Eclipse 简明教程
Eclipse - Build Project
Building a Java Project
一个项目可以有零个或更多关联的生成器。一个 Java 项目关联到一个 Java 生成器。要查看与项目关联的生成器 -
A project can have zero or more builders associated with it. A java project is associated with a java builder. To see the builders associated with a project −
In the Package Explorer view right click on the project and select Properties.
In the left hand side tree click Builders.
java 构建器区分了 Java 项目和其他类型的项目。通过单击新建按钮,可以将 Ant 构建器与 java 项目关联。java 构建器负责编译 java 源代码并生成类。
It’s the java builder that distinguishes a Java project from other types of projects. By click on the New button you can associate the Ant builder with a java project. The java builder is responsible for compiling the java source code and generating classes.
java 构建器会收到工作空间资源的更改通知,并可以自动编译 java 代码。要禁用自动编译,请从项目菜单中取消选择自动构建选项。
The java builder is notified of changes to the resources in a workspace and can automatically compile java code. To disable automatic compilation deselect the Build Automatically option from the Project menu.
If automatic compilation is disabled then you can explicitly build a project by selecting the Build Project menu item on the Project menu. The Build Project menu item is disabled if the Build Automatically menu item is selected.