Bugzilla 简明教程


The Advanced Search page displays a list of all the bugs, which are filtered exactly with different criteria that have been loaded by the users.


This Advanced Search feature selects different possible values for all of the fields in a bug. For some fields, multiple values can be selected. In these cases, Bugzilla returns bugs where the content of the field matches with any one of the selected values. If none is selected, then the field can take any of values. Multiple values selection for one field is based on the “OR” functionality. If either one or any other value is matched among the user selection, the bug will be displayed.

要在 Bugzilla 中使用高级搜索功能,我们必须遵循以下步骤。

For using the advanced search feature in Bugzilla, we have to follow the steps given below.

Step 1 - 单击主页页眉上的搜索超链接。您将获得两个选项卡,简单搜索和高级搜索,单击高级搜索选项卡。

Step 1 − Click on the Search hyperlink on the header of the homepage. You will get two tabs, Simple Search and Advanced Search, click on the Advanced Search tab.

advance search tab

Step 2 - 从摘要字段中选择所需的选项。然后,您可以输入关键字来识别或过滤错误。

Step 2 − Select the required option from the Summary field. Then, you can enter the keyword to identify or filter out the bugs.

summary field

Step 3 - 下一步是 Classification 框中选择错误类别;在这里,我们选择了 Widget 。然后,选择 Product 错误创建的位置;在这里,我们选择了 Sam’s Widget 。在 Component 框中,我们选择了 Widget Gears 。在状态框中,单击已确认,在解决方案框中选择已修复,所有这些都显示在以下屏幕截图中。

Step 3 − The next step is to select the category of Bug from the Classification box; here, we have selected Widget. Then, choose the Product under which the Bug is created; here, we have selected Sam’s Widget. In the Component box, we have selected Widget Gears. In the Status box, click on Confirmed and in the Resolution box choose Fixed, all of these are shown in the following screenshot.

Note - 所有这些字段都是可选的,并且取决于用户的选择。

Note − All these fields are optional and dependent on the user’s choice.

users choice

Step 4 - 根据过滤要求输入所有字段后,单击搜索按钮。

Step 4 − Click on the Search Button after entering all the fields based on the requirement of the filter.

users choice

Step 5 - 高级搜索将检测到错误,结果如下 -

Step 5 − Advance Search will detect the bug and the result will be as follows −

detect bug result