Chatgpt 简明教程
ChatGPT – Fundamentals
您是否想象过拥有一个不仅能理解您的语言,还能提供连贯响应的数字伴侣?如果没有,请考虑 ChatGPT,因为它正是执行此功能的工具!在本开篇章节中,让我们简要概述 ChatGPT 的演变及其一些流行用例。
The Evolution of ChatGPT
就在 OpenAI 揭示 ChatGPT 的网络预览版 5 天后,该服务累积了惊人的 100 万用户!ChatGPT 的成功引发了全球人工智能创新的激增。
自首次发布以来,OpenAI 一直致力于让 ChatGPT 变得更加出色。他们从使用强大的 GPT-4 模型的 Pro 版本开始。之后,他们添加了诸如浏览网络和使用 Dall-E 创建图像等功能。
现在,ChatGPT 不仅可以聊天;它还可以做更多的事情,例如浏览网络和制作图片。这种持续的演变凸显了 OpenAI 对改进和扩展 ChatGPT 功能的承诺,以为用户提供动态的会话式 AI 体验。
Use Cases of ChatGPT
人们经常称 ChatGPT 为“万能机器”,因为它非常适合完成许多不同的工作。如果它不能做某事,它可能会告诉你如何去做。许多用户认为它是所有类型任务的最佳选择,使其成为通用工作的首选。
ChatGPT 已在各行业展示了有影响力的用例。让我们在这一部分中探讨其中的一些。
ChatGPT for Code Writing
是否曾经希望有一个编码伙伴?开发人员正在利用 ChatGPT 作为他们的编码伙伴,利用其功能简化任何代码的编写、理解和调试。
ChatGPT 正在成为编码过程中必不可少的工具,在整个开发任务中提供有价值的指导和支持。
ChatGPT for Content Creation
通过 ChatGPT 让写作变得有趣!创作者正在使用 ChatGPT 以释放他们的创造潜力。无论是创作故事还是博客,它都能帮助生成引人入胜的内容、提供灵感并简化写作过程。它还协助总结书籍或文章。
ChatGPT for Marketing
企业正在通过创建自定义营销计划或策略来使用 ChatGPT 来提升其营销策略。它积极有助于制作广告、撰写吸引人的内容并适应趋势,使其成为提升品牌形象的宝贵盟友。
ChatGPT for Job Seekers
求职者正在转向 ChatGPT 作为他们的职业教练。他们正在利用该 LLM 的能力来制作简历、撰写引人注目的求职信并通过回答面试问题来准备面试,在他们的求职之旅中找到宝贵的支持。
ChatGPT in Healthcare
医疗保健领域的专业人士正在将 ChatGPT 集成到他们的工作流程中。他们使用它进行临床决策支持、医疗记录保存和疾病监测、信息检索以及作为虚拟助理,提高医疗保健任务的整体效率。
ChatGPT for Customer Service
通过 ChatGPT 让与公司交谈变得更容易!公司正在整合 ChatGPT 以简化客户互动。他们使用它来协助查询、提供信息并确保积极的用户体验,从而提升客户服务质量。
ChatGPT for Education
ChatGPT 就像一个学习伙伴!学生和教育工作者都在使用 ChatGPT 作为虚拟导师。它协助解释复杂主题、回答问题,并使各种主题的学习变得互动,在教育环境中提供有价值的支持。
ChatGPT for Entertainment
作家和创作者正在使用 ChatGPT 来激发他们的创造力。它积极有助于生成情节创意、视频游戏故事情节、编写电影脚本和对话以及制作引人入胜的内容,成为娱乐业一个极具价值的工具。
ChatGPT as Your Daily Assistant
认识你日常助手吧!很多人都依赖 ChatGPT 作为日常助手,让他们的日常任务变得轻松且令人愉快。他们使用它获得天气更新,设定提醒,以及获取有关查询、锻炼和饮食计划的快速答案。
Limitations of ChatGPT
作为人工智能语言模型,ChatGPT 在多种任务中表现出其能力,例如语言翻译、歌曲创作、研究查询,甚至生成计算机代码。这种多功能性使 ChatGPT 成为适用于多种应用的热门工具,包括营销、日常助手任务、医疗保健支持、SEO 优化和客户服务。
尽管有这些能力,但必须承认,ChatGPT 与任何人工智能技术一样,都有一组局限性。在本节中,我们将探讨 ChatGPT 的一些局限性,从有限的上下文理解到创建不当内容的可能性。了解这些局限性有助于理解在不同领域使用人工智能语言模型时可能遇到的挑战。
Limited Context Understanding - ChatGPT 可能难以理解细微差别或冗长的上下文,这会导致响应缺乏超出一定范围的理解。
Potential Bias in Outputs - ChatGPT 可能无意中生成有偏见或敏感的内容,这需要谨慎应用以确保公平和包容性。
Inability to Verify Information - ChatGPT 可能生成的事实不正确或未经验证的信息,强调需要外部事实检查以确保准确性。
Tendency to Over Generate - 易于冗长,ChatGPT 可能产生过于详细或冗长的响应,影响沟通的清晰度和效率。
Lack of Real-world Knowledge - 具备截止日期,ChatGPT 可能不了解最近的事件或更新,可能提供过时信息。
Sensitivity to Input Phrasing - 响应可能根据输入表述的细微变化而有所不同,导致不一致。
Potential for Inappropriate Content - 尽管做出了屏蔽不当请求的努力,ChatGPT 仍可能无意中生成违反道德或社区标准的内容。
ChatGPT – Getting Started
入门 ChatGPT 非常简单!您可以通过 OpenAI 平台使用 ChatGPT。在本章中,我们将逐步展示如何创建 OpenAI 帐户并开始使用 ChatGPT。
Setting Up an Account on OpenAI
如果您已经是注册的 OpenAI 用户,并且之前使用过 ChatGPT,您可以跳过本章并继续进行下一章。否则,若要开始使用 ChatGPT,您需要在 OpenAI 上创建一个帐户。按照以下给出的说明进行操作。
通过此链接访问 OpenAI 网站: 。然后,您需要单击主页上的 Try ChatGPT 按钮。
接下来,您将获得 ChatGPT 着陆页,其中包含 login 和 signup 选项,如下所示:
现在,需要使用您的电子邮件地址设置帐户。或者,您可以使用您的 Google、Microsoft 或 Apple 帐户登录。结果着陆页将显示如下:
Write Your First Prompt in ChatGPT
太好了!现在,您可以开始使用 ChatGPT 网页应用程序。您可以通过输入您自己的提示或探索 ChatGPT 提供的建议来开始使用。这允许您直接在网络浏览器中执行各种自然语言处理任务。
现在,您还可以从 Google Play 商店和 Apple App 商店下载 ChatGPT,让您可以在 Android 和 Apple 设备上享受它。
Organizing Chats – A Time-Saving feature
ChatGPT 允许用户拥有多个开放式主题或聊天,从而提供了节省时间的功能。在发起初始提示后,ChatGPT 将自动创建一个新的聊天并为其分配一个相关标题。有关详细信息,请参阅提供的屏幕截图的左上角。
假设你已经询问了 ChatGPT 关于机器学习的问题,之后你又参与了其他后续问题。例如,以下是交互过程的屏幕截图:
现在,在聊天的这一刻,ChatGPT 具有上下文感知,允许你继续进行对话,而不必重复概念。在此处查看进一步的详细信息:
通过以上示例,我们可以看到 ChatGPT 中的聊天是如何维护和组织的。这使得参考较旧的聊天变得很方便。
ChatGPT – Prompts
我们在讨论用户如何与 ChatGPT 和其他 Open AI 模型交互时使用了“提示”一词。在本章中,我们将讨论“提示工程”对于提高模型准确性的重要性。
这只是关于如何在 ChatGPT 中使用不同类型的提示来获取你需要的确切信息的基本章节。我们希望你参考我们的教程 Prompts Engineering ,在那里你将找到关于此主题的详尽细节。
Prompts and Their Significance
生成式 AI 模型可以根据用户要求创建各种东西,如诗歌、故事、图像和代码。但是,为了获得我们想要的输出,我们必须向这些模型提供正确的指令,即提示。
提示,主要指自然语言中的文本片段,就像生成式 AI 模型输出的指南一样,影响着其语调、风格和整体质量。事实上,提示是用户可以指导这些模型生成的输出的唯一方式。
Types of Prompts for ChatGPT
在 ChatGPT 中使用的提示类别充当指导或指令,提供给 GPT 以引导和控制特定类型的响应和会话。让我们探讨常用的提示并了解它们有益的方式。
ChatGPT – Competitors
多年来,已经开发出 ChatGPT 的各种迭代,每一个都带来了改进和额外功能。主要版本包括 -
GPT-1 − GPT-1 于 2018 年推出,作为 GPT 系列中的开创性模型,专注于文本生成。
GPT-2 − GPT-2 于 2019 年推出,将游戏提升到了 15 亿个参数。它以其极具说服力的文本生成能力引起了关注,尽管引发了对虚假信息的担忧。
GPT-3 − GPT-3 于 2020 年推出,作为 GPT 系列中最新、最先进的版本,拥有 1750 亿个参数。因其提高了生成更自然文本的能力和执行各种自然语言处理任务而备受赞誉。
GPT-4 − OpenAI 于 2023 年推出,声称“GPT-4 可以解决更具挑战性的问题,而且准确度更高,这要归功于它更广泛的通用知识和高级推理能力”。
事实上,预计 ChatGPT 的能力将在未来几年内经历重大发展,特别是 OpenAI 正在积极开发下一代 GPT-5 语言模型。
Competitors of ChatGPT
虽然 ChatGPT 占据着显赫的地位,但包括谷歌、Meta、Anthropic 和亚马逊在内的众多竞争对手正在使用大语言模型 (LLM)、深度学习和微调来在市场上确立自己的主导地位。
在人工智能大语言模型 (LLM) 领域,ChatGPT 有一些很有前途的竞争对手。在本章中,我们将单独探讨 ChatGPT 的每一种替代方案。
Google Gemini (Formerly Google Bard)
谷歌 Gemini 是 ChatGPT 的一个强大的竞争对手。它于 2023 年 3 月首次亮相,是一款采用机器学习 (ML)、自然语言处理 (NLP) 和生成式人工智能来理解用户提示并提供文本响应的对话式人工智能聊天机器人。
与 ChatGPT 不同,Gemini 拥有访问互联网的独特功能,可将从最近发布的内容中获取的信息整合到其响应中。
最初在 Google LaMDA(一种大语言模型 (LLM))上进行训练,Gemini 在 2023 年 5 月经历了一次改造性再训练,过渡到更先进的 Pathways Language Model 2(PaLM 2)。谷歌声称,与 LaMDA 相比,PaLM 2 处理信息的速度提高了 500 倍,准确率提高了十倍。
谷歌于 2024 年 2 月 8 日将 Bard 聊天机器人重新命名为 Gemini 。
