Chatgpt 简明教程

ChatGPT – Getting Started

入门 ChatGPT 非常简单!您可以通过 OpenAI 平台使用 ChatGPT。在本章中,我们将逐步展示如何创建 OpenAI 帐户并开始使用 ChatGPT。

Getting started with ChatGPT is easy! You can use ChatGPT through the OpenAI platform. In this chapter, we will show, in a step-by-step way, how you can set up an account at OpenAI and start using ChatGPT.

Setting Up an Account on OpenAI

如果您已经是注册的 OpenAI 用户,并且之前使用过 ChatGPT,您可以跳过本章并继续进行下一章。否则,若要开始使用 ChatGPT,您需要在 OpenAI 上创建一个帐户。按照以下给出的说明进行操作。

If you’re already a registered OpenAI user and have previously utilized ChatGPT, feel free to skip this chapter and proceed to the next one. Otherwise, to get started with ChatGPT, you need to create an account at OpenAI. Follow the instructions given below.

通过此链接访问 OpenAI 网站: 。然后,您需要单击主页上的 Try ChatGPT 按钮。

Visit the OpenAI website at this link: Then you need to click the Try ChatGPT button on the homepage.

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接下来,您将获得 ChatGPT 着陆页,其中包含 loginsignup 选项,如下所示:

Next, you’ll get ChatGPT landing page with login and signup options as shown here −

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现在,需要使用您的电子邮件地址设置帐户。或者,您可以使用您的 Google、Microsoft 或 Apple 帐户登录。结果着陆页将显示如下:

Now, it is required to set up the account using your email address. Alternatively, you can proceed by using your Google, Microsoft, or Apple account. The resulting landing page will be displayed as depicted below −

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Write Your First Prompt in ChatGPT

太好了!现在,您可以开始使用 ChatGPT 网页应用程序。您可以通过输入您自己的提示或探索 ChatGPT 提供的建议来开始使用。这允许您直接在网络浏览器中执行各种自然语言处理任务。

Great! Now you can start using the ChatGPT web app. You can initiate by entering your own prompt or explore the suggestions provided by ChatGPT. This allows you to carry out diverse natural language processing tasks directly within your web browser.

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现在,您还可以从 Google Play 商店和 Apple App 商店下载 ChatGPT,让您可以在 Android 和 Apple 设备上享受它。

Now, you also have the option to download ChatGPT from both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, enabling you to enjoy it on your Android and Apple devices.

Organizing Chats – A Time-Saving feature

ChatGPT 允许用户拥有多个开放式主题或聊天,从而提供了节省时间的功能。在发起初始提示后,ChatGPT 将自动创建一个新的聊天并为其分配一个相关标题。有关详细信息,请参阅提供的屏幕截图的左上角。

ChatGPT offers a time-saving capability by allowing users to have multiple open threads or chats. Upon initiating your initial prompts, ChatGPT will automatically create a new chat and assign it a relevant title. Refer to the top-left corner of the provided screenshot for details.

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Feel free to begin fresh chats whenever you choose, but there might be instances where you’d like to pick up a conversation initiated a few days ago.

假设你已经询问了 ChatGPT 关于机器学习的问题,之后你又参与了其他后续问题。例如,以下是交互过程的屏幕截图:

Suppose you have asked about Machine Learning to ChatGPT and after that you engage with other follow-up questions. For example, given below is a screenshot of the progression of the interaction −

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现在,在聊天的这一刻,ChatGPT 具有上下文感知,允许你继续进行对话,而不必重复概念。在此处查看进一步的详细信息:

Now, at this moment in the chat, ChatGPT is contextually aware, allowing you to carry on with your conversation without repeating concepts. Take a glance here for further details −

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通过以上示例,我们可以看到 ChatGPT 中的聊天是如何维护和组织的。这使得参考较旧的聊天变得很方便。

With the above examples, we can see how chats in ChatGPT are maintained and organized. It makes it convenient to refer to the older chats.