Css 简明教程
CSS - Borders Property
在设计和样式设置的背景下,边框指的是围绕对象(如文本框、图像或网页上的任何其他 HTML 元素)的内容的装饰性或功能性元素。
A border, in the context of design and styling, refers to a decorative or functional element that surrounds the content of an object, such as a text box, image, or any other HTML element on a web page.
border 属性是用来为元素(如 div、图像或文本)创建一个边框。它允许您自定义边框的外观,包括其颜色、宽度和样式。
The border property is used to create a border around an element, such as a div, image, or text. It allows you to customize the appearance of the border, including its color, width, and style.
Borders play a vital role in the overall aesthetics and design of the webpage.
Importance of borders
在 CSS 中使用边框的重要性可以总结如下:
The importance of using borders in CSS can be summarized as follows:
Visual separation: Borders help to visually separate different elements on a webpage, making it easier for users to understand the layout and navigation.
Organization and structure: Borders can be given to grids, tables or even boxes that makes the content look more organized and structured.
Emphasis and focus: Borders can be given to elements to emphasize and highlight them.
Design and aesthetics: Borders allow to add you to add decoration to the elements to enhance the visual appeal. This can be achieved using the style, color and width of border.
Borders - Properties
Following table describes the various properties of border, their description and default values they hold:
Property |
Description |
Default value |
style |
specifies whether a border should be solid, dashed line, double line, or one of the other possible values |
none |
width |
specifies the width of a border |
medium |
color |
specifies the color of a border |
foreground color of the element and if element is blank, then color of the parent element |
Now, we will see how to use these properties with examples.
CSS Borders - border-style Property
border-style 属性是边框的基本属性之一。可以将以下值传递给边框样式:
The border-style property is one of the essential properties of border. Following values can be passed to border-style:
Value |
Description |
none |
No border |
hidden |
A hidden border, same as 'none' except for table elements |
dotted |
A series of dots |
dashes |
A series of short dashes |
solid |
A single solid line |
double |
Two parallel lines with a small gap between them |
groove |
A border that appears to be carved into the page |
ridge |
A border that appears to be slightly raised above the page |
inset |
A border that appears embedded into the page |
outset |
A border that appears slightly raised out of the page |
initial |
Sets the border-style property to its default value |
inherit |
Inherits the border-style property from its parent element |
让我们看一个 border-style 的这些值的示例:
Let us see an example for these values of border-style:
p.none {border-style: none;}
p.hidden {border-style: hidden;}
p.dotted {border-style: dotted;}
p.dashes {border-style: dashed;}
p.solid {border-style: solid;}
p.double {border-style: double;}
p.groove {border-style: groove;}
p.ridge {border-style: ridge;}
p.inset {border-style: inset;}
p.outset {border-style: outset;}
p.mixed {border-style: none dashed solid dotted;}
<h2>border-style Property</h2>
<p class="none">No border.</p>
<p class="hidden">Hidden border.</p>
<p class="dotted">Dotted border.</p>
<p class="dashes">Dashed border.</p>
<p class="solid">Solid border.</p>
<p class="double">Double border.</p>
<p class="groove">Groove border.</p>
<p class="ridge">Ridge border.</p>
<p class="inset">Inset border.</p>
<p class="outset">Outset border.</p>
<p class="mixed">A mixed border.</p>
Single Side - Border Style
border-style 属性可以专门为每一边指定。同一组值可以传递给 border-style 的每一边:
The property border-style can be exclusively specified for each single-side. The same set of values can be passed to each single-side for border-style:
Let us see an example:
p {border-top-style: dotted; border-right-style: solid; border-bottom-style: dashed; border-left-style: double;
padding: 2em;}
<h2>border-style (single-side)</h2>
<p>Different border styles on all sides.</p>
CSS BorderS - width Property
border-width 属性在设置边框样式后是下一行。可以传递以下值给 border-width :
The border-width property is next in line after setting border style. Following values can be passed to border-width:
让我们看一个示例(指定 border-style 和未指定 border-style ):
Let us see an example (with and without specifying border-style):
p.thin {border-width: thin;}
p.medium {border-width: medium;}
p.thick {border-width: thick;}
p.length {border-width: 100px;}
p.thin1 {border-style: double; border-width: thin;}
p.medium1 {border-style: dashed; border-width: medium;}
p.thick1 {border-style: solid; border-width: thick;}
p.length1 {border-style: dotted; border-width: 10px;}
<h2>border-width without <i>border-style</i> property</h2>
<p class="thin">Thin border.</p>
<p class="medium">Medium border.</p>
<p class="thick">Thick border.</p>
<p class="length">Specific length border.</p>
<h2>border-width with <i>border-style</i> property</h2>
<p class="thin1">Thin width.</p>
<p class="medium1">Medium width.</p>
<p class="thick1">Thick width.</p>
<p class="length1">Specific length width border.</p>
Single Side - Border Width
border-width* 属性可以专门为每一边指定。同一组值可以传递给 * border-width* 的每一边:
The property border-width can be exclusively specified for each single-side. The same set of values can be passed to each single-side for border-width:
Let us see an example:
p {border-style: solid;
border-top-width: thin;
border-right-width: thick;
border-bottom-width: medium;
border-left-width: 10px;
padding: 2em;}
<h2>border-width (single-side)</h2>
<p>Different border widths on all sides.</p>
CSS Borders - color Property
border-color* 是 * border* 的第三个组成属性。它设置边框的颜色。
The border-color is the third constituent property of border. It sets the color of the border.
border can have one, two, three or all four values.