Midjourney 是一款创新的 AI 工具,专门用于快速将提示转化为图像。Midjourney 每月都会更新模型,不断突破创作型人工智能的界限。
由于 Midjourney 采用了自筹资金和封闭源代码的方式运作,它的内部运作方式仍然没有公开。该平台采用机器学习技术,融合了大语言模型和扩散模型。
与 ChatGPT 和 Bing Chat 等类似平台不同,Midjourney 采用了一种独特的订阅式模式,要求图形处理单元 (GPU) 以获得最佳性能。
虽然没有免费试用,但定价为 10 美元的入门计划允许根据命令生成 200 多张图片。
Claude 2
2023 年 7 月,人工智能公司 Anthropic 发布了其最新的聊天机器人 Claude 2,该机器人由大语言模型提供支持。
Claude 2 代表了 Anthropic 的前代人工智能迭代 Claude 1.3 的重大升级。值得注意的改进包括基于书面指令增强的代码编写能力和扩展的“上下文窗口”。用户现在可以输入整本书,并根据内容向 Claude 2 提出问题。
这些增强使 Claude 2 与领先的模型(如推动 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 的 GPT-3.5 和 GPT-4)处于同等地位。
要了解 claude 2,请在 [role="bare"] [role="bare"] 注册。
Runway ML
Runway ML 代表了一个开创性的平台,旨在让艺术家、设计师和创作者使用机器学习的潜力。Runway ML 使用户能够使用文本提示制作视频、使用文本或图像更改视频样式以及制作个性化肖像、动物、风格等等。
Runway ML 简单易用,消除了对深入编程知识的需要。Runway ML 的一个突出特点在于其人工智能魔法工具,它促进了实时视频编辑、协作以及其他多种功能。
Runway ML 的人工智能魔法工具的创造潜力无限,提供各种可能性。
GitHub Copilot
GitHub Copilot 于 2021 年推出,是 GitHub 与 OpenAI 合作开发的一款革命性编码助手。
Copilot 无缝集成到流行的代码编辑器中,为开发人员提供实时代码建议和自动补全。它由 OpenAI 的 Codex 提供支持,从大量公共代码存储库中获取见解,提供与上下文相关的代码片段,以提高编码效率。
Copilot 通过帮助开发人员进行智能代码生成、提高生产力和使编码更容易来改变开发格局。与专注于自然语言对话的 ChatGPT 不同,GitHub Copilot 专为加快代码制作而量身定制。
Perplexity AI
Perplexity AI 于 2022 年 8 月发布,是一款具有搜索引擎功能的 AI 聊天机器人。它建立在 GPT-3 和 GPT-4 之上,采用自然语言处理 (NLP) 和机器学习等复杂技术。这使该平台能够对用户查询提供准确而全面的响应。
Perplexity AI 专为实时网络搜索而设计,确保用户可以获取各种主题的最新信息。该平台由强大的语言模型(特别是 OpenAI 的 GPT 技术)提供支持,在理解和生成类人文本方面表现出色。Perplexity AI 被定位为一个答案引擎,致力于增强个人探索和交换信息的方式。
Perplexity AI 便于各种用户群体使用,提供网络版和 iPhone 应用程序版本。用户可以通过访问他们的网站免费使用 Perplexity AI。
按照以下步骤与 Perplexity AI 互动 −
Navigate to
评估 Perplexity AI 的响应以及提供的来源。
Meta Llama 2
Llama 2 是 Meta 的大型语言模型 (LLM),该模型可在优化计算能力和资源的同时生成文本和代码。
Llama 2 在大规模多任务语言理解 (MMLU) 中获得了 68.9 的评分,仅略低于 GPT 3.5 的 70.0。虽然它不及 GPT-4 86.4 的评分,但这种接近性确立了 Llama 2 作为与 GPT 3.5 可信的开源竞争对手。
值得强调的是,Llama 2 的训练数据一直持续到 2022 年 9 月,其他微调数据近期至 2023 年 7 月。相比之下,GPT 3.5 的训练数据只覆盖到 2021 年 9 月。该差异使 Llama 2 定位为比其 OpenAI 对应产品提供更多当前信息的信息源。
Amazon CodeWhisperer
亚马逊的 AI 代码生成器 CodeWhisperer 由大量代码库进行训练,提供基于注释和现有代码的实时代码建议,从代码片段到完成的功能。
它简化了编码任务,支持 15 种编程语言,包括 Python、Java 和 JavaScript,并与流行的 IDE(如 VS Code、IntelliJ IDEA、AWS Cloud9、AWS Lambda 控制台、JupyterLab 和亚马逊 SageMaker Studio)集成。
免费个人版每月包含无限代码建议、引用跟踪和 50 次安全扫描。CodeWhisperer 内置了可以检测漏洞并提供立即修复建议的安全扫描。
CodeWhisperer 还集成了一个引用跟踪器,标记出建议中的开源相似之处。用存储库 URL、文件引用和许可证详细信息对这些建议进行注释,使用户可以在实施代码之前对其进行审查。
D-ID Studio
D-ID 的 Creative Reality Studio (又称为 Studio D-ID )是一个自助服务平台,高效地使用生成式 AI 工具。它使用户能够制作具有动态对话化身的视频。
此平台将 D-ID 的深度学习面部动画技术与 GPT 文本生成和 Stable Diffusion 文本到图像的能力无缝集成。D ID 是第一个针对使用 AI 生成创新视频的人员提供的一体化解决方案。
作为一种基于网络的工具,Creative Reality Studio 采用了最先进的面部动画和文本转语音技术,以提供类似于生活的对话式 AI 体验。
这种多功能技术可用于制作个人的数字版本、历史人物、虚构角色、主持人或品牌大使。事实上,工作室 D-ID 为内容注入生命,为平凡的文件和 PowerPoints 提供了一个动态替代方案。
ChatGPT – For Content Creation
自其推出以来,ChatGPT 吸引内容创作者的速度超出了预期。在本章中,我们将看到使用 ChatGPT 进行内容创作的各种方式。除此之外,我们还将看到使用 OpenAI API 的 Python 实现。
Get an API Key from OpenAI
首先,您需要在 OpenAI 平台上注册并获取 API 密钥。获得 API 密钥后,您可以按照以下方式安装 OpenAI Python 库 −
pip install openai
现在,您可以利用 ChatGPT 的创作能力来注入您的内容创作项目。
Generating Text Using ChatGPT
作为一种语言模型,ChatGPT 擅长根据用户提示制作文本。
例如,您可以使用 ChatGPT 生成如下故事 −
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define a prompt for text generation
prompt = "Write a short story about a detective solving a mysterious case."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
engine=" gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct",
# Extract the generated text from the API response
generated_text = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated text as needed
Note − 将 "your-api-key-goes-here" 替换为您的实际 OpenAI API 密钥。上面的示例提示模型生成一个关于侦探的短篇故事,您可以根据您的具体用例自定义提示和其他参数。
在这种情况下,我们得到了以下 output −
Detective Mark Reynolds had been on the force for over a decade.
He had seen his share of mysteries and solved his fair share of cases.
But the one he was currently working on was
unlike any he had encountered before.
请注意,当您使用与您的 OpenAI 密钥相同的代码时,系统在您的系统上可能会产生不同的响应。
Generating Video Scripts Using ChatGPT
众所周知,生成视频内容需要脚本,ChatGPT 可以帮助你创建视频脚本。你可以利用生成的文本,作为开始你的视频内容创作之旅的基础。我们来看看下面的示例:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define a prompt for generating a video script
prompt = "Create a script for a promotional video showcasing our new AI product."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated script from the API response
generated_script = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated script as needed
在这种情况下,我们得到了以下 output −
[Opening shot of a modern office space with employees working at their desks]
Voiceover: Are you tired of mundane tasks taking up valuable time at work?
Do you wish there was a way to streamline your workflow and increase productivity?
[Cut to employees looking stressed and overwhelmed]
Voiceover: Well, look no further. Our company is proud to introduce
our latest innovation – our revolutionary AI product.
[Cut to a sleek and futuristic AI device on a desk]
Music Composition Using ChatGPT
ChatGPT 可以通过提供音乐提示或请求来用于音乐作曲。然后可以将生成的音乐想法或歌词用作你作曲时的灵感。
这里有一个简单的 example ,演示了 ChatGPT 如何基于给定的提示生成一个简短的钢琴旋律:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define a prompt for music composition
prompt = "Compose a short piano melody in the key of C major."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated music composition from the API response
generated_music = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated music as needed
在这种情况下,我们得到了以下 output −
Here is a simple piano melody in the key of C major:
The melody begins and ends on C, the tonic note of the C major scale.
It then moves up and down the scale, primarily using steps and occasionally
skipping a note up or down. This gives the melody a smooth and pleasant flow.
Generating Interactive Content Using ChatGPT
你还可以使用 ChatGPT 生成动态对话、测验或选择你的冒险故事。我们来看一个 example ,我们在其中使用 ChatGPT 生成关于“机器人与社会”这一主题的学校戏剧中的动态对话。
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define a prompt for generating dialogues
prompt = "Write dynamic dialogues for a school play on the topic 'Robotics and society'."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated dialogues from the API response
generated_dialogues = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated dialogues as needed
(Scene opens with a group of students gathered around a table,
discussing about a robotics project)
Student 1: Okay everyone, let's finalize our project idea for the robotics competition.
Student 2: How about a robot that assists elderly people in their daily tasks?
Student 3: That's a great idea, but I think we can do something more impactful for society.
Content Enhancement Using ChatGPT
ChatGPT 可以通过向其提供具体说明,来改善或扩展现有内容,从而用于创意建议、增强,甚至总结。在下面的示例中,要求模型增强提供的内容:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define content that needs enhancement
input_content = "The importance of renewable energy sources cannot be overstated.
They play a crucial role in reducing our reliance on non-renewable resources."
# Create a prompt for content enhancement
prompt = f"Enhance the following text:\n\n{input_content}"
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the enhanced content from the API response
enhanced_content = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the enhanced content as needed
The significance of renewable energy sources cannot be overstated.
In today's world, where concerns about climate change and resource
depletion are at an all-time high, these sources of energy have
become essential. They not only offer a cleaner and more sustainable
alternative to traditional, non-renewable resources, but also play
a crucial role in reducing our carbon footprint and mitigating
the adverse effects of global warming.
Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal,
and biomass, are constantly replenished and therefore do not deplete
as traditional fossil fuels do. This makes them highly valuable in
promoting a more secure and sustainable energy future.
Content Personalization Using ChatGPT
ChatGPT 可以用于内容个性化,通过使文本适合特定个人或受众。以下 example 展示了你可以如何利用用户数据个性化生成的文本,使其更具相关性和吸引力:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# User-specific information
user_name = "Gaurav"
user_interest = "ChatGPT"
# Define a prompt for personalized content
prompt = f"Generate personalized content for {user_name}. Focus on {user_interest}."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the personalized content from the API response
personalized_content = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the personalized content as needed
Hello Gaurav!
Have you heard about ChatGPT? ChatGPT is an innovative chatbot that uses
advanced artificial intelligence to have human-like conversations with you.
This means that you can talk to ChatGPT just like you would
talk to a friend or a real person.
One of the most amazing things about ChatGPT is its ability to understand
natural language. This means that you don't have to use specific keywords
or phrases to communicate with it. You can simply chat with ChatGPT in
your own words, and it will understand and respond
to you just like a human would.
ChatGPT – For Marketing
阅读本章,了解 ChatGPT 如何帮助您提升营销策略的不同方面。我们将在营销领域探讨 ChatGPT 的各种应用,例如电子邮件自动化、广告文案编写、社交媒体内容、聊天机器人和语言翻译。
除此之外,我们还将利用 OpenAI API 了解这些应用的 Python 实现。
Email Automation Using ChatGPT
电子邮件营销仍然是客户参与的基石。借助 ChatGPT,您可以精简和个性化您的电子邮件自动化流程。让我们看一个使用 OpenAI API 生成个性化电子邮件的 Python 代码示例:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define customer details
customer_name = "Gaurav"
customer_interest = "Herbal Handwash"
# Create a prompt for email generation
prompt = f"Compose a personalized email to {customer_name} highlighting the
benefits of {customer_interest}."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated email from the API response
generated_email = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated email as needed
我们将获得以下输出 -
Subject: Say goodbye to harsh chemicals with Herbal Handwash!
