Css 简明教程
CSS - Border Image
出于简洁的目的,有一个设置边框图像的简写,即 border-image 。传递给简写 border-image 的值使用 solidus 符号(/)分隔。值应按特定顺序列出,即 slice ,然后 width ,最后 offset 。
For brevity purpose, there is a shorthand for setting up of border image, i.e., border-image. The values passed to shorthand border-image are separated using the solidus symbol (/). The values should be listed in a specific order, which is slice, then width and last is offset.
border-image: url('URL'), 40% 25% 20% fill / 12px 5px / 5px space;
注意:您还可以仅用一个值(例如 URL)来声明属性 border-image ,其他值将默认。
Note: You can also declare the property border-image with just one value i.e., URL and rest of the values will be default.
Let us see an example:
.box {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: 20px solid;
border-image: url(images/border.png) 30 round;
<div class="box"></div>
The border-image property can be applied to any element, except for the internal table elements (th,tr,td), when border-collapse is set to collapse.
Only required property for border-image shorthand property is, border-image-source, rest other properties are optional.
Following are the properties of border-image shorthand, in their order: border-image-source: Specifies the source of border-image. Can be a URL, CSS gradient or inline SVG. border-image-slice: Allows the slicing up of image by the browser. border-image-width: Sets the width of the border image. border-image-outset: Pushes the border image outside, beyond the border box. border-image-repeat: Repeats the image specified along the sides of the border, until the whole length and width is filled.
border-image-source 属性指定要作为元素的边框传入的图像源。
The border-image-source property specifies the source of an image to be passed as a border to an element.
使用属性 border-image-slice 可以对使用属性 border-image-source 指定的图像进行分割。
The image specified using the property border-image-source can be sliced using the property border-image-slice.
该属性顾名思义,用于切割图像。它会将图像分成 9 个区域,即 4 个角、4 条边和一个中间区域。
As the name suggests, this property is used to slice up an image. It divides the image in 9 regions, with 4 corners, 4 edges and a middle region.
下图演示了属性 border-image-slice 的功能:
The following diagram demonstrates function of border-image-slice property:

Note : border-image-slice 的偏移可以通过百分比和长度单位来提供。但是,强烈建议使用百分比。
Note: Offset for border-image-slice can be provided in terms of percentage and length units. But, percentages are highly recommended.
Refer the following syntax for example:
border: 20px solid;
border-image-source: url('URL');
border-image-slice: 25%;
要指定要作为边框设置的图像的宽度,可以使用属性 border-image-width 。
To specify the width of the image to be set as a border, you can use the property border-image-width.
border: 20px solid;
border-image-source: url('URL');
border-image-width: 15px;
border-image-slice: 33.33%;
为避免图像边框和内容重叠,可以使用属性 border-image-outset 。
In order to avoid the overlapping of the image borders and the content, you can use the property border-image-outset.
This property pushes the border image outside, beyond the border box.
border: 20px solid;
padding: 1em;
border-image-source: url('URL');
border-image-width: 1;
border-image-slice: 10;
border-image-outset: 8px;
默认情况下边框图像沿两侧拉伸,但可以使用属性 border-image-repeat 更改此设置。
By default the border image gets stretched along the sides, but this can be changed, using the property border-image-repeat.
This property repeats the image specified along the sides of the border, until the whole length and width is not filled.
CSS Gradient Border Images
CSS 渐变也可用于设置元素的边框。支持三种类型的渐变:线性、径向和圆锥。
CSS gradients can also be used to set the border of an element. Three types of gradients are supported: linear, radial and conic.
Linear Gradient
A linear gradient is used to set a smooth transition between two or more colors along a straight line and the same can be used as a border around an element.
Here is an example:
img {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
img.with-linear-gradient {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 20px;
border-image: linear-gradient(45deg, rgb(15, 64, 161), rgb(228, 6, 17)) 1;
<img class="with-linear-gradient" src="images/orange-flower.jpg" alt="linear-gradient"/>
Radial Gradient
A radial gradient is used to set a progressive transition between two or more colors that radiate from its origin.
Here is an example:
img {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
img.with-radial-gradient {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 10px;
border-image: radial-gradient(rgb(58, 61, 60), rgb(47, 227, 221)) 1;
<img class="with-radial-gradient" src="images/orange-flower.jpg" alt="radial-gradient"/>
Conic Gradient
A conic gradient is helpful in creating an image consisting of color transitions rotated around a center point, rather than radiating from the center.
Here is an example:
img {
height: 300px;
width: 300px;
img.with-conic-gradient {
border-style: solid;
border-width: 15px;
border-image: conic-gradient(red, yellow, green, aqua, blue, pink, red) 1;
<img class="with-conic-gradient" src="images/orange-flower.jpg" alt="conic-gradient"/>
所有与 border-image 相关的属性都列在下方表格中:
All the properties related to border-image are listed in the table below: