementation at runtime, but the list of options will be explicit.

以下示例展示了如何使用 DataSourceBuilder 创建 HikariDataSource

The following example shows how create a HikariDataSource with DataSourceBuilder:

您甚至可以通过利用 DataSourceProperties 为您完成的任务进一步深入,即,如果未提供 URL,则提供具有合理用户名和密码的默认嵌入数据库。您可以轻松从任何 DataSourceProperties 对象的状态中初始化 DataSourceBuilder,因此您还可以注入 Spring Boot 创建的数据源。但是,这会将您的配置分成两个名称空间:urlusernamepasswordtypedriverspring.datasource 上,其余在您的自定义名称空间 (app.datasource) 中。为了避免这种情况,您可以在您的自定义名称空间上重新定义一个自定义 DataSourceProperties,如下例所示:

You can even go further by leveraging what DataSourceProperties does for you — that is, by providing a default embedded database with a sensible username and password if no URL is provided. You can easily initialize a DataSourceBuilder from the state of any DataSourceProperties object, so you could also inject the DataSource that Spring Boot creates automatically. However, that would split your configuration into two namespaces: url, username, password, type, and driver on spring.datasource and the rest on your custom namespace (app.datasource). To avoid that, you can redefine a custom DataSourceProperties on your custom namespace, as shown in the following example:

此设置使您 in sync 与 Spring Boot 默认为您执行的任务保持一致,只不过(在代码中)选择了专用连接池,其设置在 app.datasource.configuration 子名称空间中公开。由于 DataSourceProperties 会为您处理 url/jdbcUrl 翻译,因此您可以按如下方式配置它:

This setup puts you in sync with what Spring Boot does for you by default, except that a dedicated connection pool is chosen (in code) and its settings are exposed in the app.datasource.configuration sub namespace. Because DataSourceProperties is taking care of the url/jdbcUrl translation for you, you can configure it as follows:

    url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost/test"
    username: "dbuser"
    password: "dbpass"
      maximum-pool-size: 30

Spring Boot 将向 spring.datasource.hikari 公开 Hikari 特定的设置。此示例使用更通用的 configuration 子名称空间,因为示例不支持多种数据源实现。

Spring Boot will expose Hikari-specific settings to spring.datasource.hikari. This example uses a more generic configuration sub namespace as the example does not support multiple datasource implementations.

因为您的自定义配置选择了 Hikari,所以 app.datasource.type 无效。实际上,该生成器使用您可能在那里设置的任何值进行初始化,然后被 .type() 的调用覆盖。

Because your custom configuration chooses to go with Hikari, app.datasource.type has no effect. In practice, the builder is initialized with whatever value you might set there and then overridden by the call to .type().

请参阅 “Spring Boot features” 部分中的 “Configure a DataSource” 和 {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/jdbc/[DataSourceAutoConfiguration] 类以了解更多详情。

See “Configure a DataSource” in the “Spring Boot features” section and the {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/jdbc/[DataSourceAutoConfiguration] class for more details.

Configure Two DataSources

如果您需要配置多个数据源,您可以应用上一节中所述的相同技巧。不过,您必须将其中一个 DataSource 实例标记为 @Primary,因为下游的各种自动配置期望能够按类型获取一个。

If you need to configure multiple data sources, you can apply the same tricks that are described in the previous section. You must, however, mark one of the DataSource instances as @Primary, because various auto-configurations down the road expect to be able to get one by type.

如果您创建了自己的 DataSource,则自动配置将退避。在以下示例中,我们为 exact 提供与自动配置在主数据源上提供的相同功能集:

If you create your own DataSource, the auto-configuration backs off. In the following example, we provide the exact same feature set as the auto-configuration provides on the primary data source:

firstDataSourceProperties 必须被标记为 @Primary,以便数据库初始化器功能使用您的副本(如果您使用的是初始化器)。

firstDataSourceProperties has to be flagged as @Primary so that the database initializer feature uses your copy (if you use the initializer).


Both data sources are also bound for advanced customizations. For instance, you could configure them as follows:

      url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost/first"
      username: "dbuser"
      password: "dbpass"
        maximum-pool-size: 30

      url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost/second"
      username: "dbuser"
      password: "dbpass"
      max-total: 30

您也可以将相同的概念应用到辅助 DataSource 中,如下例所示:

You can apply the same concept to the secondary DataSource as well, as shown in the following example:

前一个示例使用与 Spring Boot 在自动配置中使用的相同逻辑在自定义名称空间上配置两个数据源。请注意,每个 configuration 子名称空间都根据所选实现提供高级设置。

The preceding example configures two data sources on custom namespaces with the same logic as Spring Boot would use in auto-configuration. Note that each configuration sub namespace provides advanced settings based on the chosen implementation.