Hello Gaurav,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce you to a product
that has completely changed my handwashing routine - Herbal Handwash.
I believe you will also find it just as amazing as I did.
As you may already know, traditional hand soaps can be harsh on our skin with
their strong chemicals and fragrances. But with Herbal Handwash, you can say
goodbye to those worries. Made with all-natural ingredients and essential
oils, this handwash is gentle and nourishing to the skin. It is free of any
harsh chemicals, parabens and sulfates making it suitable for all skin types.
Apart from being gentle on the skin, Herbal Handwash also leaves a subtle and
refreshing fragrance on your hands. The blend of essential oils gives it a
pleasant aroma which is not overpowering. Unlike other chemical-based hand
soaps, you won't have any harsh or artificial chemicals.
此示例演示了 ChatGPT 如何帮助针对您的客户自动创建个性化电子邮件。
Ad Copywriting Using ChatGPT
您可以使用 ChatGPT 来起草引人注目且有说服力的广告文案,这对于营销成功至关重要。让我们看一个使用 ChatGPT 生成一个 150 字广告的 Python 示例,我们的产品名为“Hexa Pro”:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define product details
product_name = "Hexa Pro"
product_benefits = "cutting-edge features, unmatched performance"
# Create a prompt for ad copy generation
prompt = f"Create an ad copy for the new {product_name}
highlighting its {product_benefits}."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated ad copy from the API response
generated_ad_copy = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated ad copy as needed
Introducing the new Hexa Pro - the ultimate machine that sets new standards
in performance and innovation. Say goodbye to ordinary and hello to
extraordinary with its cutting-edge features and unmatched power.
Experience a new level of precision with its state-of-the-art hexagonal
blades that effortlessly glide through any material. From tough fabrics
to dense materials, Hexa Pro tackles it all with ease. Plus, its advanced
motor delivers lightning-fast speed for seamless cuts every time.
But that's not all, Hexa Pro is designed for comfort and convenience.
With its ergonomic handle and lightweight body, you can work for hours
without any strain. And the convenient cordless design allows you to
take it anywhere without any hassle.
Chatbots and ChatGPT
聊天机器人已成为客户互动中不可或缺的一部分。ChatGPT 可以帮助您增强聊天机器人的会话能力。
这是一个 Python example :
import openai
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
messages = [ {"role": "system", "content": "You are an intelligent assistant."} ]
while True:
message = input("user: ")
if message:
{"role": "user", "content": message},
chat = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
model="gpt-4", messages=messages
reply = chat.choices[0].message.content
print(f"Bot: {reply}")
messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": reply})
执行提供的代码后,系统会提示您输入查询。例如,如果我们使用查询“我已经从您的网站购买了 X 产品,希望更换。您能指导我完成该流程吗?”该代码利用 ChatGPT 生成响应,并且由于有无限 while 循环,它会不断向用户寻求输入。
user: "I've purchased product X from your website and wish to initiate a
replacement. Could you guide me through the process?"
Bot: To initiate a replacement for the product you purchased from our
website, please follow these steps:
1. Contact our customer service team using the contact information provided
on our website. You can usually find the contact details on the "Contact Us"
page or in the order confirmation email you received.
2. Inform the customer service representative that you would like to initiate
a replacement for product X. Provide them with your order number, the details
of the item you purchased, and the reason for requesting a replacement.
3. Our customer service team will guide you through the replacement
process, which may include returning the original product and receiving
a new one, or arranging for a replacement to be shipped to you.
4. Follow any instructions provided by our team regarding returning the
product, receiving the replacement, or any other necessary steps
to complete the replacement process.
If you have any specific questions or need further assistance during the
process, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service
team for more personalized help.
Generating Social Media Content Using ChatGPT
在社交媒体上创建引人注目的内容对于彰显您的品牌至关重要。ChatGPT 可以帮助您创建引人入胜的社交媒体帖子。
我们来看一个 Python 示例,其中 ChatGPT 在“全国工程师日”创建了引人入胜的社交媒体内容:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define the topic or event
topic = "National Engineers Day"
# Create a prompt for social media content
prompt = f"Create a social media post about {topic} that
sparks interest and engagement."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated social media post from the API response
generated_social_media_post = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated post as needed
它将生成以下 output −
Happy National Engineers Day! Let's take a moment to appreciate the
brilliant minds behind our modern world. Whether it's designing towering
skyscrapers or developing life-saving medical devices, engineers play a
crucial role in shaping our society. Share in the comments how engineers
have impacted your life or tag a friend who is an engineering mastermind.
Let's celebrate and honor these innovative problem solvers today and every
day! #NationalEngineersDay #Innovators #ProblemSolvers #EngineeringPride
Language Translation Using ChatGPT
全球扩展您的业务通常需要多语言交流。ChatGPT 可以协助进行语言翻译。这是一个 Python 示例:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define text for translation
text_to_translate = "This is top-rated
Tutorials, Video Courses, and Certifications."
# Create a prompt for translation
prompt = f"Translate the following English text to French: '{text_to_translate}'"
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the translated text from the API response
translated_text = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the translated text as needed
Il s'agit de, qui fournit des tutoriels de
qualité supérieure, des cours vidéo et des certifications réputées.
ChatGPT – For Job Seekers
找工作可能很困难,但像 ChatGPT 这样的 AI 工具可以让这个过程变得简单一些。在本章中,我们将探索 ChatGPT 如何支持求职者在整个求职过程的不同阶段,从创建简历到准备面试。
Resume Crafting Using ChatGPT
我们了解在这个竞争激烈的就业市场中拥有令人印象深刻的简历的重要性。ChatGPT 可以帮助创建一份针对您的技能和经验量身定制的引人注目的简历。
这里有一个 Python example ,使用 OpenAI API 让您开始制作简历 −
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define your professional details
experience = "Over 8 years in project management"
skills = "Proficient in Python and Java, strong communication skills"
education = "Master’s degree in computer applications"
# Create a prompt for resume generation
prompt = f"Create a professional resume for a candidate with the following
details:\nExperience: {experience}\nSkills: {skills}\nEducation: {education}"
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated resume from the API response
generated_resume = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated resume as needed
查看以下输出 −
[Full Name]
[City, State ZIP Code]
[Phone Number]
[Email Address]
Highly skilled and dedicated Project Manager with over 8 years of experience
in successfully managing and delivering projects. Possess strong technical
skills in Python and Java, combined with excellent communication and
leadership abilities. Seeking a challenging position in a dynamic organization
where I can utilize my skills and expertise to drive successful project outcomes.
Professional Experience:
Project Manager
[Company Name] | [City, State]
[Dates of Employment]
- Successfully managed multiple projects simultaneously, ensuring on-time delivery and within budget.
- Developed and executed project plans, and monitored progress to achieve project milestones.
- Collaborated with cross-functional teams to define project goals, scope, and requirements.
Generate Cover Letters Using ChatGPT
我们知道一份精心制作的求职信可以补充我们的简历。ChatGPT 也可用于生成有影响力的求职信。
这里有一个 Python 示例 −
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define the job position and a brief introduction
job_position = "Data Scientist"
introduction = "I am writing to express my interest in the
Data Scientist position at your company."
# Create a prompt for cover letter generation
prompt = f"Generate a cover letter for the position of {job_position}
with the following introduction:\n{introduction}"
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated cover letter from the API response
generated_cover_letter = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated cover letter as needed
查看以下输出 −
[Your Name]
[City, State ZIP Code]
[Email Address]
[Today’s Date]
[Hiring Manager’s Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State ZIP Code]
Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],
I am writing to express my keen interest in the Data Scientist position
at [Company Name]. As a highly analytical and technically skilled individual,
I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful contribution to your
team and drive data-driven decision making.
