Css 简明教程

CSS Masking - mask

CSS mask 是一个缩写属性,用于遮罩和显示处于特定位置图像,以部分或完全隐藏元素。

CSS mask is a shorthand property that masks and displays an image at a particular position to partially or completely hide an element.

此属性是下列 CSS 属性的速记:

This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:

Possible Values

  1. none − This value removes the masking effect.

  2. <mask-reference> − Sets the image source for the mask. Refer mask-image.

  3. <masking-mode> − Determines whether an alpha or luminance mask should be applied to the mask reference specified by mask-image. Refer mask-mode.

  4. <position> − Determines the initial position for each defined mask image relative to the mask position layer set by mask-origin. Refer mask-position.

  5. <bg-size> − Defines the size of the mask image. Refer mask-size.

  6. <repeat-style> − Determines how the mask image are repeated. Refer mask-repeat.

  7. <geometry-box> − A single <geometry-box> value sets both mask-origin and mask-clip. If two values are present, the first sets the mask-origin and second mask-clip.

  8. <geometry-box> | no-clip − Determines the area affected by the mask-image.

  9. <compositing-operator> − This value specifies the compositing operation to be applied on the current mask layer. Refer mask-composite.

Applies to

所有元素。在 SVG 中,它应用于容器元素(不包括 <defs> 元素)和所有图形元素

All elements. In SVG, it applies to container elements excluding the <defs> element and all graphics elements


Keyword Values

mask: none;

Image Values

mask: url(shop.png);
mask: url(book.svg#star)

Combined Values

mask: url(heart.png) luminance;
mask: url(heart.png) 40px 20px;
mask: url(heart.png) 10px 10px / 100px 50px;
mask: url(heart.png) repeat-y;
mask: url(heart.png) border-box;
mask: url(masks.svg#star) exclude;

CSS mask - none Value

以下示例演示了 mask: none 属性从元素中删除已应用的蒙版效果 −

The following example demonstrates that the mask: none property removes applied masking effect from the element −

   .mask-none {
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      background-image: url("images/pink-flower.jpg");
      background-color: red;
      -webkit-mask: url(images/heart.png);
      -webkit-mask-size: 100% 100%;
   <h2>Image with masking effect</h2>
   <div class="mask-none"></div>
   <h2>Image without masking effect</h2>
   <div class="mask-none" style="mask:none"></div>

CSS mask - <mask-reference>

以下示例演示了 mask: URL() 属性将图片源设置为 div 元素的蒙版层 −

The following example demonstrates that the mask: URL() property sets the image source as a mask layer for the div element −

   .mask-url {
   width: 200px;
   height: 200px;
   background-image: url("images/pink-flower.jpg");
   background-size: cover;
   -webkit-mask: url(images/heart.png);
   -webkit-mask-size: 100% 100%;
   <div class="mask-url"></div>

CSS mask - <masking-mode>

以下示例演示了 -webkit-mask: linear-gradient(red 20%, pink 40%, green 60%, black 80%) luminance; 属性如何创建彩色渐变蒙版以及影响图片亮度的亮度值 −

The following example demonstrates that the -webkit-mask: linear-gradient(red 20%, pink 40%, green 60%, black 80%) luminance; property, creates a colorful gradient mask along with luminance value that affects the brightness of the image −

   img {
      display: block;
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      -webkit-mask: linear-gradient(red 20%, pink 40%, green 60%, black 80%) luminance;
      -webkit-mask-position: center;
      -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
      -webkit-mask-size: 100% 100%;
   <img src="images/pink-flower.jpg" alt="pink-flower">

CSS mask - <position>

以下示例演示了使用 url(images/heart.png) 值和 40px 20px 值设置蒙版位置的蒙版图片 −

The following example demonstrates the mask image using the url(images/heart.png) value and the 40px 20px values to set the position of the mask −

   .mask-container {
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      background-image: url("images/pink-flower.jpg");
      background-size: cover;
      -webkit-mask: url(images/heart.png) 40px 20px;
      -webkit-mask-size: 100% 100%;
   <div class="mask-container"></div>