Use Spring Data Repositories

Spring Data 可以创建各种 @Repository 界面实现。Spring Boot 为您处理所有这些,只要这些 @Repository 注释包含在其中一个 auto-configuration packages 中即可,通常是标注有 @SpringBootApplication@EnableAutoConfiguration 的主应用程序类的包(或子包)。

Spring Data can create implementations of @Repository interfaces of various flavors. Spring Boot handles all of that for you, as long as those @Repository annotations are included in one of the auto-configuration packages, typically the package (or a sub-package) of your main application class that is annotated with @SpringBootApplication or @EnableAutoConfiguration.

对于许多应用程序,您只需要将正确的 Spring Data 依赖项放在类路径上。有一个 spring-boot-starter-data-jpa 用以处理 JPA,一个 spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb 用以处理 MongoDB,以及各种其他针对受支持技术的 Starter。要开始使用,创建一些存储库界面来处理 @Entity 对象。

For many applications, all you need is to put the right Spring Data dependencies on your classpath. There is a spring-boot-starter-data-jpa for JPA, spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb for Mongodb, and various other starters for supported technologies. To get started, create some repository interfaces to handle your @Entity objects.

Spring Boot 通过扫描 auto-configuration packages 来确定您的 @Repository 定义的位置。若要进行更多控制,请使用来自 Spring Data 的 @Enable…Repositories 注释。

Spring Boot determines the location of your @Repository definitions by scanning the auto-configuration packages. For more control, use the @Enable…Repositories annotations from Spring Data.

有关 Spring Data 的更多信息,请参阅 {url-spring-data-site}[Spring Data 项目页面]。

For more about Spring Data, see the {url-spring-data-site}[Spring Data project page].

Separate @Entity Definitions from Spring Configuration

Spring Boot 会扫描 auto-configuration packages 来确定 @Entity 定义的位置。如以下示例所示,要进行更多的控制,可以使用 @EntityScan 注解:

Spring Boot determines the location of your @Entity definitions by scanning the auto-configuration packages. For more control, use the @EntityScan annotation, as shown in the following example:

Configure JPA Properties

Spring Data JPA 已提供了一些与供应商无关的配置选项(例如 SQL 日志记录选项),Spring Boot 将这些选项和一些 Hibernate 选项作为外部配置属性公开。其中的部分选项会根据上下文自动检测,因此您无需设置这些选项。

Spring Data JPA already provides some vendor-independent configuration options (such as those for SQL logging), and Spring Boot exposes those options and a few more for Hibernate as external configuration properties. Some of them are automatically detected according to the context so you should not have to set them.

spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto 是特殊情况,因为它根据运行时条件有不同的默认值。如果使用了嵌入式数据库,并且没有架构管理器(例如 Liquibase 或 Flyway)处理 DataSource,则默认值为 create-drop。在所有其他情况下,默认值为 none

The spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto is a special case, because, depending on runtime conditions, it has different defaults. If an embedded database is used and no schema manager (such as Liquibase or Flyway) is handling the DataSource, it defaults to create-drop. In all other cases, it defaults to none.

方言由 JPA 供应商检测。如果您希望自己设置方言,请设置 configprop:spring.jpa.database-platform[] 属性。

The dialect to use is detected by the JPA provider. If you prefer to set the dialect yourself, set the configprop:spring.jpa.database-platform[] property.


The most common options to set are shown in the following example:

        physical-strategy: "com.example.MyPhysicalNamingStrategy"
    show-sql: true

此外,在创建 local EntityManagerFactory 时,* 中的所有属性将作为正常的 JPA 属性传递下来(剥离前缀)。

In addition, all properties in* are passed through as normal JPA properties (with the prefix stripped) when the local EntityManagerFactory is created.

你必须确保* 下定义的名称与 JPA 提供程序期望的完全匹配。Spring Boot 不会对这些条目尝试任何形式的松散绑定。

You need to ensure that names defined under* exactly match those expected by your JPA provider. Spring Boot will not attempt any kind of relaxed binding for these entries.

例如,如果你想配置 Hibernate 的批处理大小,你必须使用。如果你使用其他形式,比如 batchSize 或者 batch-size,Hibernate 将不会应用这个设置。

For example, if you want to configure Hibernate’s batch size you must use If you use other forms, such as batchSize or batch-size, Hibernate will not apply the setting.