With a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and a Master's degree in
Data Science, I have a strong foundation in statistics, data analysis,
and machine learning algorithms. Over the past four years, I have gained
experience working as a Data Scientist in various industries, including
finance, healthcare, and e-commerce. This has allowed me to develop
a diverse skill set and expertise in handling large and complex datasets.
Generating a Recommendation Request Using ChatGPT
获取推荐可以提高您的工作申请的成功率。ChatGPT 还可以帮助生成某人的推荐请求和某人的推荐信。
以下 Python 代码可帮助您为您的前同事生成推荐信 −
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define your relationship with the recommender and specific skills/experiences
relationship = "Former colleague"
skills_experience = "Worked together on several successful projects"
# Create a prompt for recommendation request
prompt = f"Compose a recommendation letter for someone you've worked with
in the past, emphasizing the following:\nRelationship:
{relationship}\nSkills/Experiences: {skills_experience}"
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated recommendation request from the API response
generated_recommendation_letter = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated request as needed
以下是生成的推荐信 −
[Your Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State ZIP Code]
To whom it may concern,
I am writing this letter to highly recommend [colleague’s name] for any
professional opportunities that may come their way. I had the pleasure
of working with [colleague’s name] for [number of years/months] at
[previous company]. [He/She] was a valuable member of our team and [his/her]
contributions were instrumental in the success of several of our projects.
以下代码展示了如何为您的前同事生成推荐信请求 −
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define your relationship with the recommender and specific skills/experiences
relationship = "Former colleague"
skills_experience = "Worked together on several successful projects"
# Create a prompt for recommendation request
prompt = f"Compose a recommendation request from someone you've worked with in
the past, emphasizing the following:\nRelationship:
{relationship}\nSkills/Experiences: {skills_experience}"
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated recommendation request from the API response
generated_recommendation_request = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated request as needed
以下是生成的推荐信请求 −
Subject: Request for a professional recommendation
Dear [Former Colleague’s Name],
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to you to seek a professional
recommendation for a new opportunity that has recently opened up for me.
As you know, we had the opportunity to work together at [Company Name] for
[Duration of Time]. It was a pleasure collaborating with you on various
projects, and I truly value the skills and experiences that I gained from
our time together. Your knowledge and work ethic have always been an
inspiration to me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have
worked alongside you.
I am currently in the process of seeking new career opportunities, and
I believe your recommendation would significantly contribute to my job search.
I am confident that your firsthand experience working with me will add value
to my professional profile and make me a strong candidate
for the role I am applying for.
Interview Preparation Using ChatGPT
我们还可以使用 ChatGPT 来生成对常见面试问题的回答。它能够帮助求职者为即将到来的面试做好准备。
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define a common interview question
interview_question = "Can you tell me about yourself?"
# Create a prompt for interview response
prompt = f"Prepare a response to the following interview
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated interview response from the API response
generated_interview_response = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated response as needed
以下是 ChatGPT 生成的回答 −
Of course! I am a highly motivated and driven individual
with a strong passion for personal and professional growth.
I have a strong academic background, having graduated with
honors from XYZ University with a degree in ABC.
My education has provided me with a well-rounded skill set, including
excellent communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Skill Development Using ChatGPT
ChatGPT 还可以用于获得有关技能发展的指导,并推荐在线课程或资源以提高求职者的资格。
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define the skill you want to develop
skill_to_develop = "Data Science"
# Create a prompt for skill development guidance
prompt = f"Suggest resources and a learning path for someone looking
to develop skills in {skill_to_develop}."
# Specify the OpenAI engine and make a request
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract the generated skill development guidance from the API response
generated_skill_development = response['choices'][0]['text']
# Print or use the generated guidance as needed
以下是 ChatGPT 生成的指导和课程推荐 −
Basic Programming Skills:
The first step towards developing skills in data science is to have a strong
foundation in programming. A good place to start would be learning Python or
R programming languages, as they are widely used in data analysis and have a
variety of libraries and tools specifically designed for data science.
- Codeacademy: Python and R courses for beginners
- Coursera: "Python for Data Science and AI" and "R Programming" courses
- DataCamp: interactive courses for learning Python and R with a focus on data science
Note − 当您使用 OpenAI 密钥在系统上使用相同的代码时,上述 Python 示例可能会生成不同的响应。
ChatGPT – For Code Writing
ChatGPT 可以作为一名多才多艺的助手,协助开发者进行各种编码任务,例如生成代码片段、修复错误、优化代码、快速原型制作以及在语言之间翻译代码。本章将通过使用 OpenAI API 的 Python 实用示例,指导你了解 ChatGPT 如何提升你的编码体验。
Automated Code Generation Using ChatGPT
我们可以轻松地用 ChatGPT 创建任何编程语言的代码片段。让我们看一个示例,我们在其中使用 OpenAI API 生成一个 python 代码片段来检查给定的数字是否为阿姆斯特朗数:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Provide a prompt for code generation
prompt = "Generate Python code to check if the number is an Armstrong number or not."
# Make a request to the OpenAI API for code completion
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and print the generated code from the API response
generated_code = response['choices'][0]['text']
上述代码片段将为我们提供以下 Python 代码片段,我们可以使用它来检查给定的数字是否是阿姆斯特朗数。
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
sum = 0
temp = num
while temp > 0:
digit = temp % 10
sum += digit ** 3
temp //= 10
if num == sum:
print(num, "is an Armstrong number")
print(num, "is not an Armstrong number")
Bug Fixing Using ChatGPT
ChatGPT 可以帮助我们识别和修复代码中的错误。它还可以提供见解,使我们的代码没有错误。为了阐明这一点,让我们看下面的示例:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Example code with a bug
code_with_bug = "for j in range(5): print(i)"
# Provide a prompt to fix the bug in the code
prompt = f"Fix the bug in the following Python code:\n{code_with_bug}"
# Make a request to the OpenAI API for bug fixing
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and print the fixed code from the API response
fixed_code = response['choices'][0]['text']
运行上述代码片段后,ChatGPT 将向你提供以下见解:
The bug in the above code is that the variable used in the loop, "j", is not
being used at all in the loop body. Instead, the variable "i" is being
printed, which is not declared or initialized anywhere in the code snippet.
To fix this bug, we can either replace "i" with "j" in the loop body, or
change the initial variable in the loop definition from "j" to "i" to ensure
that the correct variable is being used in the loop.
Corrected code:
for i in range(5):
Code Optimization Using ChatGPT
我们已经看到 ChatGPT 可以非常快速地生成代码片段,还可以识别和修复我们代码中的错误。开发过程中另一个至关重要的部分是代码优化,它可以帮助我们提高任何应用程序的性能和速度。
以下代码显示了 ChatGPT 如何帮助我们优化代码:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Example code to optimize
code_to_optimize = "sum_of_squares = sum(i**2 for i in range(1000000))"
# Provide a prompt to optimize the code
prompt = f"Optimize the following Python code:\n{code_to_optimize}"
# Make a request to the OpenAI API for code optimization
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and print the optimized code from the API response
optimized_code = response['choices'][0]['text']
以下是 ChatGPT 给出的优化上述代码的建议:
One possible way to optimize this code is to use the built-in function "sum"
with a list comprehension instead of a generator expression.
This can be done as follows:
sum_of_squares = sum([i**2 for i in range(1000000)])
Using list comprehension instead of a generator expression can reduce the
time complexity of this code from O(n) to O(1). This is because list
comprehension creates a list of all the squared values beforehand,
while generator expressions calculate each squared value individually
when needed. This makes the computation for summing the squared
values much faster.
Another optimization technique could be to use the built-in function "pow"
instead of the exponential operator "**". This can be done as follows:
sum_of_squares = sum(pow(i,2) for i in range(1000000))
The "pow" function is optimized for calculating powers and may
improve the performance of the code.
