Mobile Testing 简明教程

Mobile Testing Tutorial


This tutorial will help the audience to learn the different aspect of the up-trending mobile device testing as well as mobile application testing. You will get familiar with many useful tools for black-box and white-box testing of a mobile application.


This tutorial also provides a deep insight on mobile device automation testing. Using this tutorial, you can enable yourself for up-to-date test planning for mobile device and mobile device application testing. In addition, you shall be able to automate basic test scripts for mobile device application testing.



If you are a quality assurance engineer having interest in mobile device testing as well as mobile device application testing, this tutorial will turn out to be a helping guide.


读者应了解基本的软件测试概念,如测试计划、黑盒测试技巧等。此外,如果读者熟悉任何脚本语言(例如 JavaScript),将会有很大帮助。

A reader should know basic software testing concepts such as test planning, black-box testing tricks, etc. In addition, it will help a great deal if the reader is familiar with any scripting languages, for example, JavaScript.