如果你需要对 Hibernate 属性应用高级自定义,请考虑注册一个 HibernatePropertiesCustomizer bean,它会在创建 EntityManagerFactory 之前被调用。这优先于自动配置应用的任何内容。

If you need to apply advanced customization to Hibernate properties, consider registering a HibernatePropertiesCustomizer bean that will be invoked prior to creating the EntityManagerFactory. This takes precedence to anything that is applied by the auto-configuration.

Configure Hibernate Naming Strategy

Hibernate 使用 {url-hibernate-userguide}#naming[两种不同的命名策略] 将对象模型中的名称映射到相应的数据库名称。可以分别通过设置 spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.physical-strategyspring.jpa.hibernate.naming.implicit-strategy 属性来配置物理策略和隐式策略实现的完全限定类名。或者,如果 ImplicitNamingStrategyPhysicalNamingStrategy bean 在应用程序上下文中可用,Hibernate 将被自动配置为使用它们。

Hibernate uses {url-hibernate-userguide}#naming[two different naming strategies] to map names from the object model to the corresponding database names. The fully qualified class name of the physical and the implicit strategy implementations can be configured by setting the spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.physical-strategy and spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.implicit-strategy properties, respectively. Alternatively, if ImplicitNamingStrategy or PhysicalNamingStrategy beans are available in the application context, Hibernate will be automatically configured to use them.

默认情况下,Spring Boot 使用 CamelCaseToUnderscoresNamingStrategy 配置物理命名策略。使用这个策略,所有的点都被下划线替换,驼峰式命名也同样被下划线替换。此外,默认情况下,所有表格名称都生成小写。例如,一个 TelephoneNumber 实体被映射到 telephone_number 表格。如果你的架构需要混合大小写标识符,请定义一个自定义 CamelCaseToUnderscoresNamingStrategy bean,如下例所示:

By default, Spring Boot configures the physical naming strategy with CamelCaseToUnderscoresNamingStrategy. Using this strategy, all dots are replaced by underscores and camel casing is replaced by underscores as well. Additionally, by default, all table names are generated in lower case. For example, a TelephoneNumber entity is mapped to the telephone_number table. If your schema requires mixed-case identifiers, define a custom CamelCaseToUnderscoresNamingStrategy bean, as shown in the following example:

如果你更愿意使用 Hibernate 的默认值,请设置以下属性:

If you prefer to use Hibernate’s default instead, set the following property:

        physical-strategy: org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl

或者,你可以配置以下 bean:

Alternatively, you can configure the following bean:

有关更多详细信息,请参阅 {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/orm/jpa/[HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration] 和 {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/orm/jpa/[JpaBaseConfiguration]。

See {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/orm/jpa/[HibernateJpaAutoConfiguration] and {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/orm/jpa/[JpaBaseConfiguration] for more details.

Configure Hibernate Second-Level Caching

Hibernate {url-hibernate-userguide}#caching[二级缓存] 可以为一系列缓存提供程序配置。与其配置 Hibernate 再次查找缓存提供程序,更好的办法是尽可能在上下文中提供一个可用的提供程序。

Hibernate {url-hibernate-userguide}#caching[second-level cache] can be configured for a range of cache providers. Rather than configuring Hibernate to lookup the cache provider again, it is better to provide the one that is available in the context whenever possible.

要使用 JCache 来进行此操作,首先确保 org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-jcache 在类路径上可用。然后,添加一个 HibernatePropertiesCustomizer bean,如下例所示:

To do this with JCache, first make sure that org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-jcache is available on the classpath. Then, add a HibernatePropertiesCustomizer bean as shown in the following example:

此自定义程序将配置 Hibernate 以使用与应用程序所用的相同的 CacheManager。也可以使用单独 CacheManager 实例。有关详细信息,请参阅 {url-hibernate-userguide}#caching-provider-jcache[Hibernate 用户指南]。

This customizer will configure Hibernate to use the same CacheManager as the one that the application uses. It is also possible to use separate CacheManager instances. For details, see {url-hibernate-userguide}#caching-provider-jcache[the Hibernate user guide].

Use Dependency Injection in Hibernate Components

默认情况下,Spring Boot 注册了一个 BeanContainer 实现,它使用 BeanFactory,以便转换器和实体侦听器可以使用常规依赖项注入。

By default, Spring Boot registers a BeanContainer implementation that uses the BeanFactory so that converters and entity listeners can use regular dependency injection.

可以通过注册 HibernatePropertiesCustomizer 禁用或调整此行为,该 HibernatePropertiesCustomizer 将移除或更改 hibernate.resource.beans.container 属性。

You can disable or tune this behavior by registering a HibernatePropertiesCustomizer that removes or changes the hibernate.resource.beans.container property.