If no color is specified for border, the default value is currentcolor i.e. the foreground color.
Any type of color value can be passed, such as RGB, RGBA, hexadecimal, etc.
可以传递以下值给 * border* :
Following values can be passed to border:
Value |
Description |
color |
the border will be of the color specified |
transparent |
the border will be transparent |
inherit |
the parent element’s value is inherited |
让我们看一个示例(指定 border-style 和未指定 border-style ):
Let us see an example (with and without specifying border-style):
p.color1 {border-color: red;}
p.hexa1 {border-color: #00ff00;}
p.color2 {border-style: dashed; border-color: red;}
p.hexa2 {border-style: solid; border-color: #00ff00;}
<h2>border-color without <i>border-style</i> property</h2>
<p class="color1">Red color with name.</p>
<p class="hexa1">Green color with hexadecimal.</p>
<h2>border-color with <i>border-style</i> property</h2>
<p class="color2">Red color with name.</p>
<p class="hexa2">Green color with hexadecimal.</p>
Single Side - Border Color
属性 * border-color* 可以专门为每一单边指定。 border-color 的同一组值可以传递给每一单边:
The property border-color can be exclusively specified for each single-side. The same set of values can be passed to each single-side for border-color:
Let us see an example:
p {border-style: solid;
border-top-color: red;
border-right-color: #0000ff;
border-bottom-color: rgb(100,123,111);
border-left-color: rgba(50,123,111,0.4);
padding: 0.5in;}
<h2>Different border color on all sides</h2>
<p>Check the border colors!!!</p>
CSS Borders - Single-Side Shorthand Properties
在希望只沿着元素的一侧应用所有边框属性时(如 style, width 和 color ),可以使用简写边框属性。
In case you want to apply all the border properties, such as style, width and color, along just one side of an element, you can make use of the shorthand border properties.
例如,如果要在 h2 元素的顶侧应用边框属性,则可以使用如下语法:
For example, if the border properties are to be applied to top side of an h2 element, you can use the following syntax:
h2 {border-top: thin solid red;}
Four shorthand properties, based on each side of any element, are as follows:
Let us see an example:
p {border-top: red dashed thick;
border-right: solid #0000ff medium;
border-bottom: thin double rgb(100,123,111);
border-left: rgba(50,123,111,0.4) 15px solid;
padding: 2cm;}
<h2>Shorthand single-side border properties</h2>
<p>Check the borders!!!</p>
CSS Borders - Global - Shorthand Property
在元素的所有侧上用于边框的最小的可能的简写属性是 border 。
The smallest possible shorthand property for border on all sides of an element is border.
h2 {border: thick dotted green;}
上面的代码将在 h2 元素的四面添加一个绿色、虚线且粗的边框。
The above code will add a green, dotted and thick border on all the four sides of h2 element.
Let us see an example:
p {border: green dashed thick;
padding: 2cm;}
<h2>Shorthand border property</h2>
<p>Check the borders!!!</p>
但仍然可选用任何单独属于传递的属性来覆盖 * border* 简写属性。参阅下面的示例代码以厘清这一点:
But you still have the option of overriding the border shorthand property with any individual property passed exclusively. See the following sample code to clarify this point:
h2 {border: thin solid gray;}
h2 {border-bottom-width: 15px;}
上面的代码将在所有边上都有一个细、实线且灰色的边框,除了底部外,底部的宽度将为 15 像素。
The above code will have a thin, solid and gray border on all the sides except for the bottom where the width will be of 15px.
Let us see an example:
p {border: #0000ff dashed thick;
border-bottom-width: 15px;
padding: 2cm;}
<h2>Shorthand border property</h2>
<p>Check the borders!!!</p>
CSS Borders - Borders and Inline Elements
Borders can be given to any inline element in the same manner. The border’s thickness will not have any effect on the line height of element. If left and right borders are specified in an inline element, it will displace the text around the border.
strong {border-top: thin solid green; border-bottom: 5px dotted #ff00ff;}
上面的代码会将边框应用于段落中的粗体文本,在顶部是绿色、细且实线边框,在底部是洋红色、5px 虚线边框。
Above code will apply the border to strong text in the paragraph as green, thin and solid border on the top and magenta-colored, 5px dotted border on the bottom side.
Let us see an example:
strong {border-top: thick solid green;
border-bottom: 5px dashed #ff00ff;
background-color: silver;}
<p>Check the <strong>inline elements with borders</strong> and rest has no border.</p>
CSS Borders - Replaced Elements
In case of replaced elements, such as an image, the line height will get affected by applying border.
img {border: 2em solid #ff00ff;}
上面的代码将在图像周围应用一个实线、洋红色、2em 宽的边框。
Above code will apply a solid, magenta-colored, 2em wide border around the image.
