Internet Of Things 简明教程
Internet of Things - Eclipse
Eclipse 物联网是一个实体(行业和学术界)生态系统,共同致力于创建基于完全开源技术的物联网基础。他们的重点仍然是生成物联网标准技术的开源实现;为物联网解决方案利用创建开源框架和服务;以及为物联网开发人员开发工具。
Eclipse IoT is an ecosystem of entities (industry and academia) working together to create a foundation for IoT based exclusively on open source technologies. Their focus remains in the areas of producing open source implementations of IoT standard technology; creating open source frameworks and services for utilization in IoT solutions; and developing tools for IoT developers.

Smarthome Project
SmartHome 是 Eclipse 物联网的主要服务之一。它的目标是创建一个用于构建智能家居解决方案的框架,其重点仍然是异构环境,这意味着各种协议和标准集成。
SmartHome is one of Eclipse IoT’s major services. It aims to create a framework for building smart home solutions, and its focus remains heterogeneous environments, meaning assorted protocols and standards integration.
SmartHome 提供统一的设备和信息访问,以促进设备之间的交互。它由能够部署在 OSGi 运行时中的 OSGi 扩展包组成,其中 OSGi 服务被定义为扩展点。
SmartHome provides uniform device and information access to facilitate interaction between devices. It consists of OSGi bundles capable of deployment in an OSGi runtime, with OSGi services defined as extension points.
OSGi 扩展包是 Java 类组和其他资源,还包括详细的清单文件。清单包含有关文件内容、增强类行为所需的服务以及作为组件的聚合性质的信息。下方查看清单示例:
OSGi bundles are Java class groups and other resources, which also include detailed manifest files. The manifest contains information on file contents, services needed to enhance class behavior, and the nature of the aggregate as a component. Review an example of a manifest below −
Bundle-Name : Hi Everyone // Bundle Name
Bundle-SymbolicName : // Header specifying an identifier
Bundle-Description : A Hi Everyone bundle // Functionality description
Bundle-ManifestVersion : 2 // OSGi specification
Bundle-Version : 1.0.0 // Version number of bundle
Bundle-Activator : // Class invoked on bundle activation
Export-Package :;version = "1.0.0" // Java packages available externally
Import-Package : org.osgi.framework;version = "1.3.0" // Java packages needed from
// external source
Eclipse SCADA
Eclipse SCADA 是另一项主要的 Eclipse 物联网服务,它提供了一种将各种工业仪器连接到共享通信系统的方式。它还对数据进行后处理,并将数据可视化发送给操作员。它使用具有通信服务、监控系统、归档和数据可视化的 SCADA 系统。
Eclipse SCADA, another major Eclipse IoT service, delivers a means of connecting various industrial instruments to a shared communication system. It also post-processes data and sends data visualizations to operators. It uses a SCADA system with a communication service, monitoring system, archive, and data visualization.

它的目标是成为一个完整的、最先进的开源 SCADA 系统,用于开发定制解决方案。它支持的技术和工具包括 shell 应用程序、JDBC、Modbus TCP 和 RTU、Simatic S7 PLC、OPC 和 SNMP。
It aims to be a complete, state-of-the-art open source SCADA system for developing custom solutions. Its supported technologies and tools include shell applications, JDBC, Modbus TCP and RTU, Simatic S7 PLC, OPC, and SNMP.