Use a Custom EntityManagerFactory

要完全控制 EntityManagerFactory 的配置,则需要添加名为 '`entityManagerFactory’ 的 @Bean。Spring Boot 自动配置在存在此类型的 bean 时关闭其实体管理器。

To take full control of the configuration of the EntityManagerFactory, you need to add a @Bean named '`entityManagerFactory’. Spring Boot auto-configuration switches off its entity manager in the presence of a bean of that type.

Using Multiple EntityManagerFactories

如果您需要对多个数据源使用 JPA,则可能需要每个数据源一个 EntityManagerFactory。Spring ORM 的 LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean 允许您按照自己的需要配置 EntityManagerFactory。您还可以重用 JpaProperties 为每个 EntityManagerFactory 绑定设置,如下例所示:

If you need to use JPA against multiple data sources, you likely need one EntityManagerFactory per data source. The LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean from Spring ORM allows you to configure an EntityManagerFactory for your needs. You can also reuse JpaProperties to bind settings for each EntityManagerFactory, as shown in the following example:

上面的示例使用名为 firstDataSourceDataSource bean 创建 EntityManagerFactory。它扫描与 Order 在同一包中的实体。使用 app.first.jpa 命名空间映射其他 JPA 属性是可能的。

The example above creates an EntityManagerFactory using a DataSource bean named firstDataSource. It scans entities located in the same package as Order. It is possible to map additional JPA properties using the app.first.jpa namespace.

当您自己创建 LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean 的 bean 时,在创建自动配置的 LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean 期间应用的任何自定义都将丢失。例如,在 Hibernate 的情况下,任何 spring.jpa.hibernate 前缀下的属性都不会自动应用到您的 LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean。如果您依赖这些属性来配置命名策略或 DDL 模式等内容,则在创建 LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean bean 时需要显式配置该项。

When you create a bean for LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean yourself, any customization that was applied during the creation of the auto-configured LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean is lost. For example, in case of Hibernate, any properties under the spring.jpa.hibernate prefix will not be automatically applied to your LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean. If you were relying on these properties for configuring things like the naming strategy or the DDL mode, you will need to explicitly configure that when creating the LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean bean.

您应为需要的任何其他数据源提供类似配置以获取 JPA 访问权限。为完成此图片,您还需要为每个 EntityManagerFactory 配置一个 JpaTransactionManager。或者,您可能可以使用跨越这两个来源的 JTA 事务管理器。

You should provide a similar configuration for any additional data sources for which you need JPA access. To complete the picture, you need to configure a JpaTransactionManager for each EntityManagerFactory as well. Alternatively, you might be able to use a JTA transaction manager that spans both.

如果您使用 Spring Data,则需要相应地配置 @EnableJpaRepositories,如下例所示:

If you use Spring Data, you need to configure @EnableJpaRepositories accordingly, as shown in the following examples:

Use a Traditional persistence.xml File

默认情况下,Spring Boot 不会搜索或使用 META-INF/persistence.xml。如果您更喜欢使用传统 persistence.xml,则需要定义自己的类型为 LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean (ID 为 '`entityManagerFactory’)的 @Bean,并在那里设置持久化单元名称。

Spring Boot will not search for or use a META-INF/persistence.xml by default. If you prefer to use a traditional persistence.xml, you need to define your own @Bean of type LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean (with an ID of '`entityManagerFactory’) and set the persistence unit name there.

有关默认设置,请参阅 {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/orm/jpa/[JpaBaseConfiguration]。

See {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/orm/jpa/[JpaBaseConfiguration] for the default settings.

Use Spring Data JPA and Mongo Repositories

Spring Data JPA 和 Spring Data Mongo 均可自动为您创建 Repository 实现。如果它们都存在于类路径中,则可能需要做一些额外的配置,以告知 Spring Boot 创建哪些存储库。实现此目标的最明确方法是使用标准的 Spring Data @EnableJpaRepositories@EnableMongoRepositories 注释,并提供 Repository 界面的位置。

Spring Data JPA and Spring Data Mongo can both automatically create Repository implementations for you. If they are both present on the classpath, you might have to do some extra configuration to tell Spring Boot which repositories to create. The most explicit way to do that is to use the standard Spring Data @EnableJpaRepositories and @EnableMongoRepositories annotations and provide the location of your Repository interfaces.

您还可以使用一些标志 ( and 在外部配置中开启和关闭自动配置的存储库。这样做很有用,例如,如果您想关闭 Mongo 存储库,但仍使用自动配置的 MongoTemplate

There are also flags ( and that you can use to switch the auto-configured repositories on and off in external configuration. Doing so is useful, for instance, in case you want to switch off the Mongo repositories and still use the auto-configured MongoTemplate.