Let us see an example:
img {border: 1em solid #ff00ff;}
<p>Check the logo <img src="images/logo.png" alt="logo image"> with borders altering the line height.</p>
CSS Borders - Images
为了使边框更加复杂和有趣,可以将图像添加到元素的边框。为了这样做,需要使用属性 border-image-source 为图像提供来源。
Just to make the border more complicated and interesting, an image can be added as a border to an element. In order to do that you need to provide a source for your image using the property border-image-source.
Points to remember:
Declare the border-style before providing an image source, else no image will be displayed as the border.
If no border-width is specified, then it will default to medium, which is approximately, 3px.
This property specifies the source of an image to be passed as a border to an element.
使用属性 * border-image-source* 指定的图像可以通过属性 * border-image-slice* 切割。
The image specified using the property border-image-source can be sliced using the property border-image-slice.
该属性顾名思义,用于切割图像。它会将图像分成 9 个区域,即 4 个角、4 条边和一个中间区域。
As the name suggests, this property is used to slice up an image. It divides the image in 9 regions, with 4 corners, 4 edges and a middle region.
下图展示了 * border-image-slice* 属性的功能:
The following diagram demonstrates function of border-image-slice property:
Note : * border-image-slice* 的偏移量可以按百分比和长度单位提供。但是,强烈建议使用百分比。
Note: Offset for border-image-slice can be provided in terms of percentage and length units. But, percentages are highly recommended.
Refer the following syntax for example:
border: 20px solid;
border-image-source: url('URL');
border-image-slice: 25%;
要指定要作为边框设置的图像的宽度,可以使用属性 border-image-width 。
To specify the width of the image to be set as a border, you can use the property border-image-width.
border: 20px solid;
border-image-source: url('URL');
border-image-width: 15px;
border-image-slice: 33.33%;
为了避免图像边框和内容的重叠,可以使用属性 * border-image-outset* 。
In order to avoid the overlapping of the image borders and the content, you can use the property border-image-outset.
This property pushes the border image outside, beyond the border box.
border: 20px solid;
padding: 1em;
border-image-source: url('URL');
border-image-width: 1;
border-image-slice: 10;
border-image-outset: 8px;
默认情况下,边框图像将在侧面拉伸,但这可以使用属性 * border-image-repeat* 更改。
By default the border image gets stretched along the sides, but this can be changed, using the property border-image-repeat.
This property repeats the image specified along the sides of the border, until the whole length and width is not filled.
border: 20px solid;
padding: 1em;
border-image-source: url('URL');
border-image-repeat: repeat;
它还可以取 round 的值,除了 stretch 和 repeat 。
It can also take the value as round, apart from stretch and repeat.
CSS Border Image - Shorthand
简便起见,有一个用于设置边框图像的简写,即 * border-image* 。传递给简写 border-image 的值使用 solidus 符号(/)分隔。应该以特定顺序列出这些值,即 slice ,然后是 width ,最后是 offset 。
For brevity purpose, there is a shorthand for setting up of border image, i.e., border-image. The values passed to shorthand border-image are separated using the solidus symbol (/). The values should be listed in a specific order, which is slice, then width and last is offset.
border-image: url('URL'), 40% 25% 20% fill / 12px 5px / 5px space;
注意:你还可以只使用一个值来声明属性 * border-image* ,即 URL,其余值将为默认值。
Note: You can also declare the property border-image with just one value i.e., URL and rest of the values will be default.
Let us see an example:
.box {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: 20px solid;
border-image: url(images/border.png) 30 round;
<div class="box"></div>
CSS Borders - Related Properties
所有与 border 相关的属性都列在下面的表格中:
All the properties related to border are listed in the table below:
Property |
Description |
A shorthand property for setting all the border properties in one declaration |
A shorthand property for setting bottom border of an element. |
Sets the color of bottom border of an element. |
Sets the width of bottom border of an element. |
Sets the style of bottom border of an element. |
A shorthand property for setting border color of an element. |
A shorthand property for setting left border of an element. |
Sets the color of left border of an element. |
Sets the width of left border of an element. |
Sets the style of left border of an element. |
A shorthand property for setting right border of an element. |
Sets the color of right border of an element. |
Sets the width of right border of an element. |
Sets the style of right border of an element. |
A shorthand property for setting style of border of an element |
A shorthand property for setting top border of an element. |
Sets the color of top border of an element. |
Sets the width of top border of an element. |
Sets the style of top border of an element. |
A shorthand property for setting border width of an element. |
A shorthand property for setting border image. |
Sets the image outset i.e how much the border image area extends beyond the border box. |
This property determines whether the border image should be repeated, rounded, spaced or stretched. |
Sets the source/path of an image to be passed as a border to an element. |
This property shows how to slice up an image in a border. |
Sets the width of the image to be set as a border. |