Rapid Prototyping Using ChatGPT
快速原型制作是开发过程中另一项至关重要的步骤。它允许开发者快速测试和迭代想法。ChatGPT 能够生成代码片段,已成为快速原型制作的宝贵工具。
在本示例中,我们将探索 ChatGPT 如何帮助创建 Python 代码片段,用于从 Web API 提取数据并打印前 3 个结果。
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Provide a prompt for rapid prototyping
prompt = "Create a Python code snippet to fetch data from a web API and print the first 3 results."
# Make a request to the OpenAI API for code completion
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and print the prototyped code from the API response
prototyped_code = response['choices'][0]['text']
让我们看看 ChatGPT 的回应:
import requests
# Define the URL of the web API
url = ""
# Send a GET request and store the response
response = requests.get(url)
# Convert the JSON response to a Python dictionary
data = response.json()
# Loop through the first 3 items in the response
for i in range(3):
# Print the title and description of each item
print("Title:", data["results"][i]["title"])
print("Description:", data["results"][i]["description"])
# Output:
# Title: Example Title 1
# Description: This is the first example result.
# Title: Example Title 2
# Description: This is the second example result.
# Title: Example Title 3
# Description: This is the third example result.
Code Translation and Migration Using ChatGPT
在从事各种项目时,常见挑战之一是代码转换和迁移。ChatGPT 可以通过生成代码转换简化此过程,允许开发者将代码片段移植到不同的语言或框架。
在本示例中,我们将探索 ChatGPT 如何帮助将 Python 代码片段转换为 JavaScript。
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Example Python code for translation
original_code = "print('Hello, World!')"
# Provide a prompt to translate the code to JavaScript
prompt = f"Translate the following Python code to JavaScript:\n{original_code}"
# Make a request to the OpenAI API for code translation
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and print the translated code from the API response
translated_code = response['choices'][0]['text']
console.log('Hello, World!');
ChatGPT – For SEO
SEO 代表搜索引擎优化。它是一组网站所有者和营销人员用来提高网站在 Google、Bing 或 Yahoo 等搜索引擎上的可见性的做法和策略。它提供了一系列工具,如关键词研究和分析、自动化和报告、内容优化等等,以提高你网站的可见度。
在本章中,我们将探讨 ChatGPT 如何彻底改变你对 SEO 的方法。本章还将为你提供实用示例,通过利用 ChatGPT 和 OpenAI API 的力量来提升你的 SEO 策略。
Keyword Research and Analysis Using ChatGPT
关键词研究和分析是搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 的关键组成部分。它们涉及到识别用户在搜索引擎中查找信息时可能键入的字词和短语(关键词)。
下面是一个使用 ChatGPT 进行关键词研究和分析的示例 -
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Prompt for keyword research
prompt = "Suggest top keywords for 'healthy recipes'."
# Request keywords from ChatGPT
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and display suggested keywords
suggested_keywords = response['choices'][0]['text']
print("Suggested keywords:", suggested_keywords)
让我们查看 ChatGPT 提供的建议关键词 -
Suggested keywords:
1. Nutrition
2. Low-fat
3. Clean eating
4. Vegetarian
5. Plant-based
6. Gluten-free
7. Keto
8. Whole30
9. Meal prep
10. Budget-friendly
自然语言处理 (NLP) 在 SEO 中的技术能提高内容质量、用户体验和搜索引擎的整体可见性。
下面是关于使用 ChatGPT 进行 SEO 中的 NLP 的示例 -
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Prompt for NLP-based SEO analysis
prompt = "Analyze the sentiment of customer reviews for 'best laptops'."
# Request sentiment analysis from ChatGPT
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and display sentiment analysis results
sentiment_analysis = response['choices'][0]['text']
print("Sentiment analysis:", sentiment_analysis)
ChatGPT 给出的情绪分析如下:
Sentiment analysis:
The sentiment of customer reviews for "best laptops" appears to be
overwhelmingly positive. Many customers praise the performance, speed, and
durability of the laptops, with terms such as "amazing", "incredible",
and "fantastic" being commonly used.
Multiple reviewers also mention the value for money of these laptops, with
comments such as "great price" and "affordable" indicating satisfaction with
the price point. Some customers also express appreciation for the design
and aesthetics of the laptops, describing them as "sleek" and "stylish".
Overall, the sentiment of customer reviews for "best laptops" is highly
positive, with a strong emphasis on quality, performance, and value.
User Experience (UX) and SEO Using ChatGPT
搜索引擎将用户体验 (UX) 视为排名因素,因此改善用户体验不仅对网站访问者的体验有好处,而且在搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 中也扮演着至关重要的作用。
下面的示例展示了如何使用 ChatGPT 来改善用户体验和 SEO:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Prompt for NLP-based SEO analysis
prompt = "Analyze the sentiment of customer reviews for 'best laptops'."
# Request sentiment analysis from ChatGPT
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and display sentiment analysis results
sentiment_analysis = response['choices'][0]['text']
print("Sentiment analysis:", sentiment_analysis)
以下是 ChatGPT 提供的用户体验建议:
User experience suggestions:
1. Streamline Navigation: The navigation of an e-commerce website should be
intuitive and easy to use. It should have clear categories and subcategories
to help users find what they are looking for quickly. The search bar should
also be prominent and easily accessible.
2. Use High-Quality Images: High-quality images are crucial for an
e-commerce website as they give customers a better understanding of
the products. Use multiple product images from different angles
and allow users to zoom in for a closer look.
3. Provide Detailed Product Descriptions: Along with images, a
detailed product description is essential for customers to make
informed decisions. It should include size, materials, features,
and any other relevant information.
Image and Video SEO Using ChatGPT
优化多媒体内容,即图像和视频,对于提升整体的 SEO 策略并吸引更多自然流量至关重要。
下面的示例展示了如何从 ChatGPT 中获取优化图像和视频的一些提示:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Prompt for image and video SEO tips
prompt = "Provide tips for optimizing images and videos for better SEO performance."
# Request SEO tips from ChatGPT
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and display SEO tips for images and videos
seo_tips = response['choices'][0]['text']
print("SEO tips for images and videos:", seo_tips)
以下是 ChatGPT 给出的提示:
SEO tips for images and videos:
1. Use relevant and descriptive file names: Before uploading an image or
video, give it a relevant and descriptive name that includes relevant
keywords. This will help search engines understand the content of the media.
2. Optimize alt text: Alt text is used to describe an image or video for
visually impaired users and search engine crawlers.
Use descriptive and keyword-rich alt text to help search
engines understand the content of the media.
3. Compress images and videos: Large and heavy media files can slow down
your website’s loading speed, which can negatively affect your SEO.
Compress your images and videos without compromising on quality
to improve your website’s loading speed.
SEO Automation and Reporting Using ChatGPT
自动化和报告在 SEO 领域扮演着至关重要的角色。它涉及简化重复性任务和生成有洞察力的报告以进行监控。
以下是关于如何使用 ChatGPT 进行 SEO 自动化和报告的示例:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Prompt for SEO automation and reporting
prompt = "Automate keyword tracking and generate an SEO report for the past month."
# Request automation and reporting from ChatGPT
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and display automation and reporting results
automation_and_reporting = response['choices'][0]['text']
print("SEO automation and reporting results:", automation_and_reporting)
以下是 ChatGPT 提供的 SEO 自动化和报告的结果:
SEO automation and reporting results:
To automate keyword tracking and generate an SEO report for the
past month, follow these steps:
1. Choose a keyword tracking tool: There are various keyword tracking tools
available such as SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz, and Google Search Console. Choose
the one that best suits your needs and budget.
2. Create a list of keywords to track: Make a list of your target keywords
that you want to track for your website. This list should include both
primary and long-tail keywords that are relevant to your business.
3. Set up keyword tracking: Once you have selected the tool and keywords,
set up keyword tracking by entering the keywords into the tool.