CSS mask - <bg-size>

以下示例演示了使用 url(images/heart.png) 值和 10px 10px 值设置蒙版图片的位置,以及 100px 50px 设置蒙版的大小 −

The following example demonstrates the mask image using the url(images/heart.png) value and 10px 10px values position the mask image, and 100px 50px sets the size of the mask −

   .mask-container {
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      background-image: url("images/pink-flower.jpg");
      background-size: cover;
      -webkit-mask: url(images/heart.png) 10px 10px / 100px 50px;
      -webkit-mask-size: 100% 100%;
   <div class="mask-container"></div>

CSS mask - <repeat-style>

以下示例演示了使用 url(images/heart.png) 值和 repeat-y 值的蒙版图片,表明蒙版图片应垂直重复 −

The following example demonstrates the mask image using the url(images/heart.png) value and repeat-y value indicates that the mask image should be repeated vertically −

   .mask-container {
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      background-image: url("images/pink-flower.jpg");
      background-size: cover;
      -webkit-mask: url(images/heart.png) repeat-y;
      -webkit-mask-size: 50px;
      -webkit-mask-position: center;
   <div class="mask-container"></div>

CSS mask - <geometry-box>

以下示例演示了使用 url(images/shop.png) 值和 border-box 值的蒙版图片,表明蒙版图片的位置和大小相对于元素的 border-box(包括边框和内边距) −

The following example demonstrates the mask image using the url(images/shop.png) value and border-box value indicates that mask image is positioned and sized relative to the element’s border-box including border and padding −

   .container {
      width: 250px;
      height: 200px;
      background-color: greenyellow;
      padding: 10px;
   .masking-image {
      height: 120px;
      border: 20px solid red;
      padding: 10px;
      background-color: violet;

      -webkit-mask: url('images/shop.png') border-box;
      -webkit-mask-size: cover;
      -webkit-mask-repeat: no-repeat;
   <p>The image has a violet background, and the red border around it. The areas outside the border will remain visible.</h3>
   <div class="container"><div class="masking-image"></div></div>

CSS mask - <geometry-box> | no-clip

以下示例演示了使用 url(images/bookmark.png) 值的蒙版图片。

The following example demonstrates the mask image using the url(images/bookmark.png) value.

content-box 值表明蒙版图片的位置和大小相对于元素的 content-box,且 no-clip 值可防止蒙版图片被裁剪到元素的 content box。

The content-box value indicates that mask image is positioned and sized relative to the element’s content-box and no-clip value prevents the mask image from being clipped to the element’s content box.

   .box {
      max-width: 300px;
      border: 3px solid blue;
   .mask-container {
      background-color: gold;
      display: block;
      padding: 20px;
      width: 220px;
      height: 220px;
      border: 20px solid red;
      -webkit-mask: url(images/bookmark.png) content-box no-clip;
      -webkit-mask-position: center center;
      -webkit-mask-repeat: repeat;
      -webkit-mask-size: 100px 100px;
   <div class="box">
      <div class="mask-container">
         <img src="images/pink-flower.jpg" alt="pink flower" width="100%">

以下是与蒙版相关的 CSS 属性列表:

Following is the list of CSS properties related to mask:




Defines the area of an element that is affected by a mask.


Defines the area of an element that is affected by a mask.


Display or hide specific areas of an element.


Determines where a mask image is placed on an element.


Repetition of an image along horizontal axis, vertical axis, both the axes, or not at all.


Defines the size of the mask image.


Defines the origin of the mask image.


Defines whether the mask reference given by mask-image should be considered as a luminance or alpha mask.


Creates a mask along the edge of an element’s border.


Specifies the blending mode used in mask border.


Specifies the distance by which an element’s mask border is set out from its border box.


Sets how the edges of a source image are adjusted to fit the dimensions of an element’s mask border.


Divides the image set by mask-border-source into regions.


Sets the source image used to create an element’s mask border.


Sets the width of an element’s mask border.