对于其他自动配置的 Spring Data 存储库类型(Elasticsearch、Redis 等),存在相同的障碍和相同的功能。要对它们进行处理,请相应地更改注释和标志的名称。

The same obstacle and the same features exist for other auto-configured Spring Data repository types (Elasticsearch, Redis, and others). To work with them, change the names of the annotations and flags accordingly.

Customize Spring Data’s Web Support

Spring Data 提供 Web 支持,简化了在 Web 应用程序中使用 Spring Data 存储库。Spring Boot 在 命名空间中提供属性,用于自定义其配置。请注意,如果您使用 Spring Data REST,则必须改为使用 命名空间中的属性。

Spring Data provides web support that simplifies the use of Spring Data repositories in a web application. Spring Boot provides properties in the namespace for customizing its configuration. Note that if you are using Spring Data REST, you must use the properties in the namespace instead.

Expose Spring Data Repositories as REST Endpoint

如果已为应用程序启用了 Spring MVC,Spring Data REST 可以将 Repository 实现公开为 REST 端点。

Spring Data REST can expose the Repository implementations as REST endpoints for you, provided Spring MVC has been enabled for the application.

Spring Boot 公开了来自 命名空间的一组有用的属性,用来自定义 {url-spring-data-rest-javadoc}/org/springframework/data/rest/core/config/RepositoryRestConfiguration.html[RepositoryRestConfiguration].如果你需要提供其他自定义,则应使用 {url-spring-data-rest-javadoc}/org/springframework/data/rest/webmvc/config/RepositoryRestConfigurer.html[RepositoryRestConfigurer] bean。

Spring Boot exposes a set of useful properties (from the namespace) that customize the {url-spring-data-rest-javadoc}/org/springframework/data/rest/core/config/RepositoryRestConfiguration.html[RepositoryRestConfiguration]. If you need to provide additional customization, you should use a {url-spring-data-rest-javadoc}/org/springframework/data/rest/webmvc/config/RepositoryRestConfigurer.html[RepositoryRestConfigurer] bean.

如果你未在自己的 RepositoryRestConfigurer 中指定任何顺序,它将在 Spring Boot 在内部使用的顺序之后运行。如果你需要指定一个顺序,请确保它的值比 0 大。

If you do not specify any order on your custom RepositoryRestConfigurer, it runs after the one Spring Boot uses internally. If you need to specify an order, make sure it is higher than 0.

Configure a Component that is Used by JPA

如果你要配置 JPA 使用的组件,那么你需要确保该组件在 JPA 之前初始化。当组件自动配置时,Spring Boot 会为你处理此操作。例如,当 Flyway 自动配置时,Hibernate 会配置为依赖于 Flyway,以便在 Hibernate 尝试使用它之前 Flyway 有机会初始化数据库。

If you want to configure a component that JPA uses, then you need to ensure that the component is initialized before JPA. When the component is auto-configured, Spring Boot takes care of this for you. For example, when Flyway is auto-configured, Hibernate is configured to depend upon Flyway so that Flyway has a chance to initialize the database before Hibernate tries to use it.

如果你自己配置组件,你可以使用 EntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor 子类,这是设置必需依赖项的便利方式。例如,如果你将 Hibernate Search 与 Elasticsearch 一起用作其索引管理器,则必须将所有 EntityManagerFactory bean 配置为依赖于 elasticsearchClient bean,如下面的示例所示:

If you are configuring a component yourself, you can use an EntityManagerFactoryDependsOnPostProcessor subclass as a convenient way of setting up the necessary dependencies. For example, if you use Hibernate Search with Elasticsearch as its index manager, any EntityManagerFactory beans must be configured to depend on the elasticsearchClient bean, as shown in the following example:

Configure jOOQ with Two DataSources

如果你需要对多个数据源使用 jOOQ,则你应为每个数据源创建自己的 DSLContext。请参阅 {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/jooq/[JooqAutoConfiguration] 了解更多详细信息。

If you need to use jOOQ with multiple data sources, you should create your own DSLContext for each one. See {code-spring-boot-autoconfigure-src}/jooq/[JooqAutoConfiguration] for more details.

尤其是,JooqExceptionTranslatorSpringTransactionProvider 可用于提供类似于自动配置使用单个 DataSource 提供的特性。

In particular, JooqExceptionTranslator and SpringTransactionProvider can be reused to provide similar features to what the auto-configuration does with a single DataSource.