This will start tracking the rankings and performance of your
keywords on search engines.
SEO Automation and Reporting Using ChatGPT
下面的示例展示了 ChatGPT 如何帮助进行 SEO 优化:
import openai
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Prompt for SEO optimization suggestions
prompt = "Provide recommendations to improve website ranking on search engines."
# Request optimization suggestions from ChatGPT
response = openai.Completion.create(
# Extract and display SEO optimization suggestions
optimization_suggestions = response['choices'][0]['text']
print("SEO optimization suggestions:", optimization_suggestions)
ChatGPT 提供了以下 SEO 优化建议:
SEO optimization suggestions:
1. Conduct an SEO audit: Start by conducting a thorough audit of your website
to identify any technical issues that may be affecting your rankings.
Use tools like Google Search Console and Ahrefs to identify any crawl
errors, broken links, or duplicate content.
2. Keyword research: Identify the keywords and phrases that are relevant
to your website and target audience. Use keyword research tools like Google
Keyword Planner or SEMrush to identify high volume and low competition
keywords that can help improve your rankings.
ChatGPT – Machine Learning
是什么基础模型强化了 ChatGPT 的强大能力?
ChatGPT 的功能建立在机器学习的基础之上,并得到了其类型监督、无监督和强化学习的关键支持。在本章中,我们将看到机器学习如何为 ChatGPT 的能力做出贡献。
What is Machine Learning?
机器学习是一个动态的人工智能 (AI) 领域,借助此领域,计算机系统可以通过算法或模型从原始数据中提取模式。这些算法使计算机能够自主地从经验中学习,并在没有明确编程的情况下进行预测或决策。
现在,让我们了解机器学习的类型及其在塑造 ChatGPT 能力方面的贡献。
Supervised Learning
ChatGPT 使用监督式学习来最初训练其语言模型。在此第 1 阶段中,使用包含输入和输出示例对的标记数据对语言模型进行训练。在 ChatGPT 的上下文中,输入包含部分文本,而相应的输出是对该文本的延续或响应。
这些注释数据有助于模型学习不同单词、短语及其上下文相关性之间的关联。ChatGPT 通过接触各种示例,利用这些信息基于给定的输入预测最可能的下一个单词或单词序列。这就是监督式学习如何成为 ChatGPT 理解和生成类人文本的能力的基础。
Unsupervised Learning
监督式学习为 ChatGPT 提供了坚实的基础,但 ChatGPT 的真正魔力在于创造性地生成连贯且上下文相关的答案或响应的能力。这是无监督式学习发挥作用的地方。
借助对各种互联网文本的大量预训练,ChatGPT 对事实、推理能力和语言模式有了深刻的理解。这就是无监督式学习如何释放 ChatGPT 的创造力并使其能够对各种用户输入生成有意义的响应。
Reinforcement Learning
与监督式学习相比,强化学习 (RL) 是一种机器学习范例,其中代理通过与环境交互来学习做出决策。代理在环境中执行动作,以奖励或惩罚的形式接收反馈,并使用此反馈随着时间的推移改进其决策制定策略。
强化学习充当导航指南,引导 ChatGPT 进行动态且不断发展的对话。在最初的监督学习和无监督学习阶段之后,该模型会经历强化学习以根据用户反馈微调其响应。
大型语言模型 (LLM) 就像超级智能工具,可以从大量文本中获取知识。现在,想象一下通过使用称为强化学习的技术使这些工具变得更智能。这就像教他们将他们的知识转化为有用的行动。这种智力组合是 Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) 背后的魔力,这些语言模型甚至可以更好地理解我们并对我们做出回应。
Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF)
在 2017 年,OpenAI 发表了一篇名为 Deep reinforcement learning from human preferences 的研究论文,首次提出了用人类反馈进行强化学习 (RLHF)。有时我们需要在使用强化学习的情况下操作,但是手头的任务很难解释。在这种情况下,人类反馈变得很重要,并可能产生巨大的影响。
RLHF 通过涉及少量的人类反馈来完善代理的学习过程来工作。让我们借助此图表了解其整体训练过程,它基本上是一个三步反馈循环 −
RLHF 最初用于机器人技术等领域,事实证明它可以提供更可控的用户体验。这就是为什么 OpenAI、Meta、Google、Amazon Web Services、IBM、DeepMind、Anthropic 等主要公司已将 RLHF 添加到其大型语言模型 (LLM) 中。事实上,RLHF 已成为最流行的 LLM- ChatGPT 中的关键组成部分。
ChatGPT and RLHF
在本节中,我们将解释 ChatGPT 如何使用 RLHF 来适应人类反馈。
OpenAI 在一个称为 RLHF 的循环中利用人类反馈进行强化学习,以训练其 InstructGPT 模型。在此之前,OpenAI API 由 GPT-3 语言模型驱动,该模型往往会产生可能不真实和有害的输出,因为它们不 aligned 与其用户。
另一方面, InstructGPT 模型比 GPT-3 模型好得多,因为它们 −
Steps to Fine-tune ChatGPT with RLHF
对于 ChatGPT,OpenAI 采用了类似于 InstructGPT 模型的方法,在数据收集的设置上略有不同。
Step 1: The SFT (Supervised Fine-Tuning) Model
第一步主要涉及到数据收集,用以训练一种监督策略模型,称为 SFT 模型。对于数据收集,选择了一组提示,然后请一组人类标签人员展示所需的输出。
现在,不是对原始 GPT-3 模型进行微调,像 ChatGPT 这样的多功能聊天机器人的开发者决定使用 GPT-3.5 系列中的预训练模型。换而言之,开发者选择了在“代码模型”之上进行微调,而不是纯基于文本的模型。
在此步骤中,源自于 SFT 模型的一个重要问题是它很容易出现偏差,导致输出缺乏用户关注。
ChatGPT – Generative AI
OpenAI 开发的 ChatGPT 是生成式 AI 的具体实例。它由生成式预训练 Transformer (GPT) 架构提供动力。在本章中,我们将了解生成式 AI 及其关键组件,如生成模型、生成对抗网络 (GAN)、Transformer 和自编码器。
Understanding Generative AI
生成式 AI 指的是专注于自主创建、生成或制作内容的人工智能类别。它涉及训练模型生成新的和多样化的数据,如文本、图像或甚至音乐,这些数据基于从现有数据集中学到的模式和信息。
此处,“ generative ” 方面意味着这些 AI 模型可以自己生成内容,通常基于从大量数据中学到的模式和信息。它们可以非常有创意,提出新的想法或制作看起来如同人类制作的内容。
例如,在文本的背景下,生成式 AI 模型也许能够写一个故事、撰写一篇文章,甚至创作一首诗。在视觉领域,它可以生成图像或设计。生成式 AI 适用于各个领域,从创意艺术到内容创作等实用用途,但它也面临着一些挑战,例如确保生成的内容准确、符合道德规范,并与人类价值观保持一致。
我们来探讨生成式 AI 中的一些关键元素。
Generative Models
我们可以说生成模型构成了生成式 AI 的基础。这些模型在各种应用中都起到至关重要的作用,例如创建逼真的图像、生成连贯的文本以及更多。
Types of Generative Models
如下列出了一些最常用的生成模型类型 −
Applications of Generative Models
让我们看看生成模型在以下方面的一些应用 −
Image Generation
生成模型(例如变分自动编码器和 GAN)已彻底改变图像合成。它们可以生成逼真的图片,几乎无法与真实图片区分开来。例如,DALL-E 函数基于扩散模型的原理,这是一种生成模型。
Generative Adversarial Networks
由 Ian Goodfellow 和他的同事在 2014 年引入的生成对抗网络 (GAN) 是一种用于生成模型的深度神经网络架构。
在各种生成模型中,GAN 因其在内容生成方面的创新方法而备受关注。它采用独特的对抗训练机制,主要由生成器和判别器组成。
Working of GANs
让我们借助其组件来了解 GAN 的工作原理 −
Generator − 生成器创建新的数据实例,尝试模仿从训练数据中学到的模式。
Discriminator − 判别器评估生成数据的真实性,区分真实和虚假实例。
Adversarial Training − GAN 参与竞争过程,生成器旨在提高其生成逼真内容的能力,而判别器则改进其辨别能力。
Applications of GANs
GAN 的输出可用于图像生成、风格迁移和数据增强等多种应用。让我们看看它是如何工作的 −
Image Generation − GAN 已被证明在生成高质量的逼真图像方面非常成功。这对包括艺术、时尚和计算机图形在内的多个领域都有影响。
Style Transfer − GAN 擅长在图像之间传输艺术风格,从而可以在保持内容完整性的同时进行创造性转换。
Data Augmentation − GAN 通过在机器学习中增强数据来为模型性能做出贡献,并通过生成不同的训练示例来增强模型性能。
Transformer 是生成式 AI 中自然语言处理领域的突破。它们实际上依靠自注意机制,允许模型关注输入数据的不同部分,从而实现更连贯和更符合上下文的文本生成。
Applications of Transformers
Transformer 捕捉远程依赖性和建模复杂关系的能力使它们在各个领域中都非常通用。以下是 Transformer 的一些应用 −
Text Generation
Transformer,尤其是 GPT 模型,擅长生成连贯且与上下文相关的文本。它们对语言表现出细致入微的理解,这使得它们对于内容创作和对话很有价值。
例如,OpenAI 的 GPT-3 在文本生成方面展示了非凡的能力,理解提示并在各种上下文中产生类似人类的反应。
The encoder network 负责将输入数据映射到更低维度的表示,通常称为瓶颈或潜在表示。编码器网络通常由一系列减少输入数据维度的层组成。
The decoder network 负责将更低维度的表示映射回原始数据空间。解码器网络通常由一系列增加输入数据维度的层组成。
