Bugzilla 简明教程

Bugzilla - Email Preferences

Bugzilla 中的电子邮件偏好设置功能允许启用或禁用特定事件的电子邮件通知。一般来说,用户几乎完全控制 Bugzilla 向其发送多少封电子邮件。如果用户希望接收尽可能最多的电子邮件,请点击 Enable All Mail 按钮。如果用户根本不希望从 Bugzilla 收到任何电子邮件,请点击 Disable All Mail 按钮。

The Email Preferences feature in Bugzilla allows to enable or disable email notifications on specific events. In general, the users have almost complete control over how many emails Bugzilla sends them. If the users want to receive the maximum number of emails possible, click on the Enable All Mail button. If the user does not want to receive any email from Bugzilla at all, click on the Disable All Mail button.

要导航,请转到主页上的偏好设置/用户偏好设置选项,然后点击 Email Preferences 选项卡。

To navigate, go to Preferences/User Preferences option on the home screen and click on the Email Preferences tab.

email preference tab

Global and Specific Options

有两个全局选项;用户可以在其中根据获取电子邮件的要求勾选复选框。这些选项有 −

There are two Global Options; where the user can check the checkboxes based on their requirement to get emails. These options are −

  1. Email me when someone asks me to set a flag and

  2. Email me when someone sets a flag I asked for.

这些定义了用户希望如何接收有关标志的缺陷电子邮件。它们的使用非常简单:启用复选框,如果用户希望 Bugzilla 在上述任一条件下发送邮件。

These define how a user wants to receive the bug emails concerning the flags. Their use is quite straightforward: enable the checkboxes, if the user wants Bugzilla to send a mail under either of the above conditions.


Similarly, a user can check the checkboxes for Field/recipient specific options based on “I want to receive mail when”


User Watching Feature

Bugzilla 有一项功能称为用户监控。当用户将一个或多个逗号分隔的其他用户帐号(通常为电子邮件地址)输入到文本输入框中时,用户将收到向其他用户发送的所有缺陷电子邮件的副本。此功能非常强大,非常重要且有用,以防开发人员更改项目或用户请假。

Bugzilla has a feature called as User Watching. When the user enters one or more comma delineated other user accounts (usually email addresses) into the text entry box, the user will receive a copy of all the bug emails those other users are sent. This powerful functionality is very important and useful in case if the developers change projects or users go on a holiday.

user watching

Ignore Bugs Feature

用户可以提及从未希望收到任何类型的电子邮件通知的缺陷列表。为此,用户需要将缺陷 ID 添加为逗号分隔的列表。用户可以随时从当前忽略列表中移除一个缺陷,这会重新启用该缺陷的电子邮件通知。选择完成后,点击页面左下方的提交更改按钮。

User can mention a list of bugs from those never wants to get any email notification of any kind. For this, user needs to add Bug ID(s) as a comma-separated list. User can remove a bug from the current ignored list at any time and it will re-enable email notifications for the bug. After selections are made, click on the Submit Changes button at the bottom left hand side of the page.

ignore bugs


A successful message will display as “The changes to your email preferences have been saved” as shown in the screenshot below.

saved preference