Mobile Testing 简明教程
Mobile Testing - Zucchini Framework
Zucchini 是一个新的测试框架,它使用 BDD 样式的特定于领域的语言 (DSL)。其一个重点领域是简化使用 Selenium 编写的验收测试。
Zucchini is a new testing framework that uses a BDD-style domain-specific language (DSL). One of its focus areas is simplifying the acceptance tests written with Selenium.
正如你稍后会看到的,它不是 JBehave 或 Robot Framework 的替代品。在此,我们将通过逐步描述一个示例,让你了解 Zucchini 的概念。
It is not a replacement for JBehave or the Robot Framework, as you will see later on. Here, we will give you a glimpse of Zucchini’s concepts by describing an example step by step.
How to install Zucchini
安装 Zucchini 的先决条件是 XCode 4.2。此外,还需要一些命令行工具,例如 brew update && brew install imagemagick && brew install coffee-script。
The prerequisites to install Zucchini is XCode 4.2. In addition, a few command line tools are required such as brew update && brew install imagemagick && brew install coffee-script.
How to Use Zucchini
gem install zucchini-ios
Start by creating a project scaffold
Create a feature scaffold for your first feature
Start hacking by modifying features/my_feature/feature.zucchini and features/support/screens/
Running on the device
Add your device to features/support/config.yml.
Running on the iOS Simulator. We strongly encourage you to run your Zucchini features on real hardware. However, you can run them on the iOS Simulator, if you must. First off, modify your features/support/config.yml to include a full path to your compiled app. For example, app:/Users/vaskas/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CoreDataBooks-ebeqiuqksrwwoscupvxuzjzrdfjz/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ Secondly, add an 'iOS Simulator' entry to the devices section (no UDID needed) and make sure you provide the actual value for 'screen' based on your iOS Simulator settings −
Run it like − ZUCCHINI_DEVICE="iOS Simulator" zucchini run /path/to/my_feature