Autoencoders vs Variational Autoencoders
另一方面,VAE 是一种自动编码器类型,它被训练来学习输入数据的概率潜在表示。VAE 不是精确重建输入数据,而是通过从学习的概率分布中采样来学习生成与输入数据相似的新的样本。
ChatGPT – Build a Chatbot
如今,几乎每个应用程序中都能找到聊天机器人。这是因为它们使用户能够进行交互式和动态对话。在 OpenAI 功能强大的语言模型(例如 GPT-3.5)的帮助下,开发人员可以创建复杂的聊天机器人,这些聊天机器人能够理解并生成类似人类的文本。
在本章中,我们将探讨如何使用 Python 编程语言和 OpenAI API 创建聊天机器人。因此,让我们开始逐步实施聊天机器人。
Step 1: Set Up Your OpenAI Account
首先,你需要在 OpenAI 平台上设置一个帐户并获得 API 凭证。访问 OpenAI 网站,注册并按照说明生成 API 密钥。
始终建议你保护好你的 API 密钥,因为它将用于验证对 OpenAI API 的请求。
Step 2: Install the OpenAI Python Library
现在,要与 OpenAI API 交互,你需要安装 OpenAI Python 库。在你的终端或命令提示符上运行以下命令:
pip install openai
此命令将把 OpenAI 库安装到你的 Python 环境中。
Step 3: Import Required Libraries
现在,在你的 Python 脚本中,你需要导入 OpenAI 库和实现可能需要的任何其他库。对于此实现,我们只需要 OpenAI 库。
以下命令导入 OpenAI 库:
import openai
Step 4: Configure OpenAI API Key
接下来,需要在 Python 脚本中设置 OpenAI 密钥来验证你的请求。在下面的命令中,用从 OpenAI 获得的实际 API 密钥替换“your-api-key-goes-here”。
# Set your OpenAI API key
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
Step 5: Define the Initial Prompt
在配置 OpenAI API 后,我们需要定义初始提示变量,该变量将用于与聊天机器人发起对话。例如,我们为实现目的定义以下提示:
# Define the initial prompt
prompt = "You: "
Step 6: Implement the Chat Loop
接下来,我们需要创建一个循环来模拟与聊天机器人的对话。它将允许用户输入消息并将它们附加到提示中。如果你想退出循环,可以使用预定义的命令,例如“退出”。查看下面的代码 -
while True:
user_input = input("You: ")
# Check for exit command
if user_input.lower() == 'exit':
print("Chatbot: Goodbye!")
# Update the prompt with user input
prompt += user_input + "\n"
Step 7: Generate Responses
现在,使用 OpenAI API 根据用户的输入生成回复。为此,我们需要在循环中向 API 发出请求,如下所示 -
# Generate responses using the OpenAI API
response = openai.Completion.create(
Step 8: Display and Update the Prompt
最后,我们需要显示生成的响应,并更新下一次迭代的提示 -
# Get and display the chatbot response
chatbot_response = get_chatbot_response(prompt)
print(f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}")
# Update the prompt with chatbot's response
prompt += f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}\n"
Run the Chatbot
现在,让我们把它全部放在一个脚本中并运行聊天机器人 -
# Import the OpenAI library
import openai
# Set up your OpenAI API key for authentication
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key-goes-here'
# Define the initial prompt
prompt = "You: "
# Function to get chatbot response using OpenAI API
def get_chatbot_response(prompt):
# Generate responses using the OpenAI API
response = openai.Completion.create(
return response.choices[0].text.strip()
# Main execution loop
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Continuous loop for user interaction
while True:
# Get user input
user_input = input("You: ")
# Check for exit command
if user_input.lower() == 'exit':
print("Chatbot: Goodbye!")
# Update the prompt with user input
prompt += user_input + "\n"
# Get and display the chatbot response
chatbot_response = get_chatbot_response(prompt)
print(f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}")
# Update the prompt with chatbot's response
prompt += f"Chatbot: {chatbot_response}\n"
Note - 将“your-api-key-goes-here”替换为你实际的 OpenAI API 密钥。此脚本允许用户在连续循环中与聊天机器人交互,可以通过键入“退出”来退出。
让我们看看我们与聊天机器人的对话 -
You: Hi
Chatbot: > <@User> Hi there! Is there something I can help you with?
You: I want to know about Artificial Intelligence.
Chatbot: Chatbot: Sure! Artificial Intelligence, or AI, refers to the
simulation of human intelligence processes by machines. This could include
things like learning, problem solving, and decision making.
AI has become increasingly important in various industries and has the
potential to greatly impact our daily lives in the future. Is there something
specific you would like to know?
You: Suggest me some courses to learn AI using Python.
Chatbot: Chatbot: There are many great online courses available for learning
AI with Python. Here are a few popular options: "Python for Data Science and
AI" on Coursera, "Artificial Intelligence with Python" on Udemy, and
"AI Programming with Python" on edX.
Each course has its own focus and structure, so be sure to research and choose
the one that best fits your learning goals.
You: Is there any course related to learn AI using Python on
Chatbot: Chatbot: Yes, there are several courses related to
AI on Some popular ones include "Python
AI Tutorial," "Machine Learning with Python," and
"Deep Learning with TensorFlow." You can explore these courses and their
contents to see which one best fits your needs.
You: Can you tell me more about
Chatbot: is an online platform that offers a variety of
tutorials and study materials on various subjects such as programming
languages, database technologies, web development, and more.
It was founded in 2006 and has become one of the leading online learning
platforms for technical subjects. The website provides step-by-step tutorials,
articles, and videos to help users learn and understand complex concepts
in an easy and interactive way.
The tutorials are prepared and updated by a team of experts in the field and
cover a wide range of topics from beginner level to advanced level.
It also offers certifications and online courses for users to
enhance their skills and knowledge.
Overall, is a valuable resource for students, professionals,
and anyone interested in learning about technical courses.
You: exit
Chatbot: Goodbye!